Connction Problem Really Need HELP!

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I have tried eveyrthing now and no luck. I have adelphia powerlink, being routed by a linksys router.. And my ping spikes and drops connections. Well i have tried the follwoing things.

1) line strength - Fine

2) Bad Modem - got New one, did nothing.

3) New Router - did the same thing

and nothing for any oif those things. i dont know what it could be nor do i have the jist of it. Help would be veryu much appreciated.

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Did you try disconnecting the modem from the router and connecting it directly to your computer? If the problem still persists, then contact the ISP :)

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Originally posted by Awesys

If the problem still persists, then contact the ISP :)

That's not always the best idea. Most ISPs will charge you a bit more for sharing your connection, and some may even disconnect your service.

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Originally posted by liar2

That's not always the best idea. Most ISPs will charge you a bit more for sharing your connection, and some may even disconnect your service.

Who said you have to tell them that you are sharing your connection with a router. Just asy your connection is spiking and dropping, they don't have to know you have a router setup :p.

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