[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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i've been using the stick for a while now. Doesnt annoy me at all.

I'm just worried  of getting dirt in the grooves.

*shines the PSP*


this time next week.... :happy:

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Is the video conversion software (the best version to convert file types for the psp) out yet? I cant seem to find it.

Secondly, what type of usb cable do you need to connect to it ? Does it come with one ?

Also, where can I (I live in the US) get a cheap 1gig duo or pro duo stick for the psp.

I wanna be all nice and ready so I can have it all pimped by the end of day 1.

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Is the video conversion software (the best version to convert file types for the psp) out yet? I cant seem to find it.

Secondly, what type of usb cable do you need to connect to it ? Does it come with one ?

Also, where can I (I live in the US) get a cheap 1gig duo or pro duo stick for the psp.

I wanna be all nice and ready so I can have it all pimped by the end of day 1.



(i have the updated repack availabl:p:p)



3. good luck...

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(i have the updated repack available :p)


ok...i gotta ask.....the updated repack of...??? :blink:


and fixed the link for ya :)

edit:Well thought I did, but maybe the link itself was bad? Anyway, I believe its a miniusb...or whatever the one with the slightly flared edges on the component side is...liek the one seen here Mini USB B Male

anyone tried that update pack with the wordprocessor et.al mentioned earlier?

Edited by bacd
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quick update:

Andrew, I switched the game for you!! You also got the Limited Demo Disc.

Peter, I bought you an original case (since it was the only one they had) it comes with a strap as well.

I bought both of you a screen protector.

Which one of you asked for the extra battery?

If I made any mix ups, let me know.

Thanks Andrew for mentioning everything again, makes my life easier.

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Peter, I bought you an original case (since it was the only one they had) it comes with a strap as well.

Which one of you asked for the extra battery?


I asked for the extra battery :)

Original Case is good, thanks

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well you might want to try right click save as.

and no ones really talked aobu the EXACT shipping date and the unconfirmed but overly price posted on amazon, even though its been mentioned by sony that the price remains under 200usd, and japans street price at 190usd.

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price and ship date leaked by amazon uk? http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...4044118-9174026

and also an interesting video: http://mga.sorobangeeks.com//news_pics/133/psp_cassee.mpg

dont cry guys.


do that to a nintendo ds and you will see the end result. (it being broken into 1 million pieces)

But why do they tk the psp?

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What better way to celebrate a birthday than to get smashed? OK, maybe not such a good idea if you?re a PSP. Some Japanese kids took the portable out for a night on the town to celebrate its one-month anniversary and beat the crap out of it with an aluminum baseball, stomp on it, throw it down a couple of times and then run over it. I can only assume the Japanese text that pops up after one of them hits a grand slam with the PSP explains what concoction of drugs they took to elicit such PSP hatred.

looks like day time to me. but daymn that is heartbreaking.:no:o:

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i was going to write my impressions of the PSP but this FRENCH KEYBOARD is so Effing difficult to use *is in the AirFrance First Class lounge on the way back to the UK*. At least the Japanese one had QWERTY.

Guess Ill do it when i get back

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bacd, i have the cleaned up version of the video converter...dont remember where i found it though

and i broke the image link on purpose...because the image is big..real big.


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PSP is at "high risk" of a substantial delay--into next year for Japan, and perhaps all the way to November 2005 for the US market. That's the word from two separate memos sent on consecutive business days from noted industry analysts.


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