The 'what I got for X-mas' thread.

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hmmm nothing from fam except maybe xtra money given to me like a week ago and oh yea a rubber jar opener (no joke)

i figured i'd buy myself presents so i got:

mini ipod (pink) :D



not expecting n e thing 2morrow

Merry Christmas to you all!

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I got a lot more than I expected, only thing I kind of wish I got that I didn't was a T shirt and CD I asked for, but I'm happy I got anything at all, so I'm not complainin. :)

-Black DVDR drive (Supports all sorts of formats, got a 30 DVDR+ pack too)

-160gb HDD (Can starrt ripping more music, since my 120gb dedicated music HDD is full :) )

-3 blank colored T shirts and a soft long sleeve flannel

-2 Photoshop books (And a PS magazine with CD) and a book by Neil Peart called The Masked Rider I think

-Incense, candy and a stuffed monkey doll

-Dances with wolves on DVD :)

-Some expensive deodorant from Paris my dad used to get, I'd always play with it as a kid and rub it on his towels and make him mad, hahah. Smells real good.

I have some other stuff I haven't gotten yet, that's in the mail or lost or something. 3 XBox games, Gun Valkyrie, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Morrowind. Also I think my grandmother sent me some money, how nice of her. :)

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Going to get a Chuck Palahniuk book (I know this because my mom called me from the store asking how to spell his name)

My dad sent me 200 dollars, which is going to go towards a 40gb ipod (I'm paying the other half)

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I wait for Christmas Day to get most of my gifts...

But I got some gifts from my family:

Nalgene Bottle w/ Pocket Knives and things

American Eagle Clothes

Laptop Case for something special tomorrow :huh:

Chicago Cubs Ornament

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Clothes... oh yeah, and clothes.

By the way, how does everyone else react when they open a Christmas present and see clothes that they'll never wear? Do you say, "Oh I like it, it looks great", or do you tell them the truth?

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I was able to open one present just now, i thought it was an IPod wrapped in something cushy cause there were batteries on the top of the package, i was so off. it was a fukin sweet Massage Pillow! lol

i has those microBeads in it so its super soft to lol... only 11 hours to go till i get to open da rest!

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i know for a fact im not getting anything this year family situation money wise sucks, but if i had something in mind well id simply ask for a new monitor or speakers both current are broken and i cant replace them ca :no: use i dont have money :no: , but to everyone who has their gifts congrats!

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i know for a fact im not getting anything this year family situation money wise sucks, but if i had something in mind well id simply ask for a new monitor or speakers both current are broken and i cant replace them ca :no: use i dont have money  :no: , but to everyone who has their gifts congrats!


Oh, jeeze, bud- I know the feeling, my family was there not too long ago. Drop me a PM; if you don't mind second hand, I have a few moniters lying around I could gladly spare.

I got a new bottle of my favorite cologne (gap scent for men, it's OLD stuff, didn't think they still sold it), $100 towards an ipod mini (but i'm getting a xen micro - pink!!) and a nifty little clay statuette of Confuscious.

not a whole lot; it's a modest christmas, but i'm happy with it :)

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Yeah, I have a few extra 15 inch CRT's lying around, nothing exceptional but they work. I wouldn't charge you for em, I just wouldn't really care to pay shipping, I don't really have any money.

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Portable DVD player from close family, $100 to EBGames from my cousins (going towards a PSP, have $400 total saved up now :D)

mgs 3

cellphone sleeve

M4A1 carbine w00t.gif


And the M4A1 carbine is for... (or is it an airsoft?)

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Just got back from my parents place. Since I have to work tommorow they let me open my gifts tonight.

- Crown Royal gift set w/ 26er and 2 glasses

- Survival camping kit (but I don't go camping :blink:)

- Gift card to Ikea

- Gift card to gas station & washer fluid

- Gift cards for movie theater

- 3M Gift box of goodies

- Couple shirts & socks

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40GB IPod w/ Iskin

LG Vx7000

Fender American Telecaster

Tires for my STi

and whatever random gifts I'll get from the rest of my family.

BTW Erftek Underoath is amazing I had a chance to see and meet them a few months back.

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Just hit midnight I havent opened up my gifts from my parents just yet, but I did from my gf's parents and I'll list what I got everyone:

From gf's parents:

- 25 pack of DVD-R's

- 50 pack of CD-R's

- Billy Madison/Happy Gilmore DVD Pack

- Chocolates

- $100 Cash

Gifts I got people:


- iPod mini (Pink)

- Track Jacket from PacSun

- Little somen from Victoria Secret :shifty:


Smoothie Machine and Books


- $100 to Home Depot to get new lawn mower


- Das Experiment DVD

- KillZone for PS2


- Sewing machine

- $15 iTunes giftcards (x2)

gf's mom:

- $50 to some store she likes...

Well hope everyone has a good holiday!

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Clothes... oh yeah, and clothes.

By the way, how does everyone else react when they open a Christmas present and see clothes that they'll never wear? Do you say, "Oh I like it, it looks great", or do you tell them the truth?


hmm good question.......but i gave my dad some "Go Happy Feet" slippers (the ones that look like oversized sneakers but r really comfy) and he told me he didn't like them :( so if u wanna make the person feel better i guess say u like it :p

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