ip addresses vs. mac addresses

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When I switched to another ISP, the techs came to my house to do the installation and look what they did: they wrote down my mac address and called their base and told them this mac add has to be working with this ip let say

after they gone, I took my laptop and checked if I can access to the internet with the same configuration and I couldnt, then I changed the ip to but didnt work! this may be because of mac add? as they dont have my laptops mac address registered there?!

so right now I can only use my pc to connect to the internet.

is there any way I can "fool" the router? so I can connect my laptop to the internet?

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Argh. A ISP that tracks MAC addresses? Yikes, I guess they want to charge you extra for multiple computers. Most ISPs shouldn't do this.

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Cable/Wireless ISPs use the mac address to identify you and bill you.

Get a router and spoof the IP they know about if you want to use more then one computer.


Could you please explain this to me a little more...

thank you

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Could you please explain this to me a little more...

thank you


I assume, based on other comments, that they don't mind multiple computers through a router. It would seem strange otherwise.

Go to the computer that they configured and do an "ipconfig /all" from the command prompt.

It will tell you the MAC address of the NIC that uses the ( IP address that they gave you.

Write down that MAC address.

Login to your router and look for a place to alter (or clone) your MAC address. Once you type it in (or clone the correct connection) then you should be up and running on the router.

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I assume you are talking about the second router that I have to buy and install it in my room.

are you saying I should connect the main cable to my personal router as an uplink? so then I connect the other computers from the other ports of the router?

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Some routers can spoof mac addresses meaning you can use different hardware and still connect to your ISP. What hardware are you using to connect and what sort of network do you have running?

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we're on LAN the antena is to a neighbor and there is a mikrotik router... but I cant have access in the router bcuz of its username n pass which are unknown to me...

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You need to access the router and find the MAC address otherwise you cant spoof anything.

One other thing, what is it you are trying to do exactly? It sounds as if you are trying to steal someone's connection, or are you just wanting to replace your router?

Oh, and dont do any more drawings :p

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i've never heard of an ISP listing your MAC address before? It sounds to me like they only want u to use 1 computer...I know some companies want to charge for each additional computer

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Ah them using the MAC address to track you is standard operation for wireless broadband, as previously stated. All you need is a little router like a DI-604/DI-624 or a Linksys, both of them support MAC cloning. I've never heard of an ISP that actually checks the MAC addressing though. When I had wireless I could change my MAC address provided I rebooted the radio they had set up, so you might try that. On a sidenote, I didn't let the "tech" within 5 feet of my box anyway.

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