[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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You see the problem with the whole Nintendo DS v. PSP thing is, when you get down to the base of it all, the DS is a shotty idea. The PSP is what Nintendo should have done years ago, and that's reinvent the handheld market.


How is PSP really any different than what Nintendo was doing though? PSP looks like the natural progression of what was happening with the Game Boy line, same general idea but with more power - GBA most certainly is not the same device as the grey brick after all.

As for reinventing the handheld, in what way? The gaming aspect is Game Boy with more power, that's not reinventing at all. Having media capabilities in a gaming device isn't new either if we count the Tapwave Zodiac (actually, with it's touch screen that would mean DS is not the first gaming device with touch screen)

In the end PSP includes many of the same ideas we've seen in the past, but done better and with the Sony Playstation name behind it. It's a great handheld with a really nice design inside and out that will have a lot of great games, but I can't say it reinvents anything :)

Edited by Danrarbc641
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i cant say it reinvents but i can say they invented ot applyed the first widescreen for a handheld device


It's the first 16:9 screen, but there have been several handhelds with screens wider than a square or 4:3 ratio released in the past, including GBA. So again not a new idea, just a really nice extension on an old one.

That screen... :drool:

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Yea, let me kind of restate what I said earlier. It came off a little weird. What I was getting at is that Nintendo basically did nothing with the Game Boy, in all actuality there wasn't much difference between each Game Boy version. They took the same thing, and basically rereleased it year after year, and it was ok, because it was their market.

With the PSP challenging it, because it's not really anything new, it's just much better graphics and a nice screen, Nintendo needed to do something. So it reinvented it's own market instead of doing the logical thing which was to make a significant upgrade to the Gameboy.

The DS is a nice idea, but it failed in my eyes. Nintendo has to much fear of losing legacy owners, but they could have very easily created a Nintendo Gameboy without the Gameboy name, something targeted at the same market as the PSP. They had the early release they could have conquered the market yet again.

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what is reinventing about ds and psp is not on hte abilities to produce stunning visual effects, its about the wifi capabilities and each individual approach the two companies are trying to market:

ds: having two screens mean having two sets of visual information presented to the user (not gamer, because these products have uses other than gaming). with its touch screen on the bottom, the skys the limit. think of the game nintendog and see how the touch screen helps integrate actual contact between the user and contents in the system.

psp: this is a true multimedia device. not only does it approach hardcore gamers, it also allows users to bring along multimedia content, on the go. if sony's successful in bringing this product line to the general public (not just gamers), then the umd and psp could really mean competition to the pmc as well. however its reliance on umd and memory stick duo seems to be the bottleneck to achieving this goal.

now the wifi, woah, connection online through these devices anywhere means a whole lot of things. im not going to go on about this cause i dont know what the limit is to it but if psp and ds opens up the unit further than gaming, such as messaging which has already done so for ds, browsing, online updates etc. then i really know what these companies might do.

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and the un protected spot, the reason its like that is so the lazer can read the disk people!, the protective screen around it may be too refractive light wize or reflective....their holder things should have though had the lift stop at the top to encourage people to only lift from there..


:rofl: ... i think we kow that's the reason, but what we wonder is why it wasn't more like a floppy disk, you know when you stick in it the drive the thin metal cover slides to allow exposure to the media, and that metal cover helps to limit damage to the media :p

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Date             Time   Country      City           Status
Dec 18, 2004  	00:50:04  	DE    	KOELN (COLOGNE)  	HUB SCAN
Dec 18, 2004  	00:49:44  	DE    	KOELN (COLOGNE)  	HUB SCAN
Dec 17, 2004  	02:21:06  	HK    	CHEK LAP KOK      EXPORT SCAN
Dec 17, 2004  	02:20:06  	HK    	CHEK LAP KOK      ORIGIN SCAN
Dec 16, 2004  	22:26:23  	HK    	KWAI CHUNG        PICKUP SCAN
Dec 16, 2004  	06:22:37  	HK                       BILLING INFORMATION RECEIVED

Come on!!! :| Where's concorde when you need it...

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it looks like he got it from lik sang. hong kong based company. oooohhhh hong kong my hometown.

edit: concord? what about space shuttle daz, or "teleportation"?!

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by current rates and japanese street price:

unit itself: 19800 yen = 232.55 cad

value pack: 24800 yen = 291.27 cad

games: 4800 yen = 56.37 cad

should be around this level.

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I'd be very surprised at January, I mean they're still having problems manufacturing enough for Japan, let alone the US market. I could perhaps see a Feb release but even that seems like a push to me. March in US and EU sounds plausible, but then everyone said that Sony wouldn't get the PSP out in calendar year 2004 and they did so I wouldn't put it past them.

I've been dumping video, music and photos on my memory card. Finding Nemo Clip (highest bitrate for vid and audio, the show off clip :D), 1 episode each of Naruto, SG1 and Scrubs, as well as all the Lou and Andy from Little Britain Series 1. On top of that I've stuck the Razorlight album, Snow Patrol album, 8 random MP3s and some photos from my last holiday.

46mb left on the 512mb card (468mb actual formatted space), enough for some more Little Britain :happy:

As soon as the 1GB sticks are readily available for a decent price I'll be jumping on it!

Here's a few pics of the Duo, it came with an adapter to use it in regular MS slots which was handy because I had a 3.5" Media Card reader which I got for free a few weeks back :happy:


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I <3 Dazzla for his gadget-ness... as a matter of fact I'm going to create a religion for it ....

naah seriously, I can't wait till I have one and play via wifi at school *drools*

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I <3 Dazzla for his gadget-ness... as a matter of fact I'm going to create a religion for it ....

naah seriously, I can't wait till I have one and play via wifi at school *drools*


i guess youll be sitting at the back of the class along with few others :D

seriously daz. got your psp yet? :sleep:

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No, and it's killing me :| If all goes well I'll have it tomorrow, I'll be ringing home from work every 10 minutes and asking :|


why did you bother spending twice more than its actual cost to get it?

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desperate indeed. guess youll be a product tester just like all the other users with their hands on the first batch.

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