First "Age Of Empires III" screenshots released

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Hey, I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this, but I almost died when I saw it, this is incredible. This game used to be my favorite (I still have AOE II installed) this is so incredible. There's 3 screenshots and 1 article. Now as pictures are a worth a thousand words, here are the screenshots.

age-of-empires-iii-20041230022903217_thumb.jpg age-of-empires-iii-20041230022906639_thumb.jpg age-of-empires-iii-20041230022910186_thumb.jpg

Source : IGN

I think this thread is going to be closed soon, there's another 2 about AOE 3. Anyways thanks for your posting mate, I'm sure you haven't saw the other 2... :rolleyes:

EDIT: Wnat this game, it's awesome, I'm still staring at teh monitor everytime I'm seeing these screenshots. Still afraid my system is not able to handle such game... P3, 800MHZ, 128MB RAM, GeForce 4 MX 440 64MB ..... any ideas mates?

I didn't see any other threads about AOE 3, sorry for another post. I looked around before I posted though :)

As for the game I am speechless, after reading the article about how it uses Ragdoll on the bodies physics on buildings and such. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for this. As much as I want a winter release we are probably looking at a nice spring/summer release.

As much as I want a winter release we are probably looking at a nice spring/summer release.

Well, the article said that they didn't want to make the mistake of releasing information too soon, so I would imagine it's not far off. They are feature complete, so it will hopefully be released before summer this year.

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