[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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It cost me 30 pounds, I bought it from Japan's Akihabara area, they have TONS in stock. Yodabashi Camera (the place where I bought it) are always full.

You can get them at similar prices on ebay, somme uk sites are pricier but still less than the RRP. Also, once the 1gb and 2gb become more available, I'm sure the 512's will be cheaper.

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It cost me 30 pounds, I bought it from Japan's Akihabara area, they have TONS in stock. Yodabashi Camera (the place where I bought it) are always full.

You can get them at similar prices on ebay, somme uk sites are pricier but still less than the RRP. Also, once the 1gb and 2gb become more available, I'm sure the 512's will be cheaper.


70$, not bad, but you have to include this in PSPs cost. So 400$ Can for the PSP bundle & 2 games + 70-80$ Can 512mb stick = 470 + 15% tax = 540$ to play games on the go.

This is simply too much. If sony just let us buy the PSP standalone without any forced game/accessory bundles. It would have been more competitively priced. Now, not only do customers have to consider this extreme high cost, they also are forced to buy games they dont want. Nowhere in Canada are they selling the valuepack alone, there is always games that are bundled with it. Probably this is same in the US. Probably a forced decision by Sony on retailers. I am very dissapointed by this arrogant move.

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well at the end of the day I guess it depends on the region.

My value, memory stick and three games cost me 486 Canadian Dollars, 210 pounds. (bought from Japan)

Bundled games released in a pack are a store decision, not to do with Sony at all.

I mean, we have to look at this based on your arguments.

You said that you are only interested in the games aspect, so if that was the case then the difference between a DS and PSP is 30 pounds (comparison between Basic and DS in Japan or DS and PSP Value in UK)

At the end of the day pricing is set by the company and I feel that 30 pounds isn't a bid deal.

Now if your only interested in the gaming side of things, then a 512mb stick is unnecessary anyway for you so you're not spending any money.

If you want to talk about the PSP's pricing after it's functions then you'll have to do the same with the DS. Since with the DS, you need to pay for the video attachment, the memory card as well, and perhaps an MP3 attachment (i didn't say photoviewer since I think the video attachment can do that) Either way, you're still spending on both units.

edit: you added that tax thing, but i think pricing is set to include tax. That's the way it is in Japan and the UK anyway.

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well at the end of the day I guess it depends on the region.

My value, memory stick and three games cost me 486 Canadian Dollars, 210 pounds. (bought from Japan)

Bundled games released in a pack are a store decision, not to do with Sony at all.

I mean, we have to look at this based on your arguments.

You said that you are only interested in the games aspect, so if that was the case then the difference between a DS and PSP is 30 pounds (comparison between Basic and DS in Japan or DS and PSP Value in UK)

At the end of the day pricing is set by the company and I feel that 30 pounds isn't a bid deal.

Now if your only interested in the gaming side of things, then a 512mb stick is unnecessary anyway for you so you're not spending any money.

If you want to talk about the PSP's pricing after it's functions then you'll have to do the same with the DS. Since with the DS, you need to pay for the video attachment, the memory card as well, and perhaps an MP3 attachment (i didn't say photoviewer since I think the video attachment can do that) Either way, you're still spending on both units.

edit: you added that tax thing, but i think pricing is set to include tax. That's the way it is in Japan and the UK anyway.


In Canada prices do not inclue the tax, so there is a hidden "screw you" when you near the cashier.

DS is not PSP. Are you saying that both of these handhelds function the same? Ok if we go by your argument, that would mean I would have to learn some engineering skills and add touchscreen to my PSP, and an extra screen, extra battery and "download play" feature. Your argument doesnt hold water. Not mention, DS media player is not available for the US presently.

If I am going to buy a PSP, I might as well use it at its full potentiel, dishing out 400$ is not something I can take lightely. And since you brought DS into this debate. DS games are 10$ cheaper than PSP games, more or less.

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no my point had nothing to do with similarity of functions, it had to do with purchasing accessories so that the DS could acheive some of the PSP's capabilities.

If there was a touch screen attachment, then you could add it to the price tag.

