AutoPatcher XP January/February 2005

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When I start the "UPDATE" i get this error message:

Run-Time Error '380':
Invalid Property Value

I'm on Windows XP Pro SP1 English.

What can I do?

Thank you very much...


You mean after you pick what you wish to install and hit "Next"?

Can you try this .exe?

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You mean after you pick what you wish to install and hit "Next"?

Can you try this .exe?


I mean after I choose the module to install and I click the botton "UPDATE" to start the installation.

Same error with your .exe.

I tried to select just one option (one checkbox) but I got same...

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Can you please post the log? It's in C:\Windows\autopatcher.log (usually)


of course... here it is:

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 14.50.20
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Update for HighMAT support in the Windows XP CD Writing Wizard" started at 03/02/2005 14.50.21
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\kb831240.amc_files\kb831240-enu.exe" /qn

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 14.50.42
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "MSN Messenger 6.2.0137" started at 03/02/2005 14.50.42
This module is official
This module does not require a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\msnmsgr.amc_files\MsnMsgs.msi" /QB

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 14.51.51
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Update for HighMAT support in the Windows XP CD Writing Wizard" started at 03/02/2005 14.51.51
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\kb831240.amc_files\kb831240-enu.exe" /qn

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 14.53.39
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Your computer stops responding when you restart to complete the installation of Windows XP SP2" started at 03/02/2005 14.53.39
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\kb885626.amc_files\kb885626-enu.exe" /q /z

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 14.54.58
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer" started at 03/02/2005 14.54.58
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\kb834707.amc_files\kb834707-enu.exe" /q /z

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 14.55.23
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Corrupt DBCS characters in Internet Explorer on Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 14.55.23
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\kb886677.amc_files\kb886677-enu.exe" /q /z

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 14.55.55
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Adaptec ASPI Layer for Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 14.55.55
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\install.bat" XP32
regedit /s "C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\inst.reg"

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 15.17.18
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments: /english (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Adaptec ASPI Layer for Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 15.17.18
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\install.bat" XP32
regedit /s "C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\inst.reg"

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 15.22.30
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Adaptec ASPI Layer for Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 15.22.30
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\install.bat" XP32
regedit /s "C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\inst.reg"

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 15.28.21
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected NOT to keep backups

Installation of item "Adaptec ASPI Layer for Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 15.28.21
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\install.bat" XP32
regedit /s "C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\inst.reg"

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 15.32.34
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Adaptec ASPI Layer for Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 15.32.34
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\install.bat" XP32
regedit /s "C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\inst.reg"

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 15.58.07
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Adaptec ASPI Layer for Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 15.58.07
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\install.bat" XP32
regedit /s "C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\inst.reg"

AutoPatcher Installation initiated 03/02/2005 16.35.32
AutoPatcher used these commandline arguments:  (Unattended Tier 0)
All selected modules were official
A system restart will be necessary for changes to take effect
The user selected to keep backups

Installation of item "Adaptec ASPI Layer for Windows XP" started at 03/02/2005 16.35.32
This module is official
This module requires a reboot
AutoPatcher executed the following to install this module:
"C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\install.bat" XP32
regedit /s "C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\adaptec_aspi.amc_files\inst.reg"

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It detects it as adware because it includes that sponsor program... which is considered spyware. During AutoPatcher's installation however, Messenger Plus! is installed WITHOUT the sponsor.

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I humbly ask for anyone's advice, although I'm not sure there's anything anyone can do. I downloaded Autopatcher XP and saved it to my external hardrive, where I keep all my downloads and backups (WinXP and programs are on C: drive).

??? In a momentary lapse of common sense I forgot to transfer Autopatcher to my C: drive before running it, so it executed from my external BACKUP hard drive (G:) and crashed my XP system; I had to use XP's System Restore to get the computer back up.

Now my system works, but it won't recognize my external drive (G:) saying it must be "formatted" to access it (which I assume will destroy all my files including all our family pictures, etc).

Can anyone suggest anything, or have I destroyed all my files for good?

I am running WinXP Pro with most of the latest updates.

