[Definitive] Sony PSP Thread

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i was just wondering, does everyone have that annoying UMD loading sound inside the system when ur skipping chapters in Spiderman2 or when a game is loading intensely?

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Just got my psp today around 8 am. I was waiting since 6 am w00t. Psp so hot made me nut :punk: ridge racer was sold out though :( had to buy pure whipeout which the graphics are so badass. Spiderman 2 sucked though :)

Edited by oblivious Maximus
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Same here, WipEout shipped on Monday, I'm hoping I get it today (although it's unlikely) because tomorrow and Monday are bank holidays and I've got 6 days off work! I want some WipEout action now!!!


I got my US copy a few days ago, and I have to say that so far, I'm not really impressed. Control feels too loose, (imo) it has some framerate problems, and worst of all; it's got v-sync issues!

In 3rd person there doesn't seem to be as much framerate / v-sync problems, but there's no sense of speed at all. In first person, the bottom (and often top) third of the screen is out of sync from the middle almost constantly. :(

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i was just wondering, does everyone have that annoying UMD loading sound inside the system when ur skipping chapters in Spiderman2 or when a game is loading intensely?


What do you expect? It's a portable console the drive is millimetres away from the screen. It's the same as sitting with ur head next to ur tv and a dvd player next to your ear.

I got my US copy a few days ago, and I have to say that so far, I'm not really impressed. Control feels too loose, (imo) it has some framerate problems, and worst of all; it's got v-sync issues!

In 3rd person there doesn't seem to be as much framerate / v-sync problems, but there's no sense of speed at all. In first person, the bottom (and often top) third of the screen is out of sync from the middle almost constantly. :(


Have you not noticed it's a portable console? Not a ****ing top notch gaming rig :o The psp isn't even running at full speed its underclocked.

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I got my US copy a few days ago, and I have to say that so far, I'm not really impressed. Control feels too loose, (imo) it has some framerate problems, and worst of all; it's got v-sync issues!

In 3rd person there doesn't seem to be as much framerate / v-sync problems, but there's no sense of speed at all. In first person, the bottom (and often top) third of the screen is out of sync from the middle almost constantly. :(


Hmm, that's kind of worrying. I play from the 3rd person so hopefully I don't have any issues. And hopefully when beta rapier class comes around the sense of speed is up to par with some of the old series. The V-Sync issues sound really ****ty though, I haven't read that anywhere :s

Where did you order it from to receive it a few days ago? I won't get mine til at least tuesday now thanks to the bank holiday :(

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Has anyone read or heard anything about future wireless networking capabilities? I'm curious if we'll be able to connect to PCs over wireless to copy files to the memory stick, etc. TIA.

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Hmm, that's kind of worrying. I play from the 3rd person so hopefully I don't have any issues. And hopefully when beta rapier class comes around the sense of speed is up to par with some of the old series. The V-Sync issues sound really ****ty though, I haven't read that anywhere :s

Where did you order it from to receive it a few days ago? I won't get mine til at least tuesday now thanks to the bank holiday :(


I know someone that owns an import store, and I think it was Monday they got some of their US PSP titles in.

As with all UK based importers, the prices are quite high, but it means you get the game the next day and don't have to worry about taxes.


I've not spent long in third person, as it was far too slow for my liking, but I don't remember any v-sync problems there. (there were still some framerate issues though)

I'm pretty sure that all the launch titles they have coming in this week and next have already been sold to people though.

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Does anyone here that has a US PSP have any problems with any of the buttons?

My 'L' trigger sticks down a little (doesn't come back up all the way) every other time (or so) when I press it.

Should I call Sony or go back to my store and get on a list to replace it when they get more in or live with it?

I just don't want it to be something little that turns into something big down the line.


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Myn does it a little, it's just how they're made. I opened it up and had a little look inside therees nothing that holds it down it just seems to get a little stuck.

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cant stop playing this damn Lumines... Dazzla or whoever played this game....

in the game...to get new music and skins do you always have to start all over in challange mode? or is there other ways?

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Does anyone here that has a US PSP have any problems with any of the buttons?

My 'L' trigger sticks down a little (doesn't come back up all the way) every other time (or so) when I press it.

Should I call Sony or go back to my store and get on a list to replace it when they get more in or live with it?