But you basically said it yourself, it's an accessory and you DONT have to have it. It's an option. So pricing should be based upon the unit itself not anything you may want to have to expand your happiness.

My argument does hold water, you're just failing to see what I was saying.

Using a unit to it's full potential is an OPTION, who said you need to have a million movies, (if any movies at all) on a memory stick.

You only need it to save, finito, music, movies, and other things are an option (to use with the memory stick) I'm sure they are primarily focusing on those options being used with a UMD.

I mean, I could just as easily say, if I'm going to buy a DS (which I have and enjoy) then I might as well buy the additional accessories to enjoy what PSP users are enjoying.

If Canada has the games at 10 dollars cheaper, or has tax, then I guess your argument will only stand for Canadian users.

Lumines in Japan now for the PSP costs 12 pounds, (i'm sure it'll cost 25 in the UK when it's out)

It's simple. You choose the console you like. If you can afford to add anything else to it, great. If not, you chose it, you live with it.

If I didn't have my 512 stick I'd still be happy.

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no my point had nothing to do with similarity of functions, it had to do with purchasing accessories so that the DS could acheive some of the PSP's capabilities.

If there was a touch screen attachment, then you could add it to the price tag.

But you basically said it yourself, it's an accessory and you DONT have to have it. It's an option. So pricing should be based upon the unit itself not anything you may want to have to expand your happiness.

My argument does hold water, you're just failing to see what I was saying.

Using a unit to it's full potential is an OPTION, who said you need to have a million movies, (if any movies at all) on a memory stick.

You only need it to save, finito, music, movies, and other things are an option (to use with the memory stick) I'm sure they are primarily focusing on those options being used with a UMD.

I mean, I could just as easily say, if I'm going to buy a DS (which I have and enjoy) then I might as well buy the additional accessories to enjoy what PSP users are enjoying.

If Canada has the games at 10 dollars cheaper, or has tax, then I guess your argument will only stand for Canadian users.

Lumines in Japan now for the PSP costs 12 pounds, (i'm sure it'll cost 25 in the UK when it's out)

It's simple. You choose the console you like. If you can afford to add anything else to it, great. If not, you chose it, you live with it.

If I didn't have my 512 stick I'd still be happy.


Granted that I don't need to buy a larger memory stick if I won't be using its media functions. But on a lesser note, i would be wasting my time by buying a PSP cause those fucntions incorporated in the handheld are included in the price. Yes, you could have had a good argument if the PSP sold as a standalone pack, cause then the price difference between DS and PSP is insignificant. Yet right now, with crappy valuepack and games bundled, that is far from being the truth, 460$ is still alot of money without the memory stick and it would be a fraud after paying that much and not buying a memory stick to use the "optional functions".

For now, I will hold off purchasing one for myself. Btw, I heard that the battery performance for US PSPs were improved. In time, we will see if this is true.

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I just reserved mine today and the total price was $268.11 USD after tax and everything. The bundle I reserved comes with 1 PSP, 1 carrying case, Ridge Racer (Game), and 1 pair of headphones. I got in the second shipment, not the first, so I don't get it on the 16th, I get it on the 24th. :( But that's okay! :)

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well I can see that you wont (I didn't mean 'dont) see what I'm saying.

I like to think that I'm a neutral person, but I can see that no matter what you'll always be on one side.

I'll just leave it with. Look at the console's price around the world. Then look at the console's price difference between the two (not in Canada but in general) as I said it's only 30 pounds. I can say that this bundled games system is only in the shops you've seen in Canada and not in Japan, we'll have to see in the UK and the US when it's released.

As for the battery life, if it was improved it would be great. I mean, I dont play more than 5 hours of gaming outside of my home and I do have two batteries, but I'd only buy a new battery if it has at least double the gaming hours.

Then I'd have two batteries up for sale :p

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well I can see that you wont (I didn't mean 'dont) see what I'm saying.

I like to think that I'm a neutral person, but I can see that no matter what you'll always be on one side.

I'll just leave it with. Look at the console's price around the world. Then look at the console's price difference between the two (not in Canada but in general) as I said it's only 30 pounds. I can say that this bundled games system is only in the shops you've seen in Canada and not in Japan, we'll have to see in the UK and the US when it's released.

