[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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Well to give u a reality check here, the ds graphics cant even be compared to the psp seriously look at the two ridge racers its a joke

you guys be the judge lol :p


Well, the ridge racer argument is getting pretty old. Everyone knows that DS version was crap, but if you look at projects by a third party that is being given same amount of ressources and time to develop, the gfx gap rate is not that big.





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Well, the ridge racer argument is getting pretty old. Everyone knows that DS version was crap, but if you look at projects by a third party that is being given same amount of ressources and time to develop, the gfx gap rate is not that big.






graphics gap yes but does the ds have a 4.3in lcd screen no its this tiny little screen with ur game play then ur map below its not that great.

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holy crap, people just jump from argument to argument.

He was talking graphics wise.

If I developed a huge 17inch 'handheld' and had crap graphics, you would be hearing someone say, i've got 17 inches!

People need to understand, it's alright to compare, but you can't jump from argument to argument.

You want to talk about graphics.


Mr. Frog had a nice example.

Regarding that situation, case closed.

HOWEVER if you want to change the subject, you cant say something like "oh, graphics are a bit close, but the screen sizes are different!"

If I buy a laptop with a 17inch, and another with 15 inches that had a crystal clear screen, I can argue the size.

I hope people are seeing what I'm trying to say.

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"i've got 17 inches!"


LOL... sure you are a BIG guy... :shifty: :whistle: :laugh: :p
I hope people are seeing what I'm trying to say.


whatcha' talking 'bout Willis? :p
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Well, the ridge racer argument is getting pretty old. Everyone knows that DS version was crap, but if you look at projects by a third party that is being given same amount of ressources and time to develop, the gfx gap rate is not that big.


user posted image


user posted image

But the graphics on Ridge Racer look alot better than the NFSU: Rivals on PSP. The graphics for the NFSU: Rivals dont look that great.

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If I get a memory stick from Japan, will it work in a US PSP?

Just checking to make sure before I buy.


Yes it will, a memory stick is a memory stick.

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Anyone with NBA been able to get a game running? Every time I try connecting I get a timeout except once where I was able to see the two teams, and then I got a server error. I did see in other people's profiles that they won/lost games so they much be able to play.


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i had a sum of money for the ipod mini (to take a lot more music to the streets then my current iriver flash mp3), but then psp offers gaming and video, but less music on the street. so i dont know. kind of a double end deal.

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to use a psp as a music player you're gonna probably need to dump another hundred or so dollars into a memory stick (either 512MB or 1GB), it really depends, the question you need to ask yourself is if you had those extra functions like games and movies how often would you use them, me i probably won't use the music playing function, probably because i have a 20GB ipod though

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to use a psp as a music player you're gonna probably need to dump another hundred or so dollars into a memory stick (either 512MB or 1GB), it really depends, the question you need to ask yourself is if you had those extra functions like games and movies how often would you use them, me i probably won't use the music playing function, probably because i have a 20GB ipod though


The thing is, why carry all these devices around when you dont have to? I know I will probably use my iPod over my PSP for music because its just easier but still.

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The thing is, why carry all these devices around when you dont have to?  I know I will probably use my iPod over my PSP for music because its just easier but still.


that's the thing, i really don't see myself carrying both of them at any given moment (except maybe an overseas flight or something of that nature), i'll probably throw music on the psp more if they implement the ability to play music off the memory stick for ingame music (i know a couple games have this, but from what i've seen it's not an option on the vast majority of them)

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is it thursday am for everyone?  i just got a call today.  any chance of talking them into wed night?


It would be illegal for them to do that.

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I got a call a week ago too about how I should preorder PSP games from them...

I'm getting them at Best Buy though because you get a free giftcard if you buy 2 or 3.

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i just want you guys to get the PSP fast even though the uK doesn't have them. That way I can get the games cheaper (they're like 15 pounds in Japan) and 50 on ebay.

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