[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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At the end of the day it's just money, there's no point in going to work day in day out if you're not going to reap the rewards :D I've no doubt in my mind it'll probbaly be half that price in a few weeks or less, and I still wouldn't recommend importing one. Too many potential problems such as faulty hardware, still unanswered questions about regions and overpriced hardware.

But I'm an idiot :D I grabbed a 512MB Duo as well, I'm encoding some films from DVD now to play on the PSP so I can bring a kick ass review with tonnes of photos, movies and tests. Gonna pick up Lumines and another Battery from Play-Asia now.

bacd, how's the language barrier in Lumines? Would it be easy enough for me to get to grips with?

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According to certain analysts who follow very close the exits of the

new consoles, Sony could leave the PSP earlier than envisaged to the

USA. The launching of the PSP awaited for March in the USA and in

Europe according to the last declarations of Sony, could be finally

advanced in January in the USA.

Our sources indicate to us in the same way an exit of the portable

console in Europe for February in spite of the many problems of

provisioning. Nothing official for the moment.


Thanks to GoT

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thanks bacd. and congrads on your wedding and baby.


Thank you very much...I'm quite excited myself :woot:

nice review man!  thanks!

did you have a hard time with the square button?  i don't think i noticed any complaints in there.


nope, no problems with my square button at all, other than a bit of squeekiness.... :cool:

bacd, how's the language barrier in Lumines? Would it be easy enough for me to get to grips with?


The language barrier is quite easy....most of lumines is in English it seems, and even whats not is easy to muddle through...my Japanese isn't all that great but I was able to set up and play very quickly...there is actually more Japanese in RR than in lumines...

wow what a great deal on that memstick...i need to pick one up as well, but I should buy that sony image converter first...

I'll also let you know how difficult Metal Gear Acid is later today.... :yes:

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The language barrier is quite easy....most of lumines is in English it seems, and even whats not is easy to muddle through...my Japanese isn't all that great but I was able to set up and play very quickly...there is actually more Japanese in RR than in lumines...


I hope so, I just ordered Lumines and another Battery from Play Asia :D

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At the end of the day it's just money, there's no point in going to work day in day out if you're not going to reap the rewards :D I've no doubt in my mind it'll probbaly be half that price in a few weeks or less, and I still wouldn't recommend importing one. Too many potential problems such as faulty hardware, still unanswered questions about regions and overpriced hardware.


this the rational i usually use when i buy my gadgets, but really it's the paying a premiuim to have it sooner, i've been a very paitent person, but man the psp looks nice

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According to certain analysts who follow very close the exits of the

new consoles, Sony could leave the PSP earlier than envisaged to the

USA. The launching of the PSP awaited for March in the USA and in

Europe according to the last declarations of Sony, could be finally

advanced in January in the USA.

Our sources indicate to us in the same way an exit of the portable

console in Europe for February in spite of the many problems of

provisioning. Nothing official for the moment.


Thanks to GoT


THAT, is good news. *starts collecting pennies :unsure:

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Ok, here is part 2 of my review...although this part is primarily pictures...

I just wanted to throw in a quick shot fo the fabeld UMD drawer that flies open when you twist it too hard. Looking inside (sorry no camera shot of that...too difficult) you can see that the latch that holds the door very small, and thus could open easily accidentally (thus hard twisting may shake it open).


It also seems that the bay door is slightly warped, which may only add to the problems...


Below is the box art that was released for the japanese verions of these games, as you may know the art may change for the US/Foreign Release...

Ridge Racers





Medal Gear Ac!d (shown with a DS box to show box size)


And finally, are shots of the UMD, as you can see there is no protection on a corner of the disc itself, and this is my major complaint about the unit. There will probably never be any cover since to do so would require another mechanism inside the unit that those who bought early will not have...that or Sony will screw the J-versions and only incorporate it in to the foreign models, thereby making the PSP non-region free....


Soon I'll be posting a quick review of MGA as well as a summary of my battery life from my travel to the states...

Again, any questions, please feel free to ask away!

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can japanese PSP plays US PSP game or vice visa when comes out?


Sony has stated that games will be region free, but videos supposedly will not be...but no way to test this until it is released elsewhere...

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I'm waiting until I can get the US version (I believe comes WITH Advent Children?) so that I can have FF7:AC in english... as I understand nada as far as Japanese goes.


