Saudi professor blames tsunami

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Saudi professor blames tsunami on homosexuality

In a television interview transcribed by the Middle East Media Research Institute, a Saudi professor at Al-Imam University said the devastating tsunami that killed over 150,000 people was Allah's punishment for homosexuality and fornication at Christmastime. "These great tragedies and collective punishments that are wiping out villages, towns, cities, and even entire countries are Allah's punishments of the people of these countries, even if they are Muslims," said sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan. "Some of our forefathers said that if there is usury and fornication in a certain village, Allah permits its destruction."

"We know that at these resorts, which unfortunately exist in Islamic and other countries in South Asia, and especially at Christmas, fornication and sexual perversion of all kinds are rampant," he continued. "The fact that it happened at this particular time is a sign from Allah.... All that's left for us to do is to ask for forgiveness. We must atone for our sins and for the acts of the stupid people among us and improve our condition. We must fight fornication, homosexuality, usury, fight the corruption on the face of the earth and the disregard of the lives of protected people."

The interview served as a painful reminder to gays and lesbians in the United States of comments made by far-right televangelist Jerry Falwell, who in 2001 blamed the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on gays, among others. "The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked," Falwell said on The 700 Club television show. "And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'"

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I guess all natural disasters has nothing to do with nature..."Blame the scapegoats! Quick! Blame them before they are equals!!!" :rolleyes:

Edit: So I guess Allah wasn't so quite thorough when he was punishing the "sinners" since many who escaped included Christians and gays.

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In the few minutes in which I did listen in my ethics lesson this week, my opinion on the Islamic religion is a nasty one. All they seem to do is kill each other and... blerhg I'm not even going to get started.

But that is just totally... ****ing stupid, I don't care who you worship or whatever, that's just stupid.

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In the few minutes in which I did listen in my ethics lesson this week, mopinionb> on the Islamic religion is a nasty one. All they seem to do is kill each other and... blerhg I'm not even going to get started.

But that is just totally... ****ing stupid, I don't care who you worship or whatever, that's just stupid.


Not any more stupid than some of the crap spewing from Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson...

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I don't understand how you can immediately label it stupid. They believe this was the way of life for the last few thousands of years, why would it change now?

It may not make sense to us, but it makes sense to some people.

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Coming soon...from the people here in the US who brought you :rolleyes:

(It's under construction)


BREAKING NEWS: God announces his retirement from participating with human endeavors. The Almighty was reported to have said "These people say such awful things, then throw Me into the middle of it. Like I would have had anything to do with it!" When asked about His future plans, God said that he plans to retire to a nice higher level dimension, and will take visitors once they evolve to that level.

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In portuguese, the meaning of egregious is very different, mind you...  :rolleyes:

Anyway, this is so revolting...  :x


really? what does it mean in portuguese?

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Not any more stupid than some of the crap spewing from Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson...


speaking of which im suprised they've not popped up in the media for saying something....I mean heck, 9/11 they were all over

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speaking of which im suprised they've not popped up in the media for saying something....I mean heck, 9/11 they were all over


Maybe, just maybe, they finally figured out that every time they open their pie hole, they do far more damage to their religion than anything else could....but I doubt it.

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high, distinct, noble, illustrious

from the latin egrejiu, selected sheep < e, above of + grege, flock


huh, interesting.

i know the latin egregius = outstanding, but in english, it's come to mean flagrant, outstandingly bad or offensive, etc. interesting etymologies in both languages.

of course, when i used it, i was thinking of the english definition, but you knew that. :)

in any case, finger pointing here is baseless and wrong.

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If there had been no earthquake before the tsunami

and it had just been waves with no apparent natural cause

then I would think this was an act of god

this was a natual disaster.

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people listen to yourselves. what does this have to do with Islam`? the guy is saying his personal beliefs. he is an idiot for thinking so but Islam didnt say that the tsunamis were to punish gays.

lets take a step back and stop putting Islam on trial, it is one man's ignorance.

If this man represented muslims or even his own country's attitude then his own country wouldnt be donating money.

"The organisers of a marathon fundraising event on Saudi Arabian TV say they have raised more than $80m to help the victims of the Asian tsunami.

The total includes a $5m donation from King Fahd. The Saudi government had already promised $30m.

Saudi citizens brought money, clothes and other goods to a sports stadium in the capital Riyadh from where the event was broadcast.

Qatar has donated $25m, the United Arab Emirates $20m and Kuwait $10m.

The marathon Saudi fundraising event featured religious figures calling on viewers to donate, saying it was their duty as Muslims. "

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There really isn't much difference between this and blaming it on the "zionists".  Maybe thats why the Arab states are being so "stingy".


Iran $1m and 221 tons of aid and medical team, Saudi Arabia $80m, Qatar has donated $25m, the United Arab Emirates $20m and Kuwait $10m.

<racial stereotype snipped>

Edited by fred666
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Iran $1m and 221 tons of aid and medical team, Saudi Arabia $80m, Qatar has donated $25m, the United Arab Emirates $20m and Kuwait $10m.

<racial stereotype snipped>


While I agree us Muslims aren't stingy (we pay ZAKAT!), but it isn't justified to stereotype jews.

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In the few minutes in which I did listen in my ethics lesson this week, mopinionb> on the Islamic religion is a nasty one. All they seem to do is kill each other and... blerhg I'm not even going to get started.


Homer Im dissapointed in you:no:o: There are only a 'few' that 'kill each other'. Labeling this as the entire islamic religion really....ugh. It's all propaganda and the media thats ruined people's views on muslims and Islam. God i hate it.

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Don't quote the trolls - it just makes it harder to clean up later... Armeck


Everyone with an opinion should be shot... and I get to define what's opinion and what's not :devil:

See the fallacy, yet?

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