AutoPatcher XP January/February 2005

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Thanks for the update!

Don't you update the page anymore?


- Current Version -

4.6.24 (August '04 Release)

I'm sorry if this has allready been stated somewhere :blush:

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^ Only Jason (Flishfun) has the permission to change/update I hope this changes soon.


Oh, ok =)

I guess this is also said somewhere, but where's the changelog for the february version? :blush:

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Oh, ok =)

I guess this is also said somewhere, but where's the changelog for the february version?  :blush:


February 2005 is just a rollup of the patches Microsoft released a few days ago. You can see what's included here. February patches/updates are marked as such (blue text on the right).

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^ No. Where do you see that?


Stupid me, I downloaded Autopatcher for someone at school and I looked at the date creation, but that means the date the file was downloaded, :whistle:


edit: I did not want to open a thread for this because I think the question is pretty easy to solve. I only see it this way on my dad's PC, why is that?

I can only see one post, and the rest like this. :unsure:

I have changed a lot of settings under My Controls and it still the same.


Edited by EZRecovery
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Messenger Plus is being identified as Spyware with Giant Antispyware software. Maybe this should be removed from the Autopatcher Program?

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Agent $chug, this has been discussed a few times before. AutoPatcher does not install Messenger Plus! with the sponsor. However, since more people seem to be anoyed, I might just remove it once and for all...

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Another thing that I have noticed, Seems there is no unistaller for this program. How are you supposted to properly remove autopatcher from the registry, if it even uses the registry.

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Another thing that I have noticed, Seems there is no unistaller for this program.  How are you supposted to properly remove autopatcher from the registry, if it even uses the registry.


^ AutoPatcher itself does not use the system registry. It's up to the modules to provide an uninstaller.


as raptor said, theres no uninstaller for autopatcher because essentially autopatcher doesnt install itself, what it does is extract itself to a folder (by default in the programs folder so you can find it easily) where you can then run it to quickly install the updates, tweaks, and tools it contains.

modules do use the registry so that autopatcher can detect they have already been installed. Most use registry entries installed by the update or tool itself, however some use there own entry.

the tweak modules are one example.

If you want to completely remove the registry entries for tweaks, just delete these two entries:



If you want to remove just one or too, delete the approphriate entry within those keys.

And for removing the tweaks themselves from the registry, use this page with undo files here (eventually youll be able to use autopatchers regundo tool).

removing the updates and tools is done with windows add/remove and its uninstaller will remove its own entries.

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^ Only Jason (Flishfun) has the permission to change/update I hope this changes soon.


Work's been hell... I had over 100 pages of greenbar to go through and a limited time to do it (was bringing it home as well as pouring over it at the office). Finally finished it and passed it on to the person who needed it. Anyways, to sum that up, I'm back updating the site. It will have a very new look soon (nice, not dark, etc), so I'll keep you posted. Might have a screenie in a day or three. :yes:

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^ Good. It would be better though if you just open your MSN once in a while, to let us know you're alive and well.

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^ Good. It would be better though if you just open your MSN once in a while, to let us know you're alive and well.


Whoops, been so busy I didn't even notice I was signed out! :pinch: I'll be sure and check to make sure it's on when I get back to my PC (sittin' at my new VPN server trying to figure out why it hates me).

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Whatever. Whenever you're available, give me a shout. You'll be doing a Windows 2000 release of AutoPatcher. This time with extra help; TheBlazingAngel.

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Something funny, I have first installed the Jan update (extracted via the installer the files) then the Feb one (same thing as the Jan one) and noticed there are two critical updates missing, a .NET Framework SP1 update and some other crap, don't remember exactly.. :rolleyes: It's me or you guys are aware of this? :huh:

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Something funny, I have first installed the Jan update (extracted via the installer the files) then the Feb one (same thing as the Jan one) and noticed there are two critical updates missing, a .NET Framework SP1 update and some other crap, don't remember exactly.. :rolleyes: It's me or you guys are aware of this? :huh:


most likely you downloaded the lite version, not the full version.

.net among other things isnt included in lite, see here

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No, I got the full version, and I've said the .NET Framework SP 1 isn't there (at least at me), also KB885836 and KB887472 have been installed via Windows Updates.. :huh:

Umm.. probably I've got the lite version of the Feb update or something.. Isn't AutoPatcher_XP_Feb2005_Upgrade a full one?

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No, I got the full version, and I've said the .NET Framework SP 1 isn't there (at least at me), also KB885836 and KB887472 have been installed via Windows Updates..  :huh:

Umm.. probably I've got the lite version of the Feb update or something.. Isn't AutoPatcher_XP_Feb2005_Upgrade a full one?



1)the .net1.1 and .net 1.1 sp1 updates are definately included in the jan release.

if it just didnt install its because there was a problem with the .net module, you can get the new fixed .net module here.

if you dont have the files and folders in autopatchers module directory (c:\program files\autpatcher\modules), either you have the lite version, or it didnt extract fully for some reason.

try re-extracting, or even possibly redownloading.

2)if you check the list here the other two updates arent included, perhaps they were released after the latest autopatcher releases, if so they will probably be included in the next release.

note, there isnt a lite version of the feb release.

full versions include updates + addons and tweaks, lite versions include updates + a few addons.

the feb release only contains about 14 updates, so theres no need for alite version.

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