The US version comign with Advent Children? That would be awesome if it did, but I don't think sony would give up the chance to get cash on that item, knowing it will be a big seller...

Besides, the J version will probably have subtitles and/or dubs...

at least I hope..... :D

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As you can tell, I have had a rather boring evening, so here is my quick review of Metal Gear Ac!d...

First of all, unless yoru Japanese is up to par, don't bother importing this one. The whole story dialog is in Japanese, but oddly enough most of the menu's are in English....not sure about that one...so unless you just want to play and not understand the story, this one is not for you (and sorry I can't give a better story description, but my Japanese isn't up to par either....thank goodess for the wife!)

Anyway, the action starts off simple enough, with a quick preview of using the card system and how each one reacts....each chapter (so far, up to chapter 3) intrduces new items and gimpics for you to try out, including a card shop wher eyou can trade points fo cards, and a card manager so you can decide what 30 card syou want to use at a time.

To keep people striving for perfection (re: no kills, speed, and...something else I can;t remember now) some key items can only be obtained by finishing a level with these specifics in mind. Also at the end of each level you get a few extra cards to add to yoru deck as well.

Throughout each level there are several bonus packs that you can collect to add to the cards that you can buy from a store. Many of these items are from previous MGS games. When I go home next week I will plug in my PS2 to my PSP because supposedly it will unlock something if I have MGS3 and MGA at the same time...

Anyway, game play is fairly standard turn based. Each action you perform uses up point, and these points must diminish before you can move again, there for you have to be careful how many points you use. To start, you can only use two cards (from the 6 that show at a time per turn (i.e. move, and shoot) but I believe that will eventually increase to allow more cards per turn. You also have to keep in mind that you can use only each card you have once (but there can be multiple of the same items) until you have gone through your deck of 30, and then you can use them once again. Also, unless the card is specifically a move card, you must waste another card to perform your moving.

The graphics and cutscenes are quiet good, although there is no dialog and the cutscenes are for the most part non-action video (re: no moving or slight movements...and the characters are more anime looking than realistic) and the sound is excellent as well. This is one game you will either love or hate, even if you enjoyed the rest of the MG series. This game is VERY different...kind of like a yugioh or pokemon videogame using the card systems...i guess its more liek a RPG...

Overall I really enjoy this game, even though I am not understanding the story very much...but it would be a top pick for when the system comes out to the states.

Again, any question, let me know! :D

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Hmm, a sign of things to come in the UK?


PSP (regular pack, not Value pack) - ?179.99 ($350), available March 18th 2005.

That's at the higher end of the scale that I thought it'd be, it'll probably translate into a $180 RRP in the US as well.

Mind you, if the DS release prices stays the same at ?129.99 then the PSP suddenly seems a lot more attractive.

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As you can tell, I have had a rather boring evening, so here is my quick review of Metal Gear Ac!d...

First of all, unless yoru Japanese is up to par, don't bother importing this one.? The whole story dialog is in Japanese, but oddly enough most of the menu's are in English....not sure about that one...so unless you just want to play and not understand the story,? this one is not for you (and sorry I can't give a better story description, but my Japanese isn't up to par either....thank goodess for the wife!)

Anyway, the action starts off simple enough, with a quick preview of using the card system and how each one reacts....each chapter (so far, up to chapter 3) intrduces new items and gimpics for you to try out, including a card shop wher eyou can trade points fo cards, and a card manager so you can decide what 30 card syou want to use at a time.

To keep people striving for perfection (re: no kills, speed, and...something else I can;t remember now) some key items can only be obtained by finishing a level with these specifics in mind.? Also at the end of each level you get a few extra cards to add to yoru deck as well.

Throughout each level there are several bonus packs that you can collect to add to the cards that you can buy from a store.? Many of these items are from previous MGS games.? When I go home next week I will plug in my PS2 to my PSP because supposedly it will unlock something if I have MGS3 and MGA at the same time...

Anyway, game play is fairly standard turn based.? Each action you perform uses up point, and these points must diminish before you can move again, there for you have to be careful how many points you use.? To start, you can only use two cards (from the 6 that show at a time per turn (i.e. move, and shoot) but I believe that will eventually increase to allow more cards per turn.? You also have to keep in mind that you can use only each card you have once (but there can be multiple of the same items) until you have gone through your deck of 30, and then you can use them once again.? Also, unless the card is specifically a move card, you must waste another card to perform your moving.