- mobo: Asus A7N8X-Deluxe with onboard sound, NIC, wireless add-on;

- 1 GB PC3200 DDR-RAM;

- ATI All-In-Wonder 7500 Video Card

- (Shaw) Cable Modem with DLink DI-624 Wireless Router

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The problem appears to be more serious than you think. AutoPatcher would have no problem executing from any media (be it a hard disk, a network drive, and external drive or a cd). The problem here *could* be a sudden power failure or over-movement. Have you tried connecting the external hard disk on an other computer?

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Have you tried shutting down the computer and restarting it WITHOUT the external drive plugged in.

Then shutting down and restarting WITH the external drive plugged in.

Maybe windows XP has got it's knickers in a twist and needs to be reminded who's boss. :woot: :cool:


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The problem appears to be more serious than you think. AutoPatcher would have no problem executing from any media (be it a hard disk, a network drive, and external drive or a cd). The problem here *could* be a sudden power failure or over-movement. Have you tried connecting the external hard disk on an other computer?


Thanks. The external drive does seem to work on other computers - but just on the "empty" partitions (same as with my XP box) while the main partition where I ran the autopatcher from (G:, the partition with all my files) remains inaccessible from any computer.

I originally formatted the 160GB with numerous partitions (for backing up computers at the church where I work). All partitions on the are FAT32. Even though my XP box is NTFS, it still reads/transfers/shares files to and from my without a hitch (although I have been meaning to reformat my XP box with FAT32 file system - now I have a good reason).

Depending on the number of CD/DVD drives present, a computer will recognize the's partitions as follows:

G: FILES (the "problem" partition) 80 GB

H: 10 GB

I: 10 GB

J: 5 GB

K: 5 GB

L: 3 GB


If all else fails, do you think I could recover my files using a professional recovery service? These files (especially all the baby/kid pictures) are worth it to me - and to my wife, well let's just say I haven't told her yet...

How about this "Spin Rite" program offered from It looks like the real deal, and even though it's almost $100, I could probably use it again in the future somewhere. Probably a lot less than going to a professional?

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It detects it as adware because it includes that sponsor program... which is considered spyware. During AutoPatcher's installation however, Messenger Plus! is installed WITHOUT the sponsor.


Thanks for the answer nw_raptor :p

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@Sedunova - I do not know how spinrite works on recovering DATA, but I do know that Easy Recovery Data Recovery works great, and like nw_raptor said, I would disconnect the drive to prevent any or more DATA loss.

EasyRecovery? DataRecovery 6.0 - Standard Edition

Do-it-yourself data recovery with added repair capabilities for Microsoft? Word and Zip files. Use to perform recoveries on 20 drives.

product detail

Size 26.6Mb

If you have the money to spend, I recommend Easy Recovery Data Recovery

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Spinrite is mainly used for getting the drive to a useable condition so advanced data recovery tools can be used. It works great for recovering data from bad sectors(I use it on my tech floppies at least once a week, and on IBM deathstars at least once a month). Spinrite will not fix the "not formatted" error, that is something to do with the partition info... For data retrieval GetDataBack or R-Studio seem to work the best.

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Do you need more mirrors for the Feb update? 'cos I'll upload if you do, if not I'll just use it myself :p

Edit: also, whats the MD5 hash for the Feb upgrade?

Edited by M2Ys4U
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Do you need more mirrors for the Feb update? 'cos I'll upload if you do, if not I'll just use it myself :p

Edit: also, whats the MD5 hash for the Feb upgrade?


Sure, if you feel you can mirror more files, go for it. Just tell me and i'll adjust the links to match your decision.

MD5 for Feb2005 Upgrade is 53EF0DF577F0DDC1EEEA11FC21830F1B


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M2Ys4U: your mirror for feb does not work :)

You link it to in the page, and it should be (notice caps in middle of the AutoPatcher), as I found.


Uh, it shortened the URLs... Autopatcher_XP_Feb2005_Upgrade.exe and AutoPatcher_XP_Feb2005_Upgrade.exe


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M2Ys4U: your mirror for feb does not work :)

You link it to in the page, and it should be (notice caps in middle of the AutoPatcher), as I found.


Uh, it shortened the URLs...  Autopatcher_XP_Feb2005_Upgrade.exe and AutoPatcher_XP_Feb2005_Upgrade.exe




fixing now...

^ Hehehe. Linux can be fun, eh?


as always ;)

Edit: should be fixed now

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