iPod at altitude

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Thinking of getting an iPod. however, on the Apple website it says that the iPod can't operate above 10,000 feet. Most comercial planes fly at about 35-40,000 feet. Has anyone had problems listening to iPods on planes?

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They mean at he pressure at 10,000 feet. In a plane the pressure is more or less equal to that of the ground (or at least they try) so ipod should work fine.

Now if you dropped it from 10,000 feet...that's be a different matter entirely

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As mentioned, planes keep their pressure very low so it operates fine. However, if you lived on a big mountain, you will struggle to get it to work.

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If you lived on a big mountain, you will struggle to get it to work.


thankfully that is not the case

thanks all

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As mentioned, planes keep their pressure very low so it operates fine. However, if you lived on a big mountain, you will struggle to get it to work.


No, the cabin is at roughly atmospheric pressure. It is very low pressure outside the aircraft. Very low pressure inside would mean you'd pass out instead of enjoying your flight. :laugh:

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I was on a plane last week and my iPod worked. However most of the in-flight entertainment is pretty decent these days so didn't need the iPod after all. :)

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I can't think of a reason as to why the iPods wouldn't work at said altitude. I spent last summer trekking the himilayas, and our leader, a digital photography fanatic took a 40gb cardreader/backup for his microdrives, which filled up fast. We passed over 18,000 feet, and averaged around 12,000ft (4km) or so over 2 weeks. So I don't see how the iPod should be affected, the HD would be the only thing I could think of, but with microdrives and larger 40gb drives working at 18,000... I am stuck.


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when I went to Japan, I saw this dude with white earphones.. I"m assuming he's got one and I don't think he has any problem

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