The graphics and cutscenes are quiet good, although there is no dialog and the cutscenes are for the most part non-action video (re: no moving or slight movements...and the characters are more anime looking than realistic) and the sound is excellent as well.? This is one game you will either love or hate, even if you enjoyed the rest of the MG series.? This game is VERY different...kind of like a yugioh or pokemon videogame using the card systems...i guess its more liek a RPG...

Overall I really enjoy this game, even though I am not understanding the story very much...but it would be a top pick for when the system comes out to the states.

Again, any question, let me:Dnow! :D


Are the graphics like Metal Gear Solid 2 for PS2 or more like MGS1 for PS1???

Sorry i cant tell this with pi:(ures... :(

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More like MGS2 for PS2, here's some screens:


Here's more (reassuring) confirmation that games on the PSP will be multiregional and movies will go by DVD region codes:


Which makes me even happier because in the rare occurance (FFVII: AC) that I buy a UMD movie I can buy it from the UK as well because we share the same region as Japan.

Never before has a little figure caused so much excitement. It may even be the most controversial number two since Robbie Savage was fined ?10,000 for using the ref's toilet at Filbert Street. But this particular digit belongs on the bottom of the Japanese version of Ridge Racer and it seems to have rattled the entire internet.

The reason for the flurry of electronically-driven chatter has been the appearance of tiny Region 2 badges on Japanese-bought PSPs and the various launch games. And with many forum folk putting two and two together, they started to worry that, just as with DVD movies, the Japanese titles and the machines wouldn't work over here.

But the ever-watchful Sony have stepped in to once again clear up the confusion and pour soothing oil on the trouble waters. They point out that PSP is region-free so long as you are gaming but is not region-free for watching films or listening to tunes. So that means you will need to check the logos on the box if you are planning to play movies and music from another part of the globe on your PSP. Got it?

PSP is out in Japan now. It's set to hit the US in January and lands in the UK in March

What gets me is the last line, more credibility to the US launch in January?

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Hmm, a sign of things to come in the UK?


PSP (regular pack, not Value pack) - ?179.99 ($350), available March 18th 2005.

That's at the higher end of the scale that I thought it'd be, it'll probably translate into a $180 RRP in the US as well.

Mind you, if the DS release prices stays the same at ?129.99 then the PSP suddenly seems a lot more attractive.


EEEk, well i just pre-orderd mine just in case. Im still looking at getting a jap import mabie end of jan feb, if i do ill just cancel my pre-order.

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Might as well post some more pics to drool over:





Also a little insight into movies on the memory stick scenario from what I've read on the net.

Encoding MP4 movies at the native 480*272 resolution throws up an error "incompatible data", they seem to have to be encoded at 320*240 then the PSP can either play them back at that or "zoom" which will stretch the film to fill the entire screen.

Here's House Of Flying Daggers I ripped into a 16:9 AVI with subs, (if what we believe so far holds) there's also the only compatible PSP format (QVGA 320*240) that it has to be encoded to, then the third one is what it'll look like on the PSP's 480*272 screen with the PSP's Zoom mode. The last image is what it could look like if it ran 480*272 res movies natively :hmmm:

Click the thumb:


A firmware update for this would be most welcome but I imagine Sony would be afraid of cannabilizing their UMD movie sales.

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Yeah, there's no doubt they want to protect the UMD movies. How many people would even consider them if you could get the DVD, rip it, and encode a movie at the native resolution and have the same quality - plus you have the DVD to enjoy the movie on your TV.

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too bad the video has to be stretched. if it was capable of the native res then wow. sharp and crisp.

edit: so dazzla is that the system you got? delivered so fast? hows the battery doing? heat, sound, etc.

how about a first impression review like the ds.

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Nah, that's not mine, mine's on it's way from Hong Kong as we speak, I'll have it Monday or Tuesday if I'm lucky :D Ridge will be arriving with the Value pack, I ordered Lumines and a second battery seperately so that'll come after xmas I imagine.

I'll be posting a full thorough review as well.

Edit, also, I've been playing with Image Converter 2, it's pretty damn ugly and not very customizable. I like the simple drag and drop converter app more so far, far more customizable, I've added 2 pass encoding, more video and audio bitrates etc.

Here's a screeny of Sony's Image Converter 2:


As opposed to the little utility which I'm using at the moment:



I'm just playing with the optimum size:quality ratio at the moment, all of a suddent 512mb seems small :s

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