[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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i never aimed the word crap at nintendo, I aimed it at whatever was cheaper, there are other handheld consoles you know? \

I already mentioned Sony's reputation for Sony Timer.

You're reply is due to your own misunderstanding, so in effect you're arguing with yourself.

and didn't you just ask Peter NOT to double post?!

and who said we;d export you to Japan, I'd send you off to hell. ok ok, more realistically, I choose..,.,, Kazakhistan


Nintendo DS is cheaper than Ngage, Gizmondo and PSP. So tell me what other console was there that you were aiming? The very first gameboy? Cause that cost mroe than the nintendo DS during its launch.

Kazakhistan is negotiable ;)

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I just thought i would chime in that I have had the pleasure of using a PSP for the past 5 days as I got one in a 'beta' test and it has got to be the most fun I have had in a handheld unit in a long time.

I have the DS and I like the DS, but for giggles, I got RIDGE RACER for the PSP (with the BETA) and they just released RIDGE RACER for DS and I went and picked that up from my local GameStop and there is no comparison.

the PSP has a widescreen view - beautiful colors, enhanced images and the graphics blows the DS out of the water.

My time with the PSP would have been better spent if the items I was given to Beta Test weren't in Japenese... hee hee... I barely speak english and that is my first language... :laugh:

Really - If Sony can get the PSP out to market sooner than later here in the good old US they have a clear winner.


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....and who said we;d export you to Japan, I'd send you off to hell. ok ok, more realistically, I choose..,.,, Kazakhistan...


I said that... and on second though... I agree more with you... Japan is too great :p

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cheaper in certain countries << Beep! >>

the Ngage costs 60 pounds in my Bahrain where I'm in now for vacation!

Screw it, I'm tired of arguing with you, it's obvious you are not open minded and will just stick to your own opinions no matter what.

<< Edited >>

No Flaming, Personal attacks such as flaming, instigating "flame bait", verbal abuse or mocking of members in forum posts are not tolerated at Neowin. Such posts will be deleted on sight and moderated accordingly. If you are a long standing member, act like one. Lead by example and assist other newer members rather then attacking them. We look upon our veteran members to use this opportunity to teach the newer members the appropriate way to use these message boards.

(mods: sorry for this sudden rage)

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I just thought i would chime in that I have had the pleasure of using a PSP for the past 5 days as I got one in a 'beta' test and it has got to be the most fun I have had in a handheld unit in a long time.

I have the DS and I like the DS, but for giggles, I got RIDGE RACER for the PSP (with the BETA) and they just released RIDGE RACER for DS and I went and picked that up from my local GameStop and there is no comparison.

the PSP has a widescreen view - beautiful colors, enhanced images and the graphics blows the DS out of the water. 

My time with the PSP would have been better spent if the items I was given to Beta Test weren't in Japenese... hee hee... I barely speak english and that is my first language...  :laugh:

Really - If Sony can get the PSP out to market sooner than later here in the good old US they have a clear winner.



Always with the ridge racer comparison, what does ridge racer have to offer the new nintendo DS techologies, it was namco's failure, not nintendo's not to fully use the capabilities of nintendo's new handheld console.

They simply made a rehash of the old N64 version because they wanted to be part of the launch sales which backfried miserably.

Japan got most of the good titles for DS, and has great success in sales in software and hardware. Even right now, this week top 10 sales, there is no PSP game to be seen, while mario 64 DS is still ranked 2nd.

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cheaper in certain countries you ****ing idiot!

the Ngage costs 60 pounds in my Bahrain where I'm in now for vacation!

Screw it, I'm tired of arguing with you, it's obvious you are not open minded and will just stick to your own opinions no matter what.

I hope the DS you have explodes in your hands and the tiny little shards find their way up your ass.

(mods: sorry for this sudden rage)


You know, i got banned for saying that word to someone, yet you probably wont be restricted or punished since both of the supermoderators in this subsection are pro-psp and hate my guts, so you are free in pretty much saying any word to me, nothing will happen to you. Trust me.

