Post pictures of your mobile devices

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From top left, clockwise:

iPod mini, iPod 3G, Nintendo DS Lite Ice Blue (whose color is fugly, I know. :x ), iRiver DicPle(Electronic dictionary + MP3 from iRiver), HP iPaq rx3715

As soon as a new iPod comes out, it will be added to my gadget family. :D



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I just picked up a new phone yesterday from Alltel, the Kyocera KX5 Slider Remix


And of course, the wallpaper:


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My Dell Latitude c610 Laptop, Creative Microphoto MP3 player, and Motorola v635.

The two can connect to the laptop for portable editing of just about anything. :D


Of course, if anyone wants to see my other phones, then I can post them. ;)

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My Toys


I believe you've got some of my toys there so you had better send some to me :p :shiftyninja: .


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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn I wish I'd got the W800i, or waited a little bit longer.

The K750i is great, but I wish I'd got something a bit better for music.

Looking at the Dell Axim every few weeks, but I had an o2 XDA before and didn't use it much. Not sure whether to save for the new Dell one, or buy an old iPaq or something on ebay to see if I use it as much as I think I will...


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Heres my Nextel Motorola I875... those 3 buttons on the front are MP3 controls, and it has a flip button to open..

and i also have a Mini iPod, you guys know how it looks like! :laugh:



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