As for the battery life, if it was improved it would be great. I mean, I dont play more than 5 hours of gaming outside of my home and I do have two batteries, but I'd only buy a new battery if it has at least double the gaming hours.

Then I'd have two batteries up for sale :p


I don't care what's the price in Japan. I live in Canada and the price in Canda only matters to me, as I am the one considering the purchase, i am the one who has to dish out the money. If you willing to buy me a PSP, you can use your japanese argument, if not, you argument is pointless.

I already checked the US game sites (Gamestop/Ebgames), and they are even worse, they forcing you 3 games to buy with your PSP Value pack, while Canada only 2.

At least here with futureshop, you have 30 days return on any hardware except opened software. This why I love this retail store.

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then dont say something that makes people think you are talking in general.

Say, 'In Canada...'

and my argument wasn't based on Japan, it was based on the difference in price in the US and UK in addition to Japan.

Holy CRAP!

I notice in some threads you tell people to READ, well YOU do some reading as well.

wait a week or two after release and you'll see that the psp isn't always bundled. Like I said a bundle is related to the store! Not the console!

Ok, I'm selling a PSP bundled with 100 games. And I'll sell it in canada with 20% tax. Total price 1230 dollars. That means the PSP is too expensive. Let's all buy DS's around the world wooo!

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then dont say something that makes people think you are talking in general.

Say, 'In Canada...'

and my argument wasn't based on Japan, it was based on the difference in price in the US and UK in addition to Japan.

Holy CRAP!

I notice in some threads you tell people to READ, well YOU do some reading as well.

wait a week or two after release and you'll see that the psp isn't always bundled. Like I said a bundle is related to the store! Not the console!

Ok, I'm selling a PSP bundled with 100 games. And I'll sell it in canada with 20% tax. Total price 1230 dollars. That means the PSP is too expensive. Let's all buy DS's around the world wooo!


Maybe you should read, cause you jumped into this debate, where in previous posts before I already mentioned that my price concerns are in CANADIAN. Also, since when did I speak generally?? Please tell me, I love to see how to get out of this mess you made.

I only spoke for my own concerns. And if you can't figure that out, then you don't know the english language. And your last comment makes you like a disgruntled sony fan, mr "neutral".

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well I wasn't going to just sit and lay quiet when I obviously see you are trying to gently diss out a console. I dont like the PSP nor the DS to be flamed.

You really like to make things seems worse than they really are.

You know what, I'll leave it up to other readers to read what I wrote and decide. Was I at all vicious? Did I lean to the side of a PSP or a DS? I'm sure they'll be quick to respond.

To be honest I even prefer the DS over the PSP myself due to the fact that I hate Sony and love Nintendo, but I try not to let my bias affect my judgement.

**** it, arguing with you is not worth it. Go get another username.

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well I wasn't going to just sit and lay quiet when I obviously see you are trying to gently diss out a console. I dont like the PSP nor the DS to be flamed.

You really like to make things seems worse than they really are.

You know what, I'll leave it up to other readers to read what I wrote and decide. Was I at all vicious? Did I lean to the side of a PSP or a DS? I'm sure they'll be quick to respond.

To be honest I even prefer the DS over the PSP myself due to the fact that I hate Sony and love Nintendo, but I try not to let my bias affect my judgement.

**** it, arguing with you is not worth it. Go get another username.


Yes, I am stirring a secret conspiracy to diss the PSP cause I raised my personal cost issue. I am evil!!! Rarrr! :devil:

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Hey guess what!!! I got my PSP by itself!!! In the US!!! From EBGames!!! I didnt have to buy 3 games with it!!! Look around you can find it by itself (value pack that is, they arent releasing it by itself yet). Annatar you have way to many mistakes in your argument!!! For example the DS download feature. PSP has the same for free. You can download game content onto your memory disc that they give you. So infact the whole "Value Pack is crap" argument falls under. Im sorry but what you have to say just doesnt hold up. And I agree with amnesia_kei, if you want to have more than the PSP comes with thats your choice. So you cant add the cost for what you yourself want with what it could cost for the basic PSP Value Pack.