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Always with the ridge racer comparison, what does ridge racer have to offer the new nintendo DS techologies, it was namco's failure, not nintendo's not to fully use the capabilities of nintendo's new handheld console.

They simply made a rehash of the old N64 version because they wanted to be part of the launch sales which backfried miserably.

Japan got most of the good titles for DS, and has great success in sales in software and hardware. Even right now, this week top 10 sales, there is no PSP game to be seen, while mario 64 DS is still ranked 2nd.


Ever thought of the fact that more people have got a DS then people have a PSP becuase it was released later... it's so obvious

[edit] stop double posting... you look like a n00b :p

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Ever thought of the fact that more people have got a DS then people have a PSP becuase it was released later... it's so obvious

[edit] stop double posting... you look like a n00b :p


Yes, and Nintendo beat Sony in handheld sales, what is your point?

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what word? I used stars. I love shiny stars :)


Not the censored word, but the word "idiot"... Yes, they have gone that low to find excuses in banning me.

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IMO from first impressions i would have to say that purely on looks and style i would instantly choose the PSP over the Nintendo DS.

Looking deeper at it the PSP also appears to show a much wider functionality!

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Yes, and Nintendo beat Sony in handheld sales, what is your point?


My point is that the DS has been released before the PSP giving more people the opportunity to buy one, and accordingly buy games...

I think the PS2 also had better sales then the GC when it came out, so you counter-argument is based on nothing...

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Yes, and Nintendo beat Sony in handheld sales, what is your point?


Okay... we know you like the DS more than the PSP; so why keep arguing? All this comes down to is individual opinions. Some people think the PSP is better than the DS, and some people will think the DS is better than the PSP. No matter which consoles come out, and no matter what the specs of any of them are, you will still end up with arguments like this one.

I think now would be a good time to agree to disagree about this. This is supposed to be the Definitive Sony PSP thread, not the "DS is better than PSP" thread.

Anyways, back on topic: Do you guys think it would be wise to wait until the North America release, or would importing be fine? :s

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perhaps you said it to a person when he wasn't being an idiot.

And if you say the mods hate you so much, it must be for a reason.

Either go away, or BE LOVED.

I choose the first option for you, but then again, maybe you're smart enough to do the latter.

(you'll probably argue, "So stating my opinions makes me hated?" "I can't argue the differences between a PSP and DS?" "The mods love PSP so no matter what I say I'll be hated" "Why do I need to be loved by people I dont know or dont care about?" )

Just typed a few to save you time.

@ peter, I hope so too. and call me Kei (thats what everyone else does, saves time typing too)

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Anyways, back on topic: Do you guys think it would be wise to wait until the North America release, or would importing be fine? :s


I'd wait... you'll get it before we europeans do anyhow... and there's probably some upgraded firmware and stuff so I'd hold out, at least for another month to see whether sony makes a statement of some sort about the PSP... :yes:

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just to save me reading this whole thread i wondered what price these are meant to be in the US, as i saw a review stating that they were about $250 but i cannot find them cheaper that $399.

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its because they're imported Craybox.

@ devin, maybe you missed it, IGN's review said the firmware is updateable via the Wifi ability.


Is it also upgradable without the wifi... because I'm not getting wifi for upgrades only :p

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its because they're imported Craybox.

@ devin, maybe you missed it, IGN's review said the firmware is updateable via the Wifi ability.


I saw that... :p The only thing I'm concerned about right now is the price. I saw it at Lik-Sang for $339 USD. That's about $405 CAD, plus there's shipping. I'm not sure if it's going to get a lot cheaper, but I'm just wondering if it will drop in price at all by the time it's released here. :s

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umm regarding the memory debate, maniacdvln seems to be forgetting that when 1 gb sd cards came out, their price was sky high too. And look how much the price has dropped. From 200 to 70...same will happen with memory stick pro duo. I mean come on...sony makes a huge profit on those, and when they lower the price substantially, many more people will buy, and they will still be making a good profit. And then, when people are looking to buy a digicam, and they see that camera x supports memory stick duo, then they will probably consider it because they already have the stick.

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