[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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Yes. When are you getting your PSP? You can have mine off me for ?30 when I get my 1GB if you want:DD


hmm, around the 15th, when do you get your 1Gb?

(put me first in line for your 512Mb stick:)))

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hmm, around the 15th, when do you get your 1Gb?

(put me first in line for your 512Mb stick :))


Mid January, but I can settle with just using my 32mb during the overlap :happy:

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I got the LAST three PSPs!!!!!

(finally found them in Niigata after searching high and low in Tokyo)

Andrew.. Peter... Start dancing, and you both owe me a pint.

For a sad two I was unable to get the PSPs.

For those who asked for the PSPs in the beginning (and also kindly paid in advance) will be getting them.

My sincerest apologies for those I was unable to help.


Where did you order/get your PSP ?


Peter = me :)

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Hopefully amnesia_kei will find another one for me. But I doubt it.

On the other hand, he's there for another whole week, who knows...let's pray. :rofl:

Edited by Goldrusher
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I'm not paying twice the normal price, just to have it 2 months earlier.

Shop price + shipment + something extra for the person who gets it for me

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did you guys have a look at the psp game list over at ces coverage by ign? they also got some first hands impressions, screens and official news over there annoucnced. go have a look.

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Is the tilt sensor included with the game or do you have to buy it separately?


theyre trying to incorporate it into the umd before launch I believe.

Dazz, he was using the analog stick to control the mercury.

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theyre trying to incorporate it into the umd before launch I believe.


Into the UMD? It'll be an external device, presumably hooking into the USB port on the top. How would they put it in the UMD?

Anyway, either way Archer Mclean is pushing SCEE to include it in the initial Mercury package at launch, either as a SE package or seerately. Either way it's going to add absolutely tonnes to the experience. With the tile sensor the camera is fixed and the mercury acts as if it's trapped under the screen (apparently the feeling they were going after). I won't be happy if I can't get it with the tilt sensor, but either way I'll get it :D

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According to the interview, Mercury will include "a very precise motion sensor peripheral." The peripheral will likely plug into the system's USB slot (there's no receiver to send a signal through from the disc, unlike cartridges that use similar technology that build the sensor right into the game)
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Into the UMD? It'll be an external device, presumably hooking into the USB port on the top. How would they put it in the UMD?

Anyway, either way Archer Mclean is pushing SCEE to include it in the initial Mercury package at launch, either as a SE package or seerately. Either way it's going to add absolutely tonnes to the experience. With the tile sensor the camera is fixed and the mercury acts as if it's trapped under the screen (apparently the feeling they were going after). I won't be happy if I can't get it with the tilt sensor, but either way I'll get it :D


usb add on? fine with me :) , my bad.

But im pretty sure that the mercury is being controlled via analog in the video

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usb add on? fine with me  :) , my bad.

But im pretty sure that the mercury is being controlled via analog in the video


it is. the machine aint being tilted, and the usb aint connected.

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wow i didnt even know i was a member @ neowin.. i must've made an id ..sometime.. or something.. anyway

i just recently got my gba sp (lol i know im pretty late..)

i thought the ds seemed too, i dont know, bulky? the psp looks a bit large for me as well. Does the screen worry you? i'd always be affraid of scratching it. i think i'll be interested in buying one well after it's US release if some sort of emulation progs were developed to work off of the memory sticks, like someone mentioned way earlier in this thread. that kind of thing is fun to me.


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How would they put it in the UMD?

Magic. :cool:

They can't put "in the UMD", that's a disk. And inside the cartridge is impossible as well, because there are no connectors for it.

Most likely USB.

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