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Hey guess what!!!  I got my PSP by itself!!!  In the US!!! From EBGames!!!  I didnt have to buy 3 games with it!!!  Look around you can find it by itself (value pack that is,  they arent releasing it by itself yet).  Annatar you have way to many mistakes in your argument!!!  For example the DS download feature.  PSP has the same for free.  You can download game content onto your memory disc that they give you.  So infact the whole "Value Pack is crap" argument falls under.  Im sorry but what you have to say just doesnt hold up.  And I agree with amnesia_kei,  if you want to have more than the PSP comes with thats your choice.  So you cant add the cost for what you yourself want with what it could cost for the basic PSP Value Pack.


PSP has "game sharing" not "download play". PSP just sends a mini game, items or saves to other PSPs/PS2s, but you cant play LAN with each other with the data that 1 PSP sends, while other PSPs dont have the same game.

DS you can, with 1 cartridge, 4-6 ppl can play LAN together and not just mini-games, but an entire game. It also can send trials of certain games like polarium, it will send 10 first levels to another DS as trial, but you can also play versus together, without having the game cartridge. Now image this when online service comes out, you probably will be able to download tons of trials from other people DS'es ;)

Value Pack is crap in my opinion and in the opinion of many reviewers. The headphones are cheap quality, the soft case is not protective as the opening is exposed with no zipper, 32mbs is good for saves but not media and the arm band doesnt even match PSP color.

Stop trying to convince me to get a PSP. I am the one dishing the money for it, and right now 460$ is too much, neither there are any games I am interested about which is the most important for me. The entire launch line are sports games, which does not interest me. There is also the issue of PSP battery, I will not buy one then see that a few months later, there is a new PSP revision. I am very patient person, I will take the wait and see approach. For now, PSP is a no for me. So please stop this and dont turn it into a DS VS PSP thread.

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Im not trying to convince you to buy a PSP. Do what you want. I was just saying your argument doesnt hold up. And "The entire launch line are sports games" really well im counting 10 games for launch. And thats not including racing games which I dont see as sports games. Once again my point about your argument.

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$460? what u smokin'? cuz i want some.....

$250 value pack(w/ spider man 2 umd) + $50 game + $100 for 1gb stick. thats $420+(with tax) and ur all set. Unless you want 2 games.

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$460? what u smokin'? cuz i want some.....

$250 value pack(w/ spider man 2 umd) + $50 game + $100 for 1gb stick. thats $420+(with tax) and ur all set. Unless you want 2 games.


Hi, I am Deimos, and I don't read a thread before I write my nonense, or I would have known that the previous poster lives in Canada and their currency is a lesser value than the american currency, hence the increase in price, as well as their socialist liberal background that entails them to duke out 15% tax over retail price of an item.

Official US PSP website launched.


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The Logitech case looks tight, I will be getting it for sure y0


Its nice but seems like cheap plastic. Still getting it thoug:D:D

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Id just like to say Thanks to a new Web Site soon to be released, PSPpro.com who is now hosting my dvd2psp.net also PSPpro.com/dvd!

I Hope that this web site is big enough to support a whole range of content for PSP in the coming years. With support form great community?s much like this! So look out soon and I will keep you posted:):)

dvd2psp will have a major update with the launch of PSPpro, some include, subtitle inclusion, Better support for 3GP_Converter, File size optimisation and charts which include general patterns for file conversion into MP4. I may include downloads for files already converted into MP4 but legal issues probably with prevent me from doing that, and I don?t want a fine or get locked up! l:laugh:ugh:

Id just like to add that PSPpro.com is a serious web site dedicated to bring the latest in Playstation Portable Media without just cloning the already existing fan community. We aim to produce original and high quality content, well... enough of the hyping, you will see for yourself soon, no dates yet, but im sure it will be worth a wait!

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so ya, all this great talk on the psp. My mom wanted to know what i wanted for my b-day thats 3 days after the 24th, and i was like i kinda want the psp and she was like sell ur zen xtra and ill let you have it. Sold my zen xtra in 30 minutes w/ my 2 year circuity city waranty. Now im on wait status to get my hands on the psp.. :-D

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