I just don't want it to be something little that turns into something big down the line.



Mine did that too; don't worry about it. After a couple of weeks, whatever excess plastic there was wore down and it works perfectly now.

cant stop playing this damn Lumines... Dazzla or whoever played this game....

in the game...to get new music and skins do you always have to start all over in challange mode? or is there other ways?


You can unlock new skins in puzzle mode and vs mode, but you have to work your way through challenge mode to get most of them. (there's about 40 total, and there are 24 challenge skins)

Dazzla; I've just tried out a few races in 3rd person, and not seen a hint of v-sync issues, it only seems to affect first person. (although it does feel about 3x as fast when racing in 1st)

The game is certainly picking up now too. :)

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thanks for reply.

Ker -- Lumines rox


about the L trigger. I have the same proble, in fact i was just thinking if I should call Sony. IMO these US version r a bit ****tier designed then Japs. (i know, i know... same design, but i mean maybe different factory or whatever...)

Also on my PSP if I look closely on the bottom(where the bottom screw(in the middle) is / cut off and seperated by silver plastic all around.) of the PSP I see small part of the edge not fully touching the psp thus creating a space which kind of looks that its about to fall apart or its not screwed all the way.

It is very noticeble on the bottom of psp - on the right side, next to the middle screw -- you can see its slightly not touching the psp unlike the left side, which seems to be fine...

anyone else have these design flaws?

please do say. I am thinking of returning it, please look carefuly though its quite small - but noticible.

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I havent had that problem with the L button. All the buttons on mine work fine. Last night I found one dead pixel stuck on white, but today its normal. So I'm sitting pretty good. Just can't wait for the second shipment of RR to come into EB Games.

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Ack another issue, I can not get this thing to connect to my "unsecured nothing fancy wireless connection".

Keep getting A connection error has occurred (80410D09)

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That?s it I am getting one, can't wait for my paychec:D:D...Actually the only reason why I want to get it is because of Lumines.


:rofl:l: that didnt last long. i remember you said you were gonna wait for a price drop.

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dear god i'm in love.

picked up tiger woods and ridge racer, they both rock...

has anyone bought the face armor from pelican? does it work well, is it bulky? whats the best protection? just a screen cover?

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Argh, I've had it with WipEout Pure for tonight. :angry:

I really want to like it, especially as it's one of the highest rated games on the system, but there are so many issues.

The first few races were far too slow, it picked up for a couple of races, and now it's too fast.

Now I don't mean it's too fast and I can't handle it; I've completed F-Zero on the Gamecube 100% and it's far faster than WipEout. What I mean is that the controls are far too "floaty" which makes precise control a bit tricky when you're going so fast.

The game feels about 3x slower when it's being played in third person, and in first it has severe v-sync issues. The framerate is awful; on some tracks it frames-out on almost every corner if there's anything else going on. (other crafts onscreen etc) And when I say it's slower, I don't mean easier, it just feels even more sluggish.

There are one or two weapons, which drop the framerate when they're used, no matter what else is happening.

I've only ever seen other ships use their weapons on me, never on each other, and it's not fun when two behind start firing stuff at you and a ship in front drops off some mines.

The tracks are too narrow for 8 racers. The first lap out of the three usually involves everyone bumping off each other for the first half of the track, if they're not spamming you with weapons that is. (and it's not just me; if you leave the psp to bring up a demo they do it there too)

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I found a good site for psp tutorials, psp reviews, and best of all psp videos for download! They have a psp only bittorent section. i reccomend this site to any one that has, wants, or dreams about a psp. Hope youll enjoy my find!

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replying to my own post&nbsp:laugh:h:

I called WAL-MART and they said you can get them at midnight.  If I am not too tired, I'll camp out after work lol


Well, I decided not to camp out, instead I showed up at the electronics department at 11:55 and I was home with PSP in hand at 12:20. There were only 6 people there, me being the 6th and final buyer at the 'midnight rush.' I was suprised there were not more people there. I live in Houston, so I thought it would be packed. I'll be off to Best Buy in a little while to pick up some games and accessories with my gift cards. My 1GB card is backordered, although I preordered it a week ago online at BestBuy.com. Oh well. PSP OWNZ J00!!!!!!

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