4 pin molex to usb

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hi all,

i had purchased a few extra case fans from newegg recently. I wanted to know if I could connect them to usb type connector. The fan have standard 4 pin molex connectors and 3 pin connectors.

I need directions to

a) how to connect the thing

b) where do i buy the USB connectors from with the appropriate wires.

thanks in advance.

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Why the hell do you want to do that?  :omg:  :s


lolz... ur probably rite... but then i cant possibly get rid of 7 fans. it will serve as a nice project. would make a lame attempt at making a laptop cooler if this works...

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maybe cos he has no power cables left. and lots of USB's.

I assume its possible, you just have to find out what pins on USB take power and wire them to the fans power. (this is only a assumption, please look into it first, i dont want to kill anyone)

if the reason is the above, (you have run out of power cables) you can buy spliters for pennys.

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Oh, I get what you want to do. Somehow you're going to attach the fans together and slap them on the bottom of your laptop? If so it'd most likely use a lot of battery power. Before attempting this I'd suggest other ways to try and cool it down, Buy some canned air and blow it through the cooling slots in the laptop. They can become surprisingly full of dust, which makes them get hotter.

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if the reason is the above, (you have run out of power cables) you can buy spliters for pennys.

If you split your molex cables too much, you start to see performance issues, and they worsen. I have reached the point in my case that if I want to add any more, I will have to upgrade PSU because I have split the cables so much! :)

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i think it will, you can power a lite off them, so a fan should be no problem?

VCC = 7V so you should be able to get a decent speed on them :)

Fans can run at any voltage btw, just not too high and if they are run too low they wont go very fast :p

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My Antec PSU has a molex plug on the outside.  I still have no idea why but I guess it is a nice option.


Mine does too. I use it for testing new fans :p

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