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New Updates for 2000 SP4+DX9:

836880: FIX: You cannot play back media that has copy protection for recordable media (CPRM) on Windows 2000

872901: FIX: An access violation may occur when you create multiple instances of the Microsoft DV Encoder

New update for XP SP2:

912461: FIX: You cannot obtain information about specific events when you program against the DVD Nav control in Windows XP


EDIT: Added 836880 and 872901

i had 836880 & 872901 in the 2k release and 872901 in the 2k3 release, however i removed them. i had problems getting the two to work on win2k, i checked the .ini files again and found 836880 is only for DX9.0b and 872901 is only for DX9.0 and 9.0b! all uptodate systems should be using DX9.0c which mine did. 912461 is included int he xp release.

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Hi xyz123,

Do you have a download link for the latest KB892130?

My PC seems to have upgraded itself silently to this latest version of LegitCheckControl.dll

I would like the latest download for my own copy of APXP (which is always modified from the released version).

Kind Regards


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Do you have a download link for the latest KB892130?

I do, but I'm not at home now. I'll come home somewhere around 5:30 PM (GMT +1). If you don't want to wait until 7:30 PM (GMT +1), ask Blaze. As I said, I had sent it to him the day before yesterday. However, I cannot guarantee it's the latest (1.5.708.0), but probably it is.

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I do, but I'm not at home now. I'll come home somewhere around 5:30 PM (GMT +1). If you don't want to wait until 7:30 PM (GMT +1), ask Blaze. As I said, I had sent it to him the day before yesterday. However, I cannot guarantee it's the latest (1.5.708.0), but probably it is.

Here is it, PsiMoon314 - . But you don't need it - I downloaded and installed Oct Update and there it is! Blaze included it, and also removed KB905474. My C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\wga\wga_xp_enu.amc_files\WindowsXP-KB892130-enu-x86 is 1.5.530. It's the same one I have installed - I know because it's in blue. I thought 1.5.708.0 is the latest version (and figured KB892130 and KB905474 are synchronized (wrong)) - read it somewhere - but I guess it was a lapse, they probably meant KB905474. A few more things about the new AP. KB925486 (that critical AP update) is included. AP is now 5.1.37 (Blaze said 5.1.38, I don't know why). C:\Program Files\AutoPatcher\modules\Components\WindowsUpdate\WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86 is, but it's not in blue - appearantly, I've got the newer version. But I haven't got a link for it - maybe you have?

P. S. WIE7 - INCOMING! It's coming out tommorow, right? I'll post a link as soon I find it. ;)

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Hi xyz123,

Thanks for the link; even if it's no longer needed :D

I am surprised the WGA Notification Tool has been removed from APXP. As far as I know this has not been withdrawn by MS so it's odd that it's been removed from APXP, unless there is some "religious" or "political" objection to this tool.

I guess I will just have add it back in to my own copy; along will all of my other regular changes.

I was not aware that WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86 had been updated. I guess I need to pay more attention when I am installing Windows XP or setting up new PC's to check the WindowsUpdate.Log file more often ;)

Might be worth checking the module for Windows Update to ensure it's correctly checking for the version numbers. I was when I submitted it a while back.

As far as I know the LegitCheckControl.dll files have never synchronized across the two WGA updates so the fact they are different is not a big surprise.

AFAIK IE7 was due to be released at some time tomorrow (Wednesday in the UK) but it will probably be released late PST timezone so it will be Thursday for most of us before we see it.

Kind Regards


P.S I have just downloaded the October Update and KB892130 has not been updated. Your link is also the older version not any updated one :(

Edited by PsiMoon314
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Hi xyz123,

Thanks for the link; even if it's no longer needed :D


I am surprised the WGA Notification Tool has been removed from APXP. As far as I know this has not been withdrawn by MS so it's odd that it's been removed from APXP, unless there is some "religious" or "political" objection to this tool.

Even though AU will still nag about "KB905474 Upgrade" (KB905474 1.5.554.0), it's been withdrawn from WU/MU and that's enough for me.

I guess I will just have add it back in to my own copy; along will all of my other regular changes.

Why do you need it?

I was not aware that WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86 had been updated. I guess I need to pay more attention when I am installing Windows XP or setting up new PC's to check the WindowsUpdate.Log file more often ;)

Maybe it's not, since I installed it using AP it shows in blue.

Might be worth checking the module for Windows Update to ensure it's correctly checking for the version numbers. I was when I submitted it a while back.

Well, can you tell me what to check? The true version of all .dlls in WindowsUpdate.log is 5.x, while the official version is 6.x, so I had given up.

As far as I know the LegitCheckControl.dll files have never synchronized across the two WGA updates so the fact they are different is not a big surprise.

Yes, I had realized it was a lapse.

AFAIK IE7 was due to be released at some time tomorrow (Wednesday in the UK) but it will probably be released late PST timezone so it will be Thursday for most of us before we see it.

Kind Regards


Yes. I'm GMT +1, and I guess they'll release it at noon... so Thursday it is.

P.S I have just downloaded the October Update and KB892130 has not been updated. Your link is also the older version not any updated one :(

And I wondered why it's not in green in Oct 2006 thread. That's odd. I'd been sure it was updated because, for some time now (before the last reformat/reinstall), it hadn't been in blue in my AP... Well, sorry for the mislead, my bad... Darn the detection.

Edited by xyz123
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KB917021 - Wireless Client Update for Windows XP with Service Pack 2.

This update enhances support for Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) options in Wireless Group Policy. This update helps prevent a Windows wireless client from advertising the wireless networks in its preferred networks list.

This update replaces hotfix 893357.

Kind Regards


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I was not aware that WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86 had been updated. I guess I need to pay more attention when I am installing Windows XP or setting up new PC's to check the WindowsUpdate.Log file more often ;)

It hasn't been updated after all - I made a proper reformat/reinstall the day before yesterday, installed the AP one, went on WU and didn't have to update at all...

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Hi xyz123,

Good to have the conformation; I've not seen any updates nor the mythical later version of the WGA Notification Tool (although the .DLL does seem to exist).

Changing the subject, it seems that Windows Defender for Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2003 is now released.

The download is via:;DisplayLang=en

and the x64 version is here:;DisplayLang=en

Validation is required to download both.

Kind Regards


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I am fairly sure that IE7 and WMP11 will have the same validation "issues". Not that it is an issue if you have a correctly licensed copy of XP.

If APXP stops including items and updates simply because of validation then it will very quickly be out of date and therefore less useful than it is now.

Either way we can always write our own modules for these items where needed.

I have an IE7 module already written, it just needs some further testing, along with a tweak and an IE7 uninstaller.

Kind Regards


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I am fairly sure that IE7 and WMP11 will have the same validation "issues". Not that it is an issue if you have a correctly licensed copy of XP.

If you ask me it's still an issue, since validation requires Internet connection (right?). Some people (me included) prefer to do patching *before* they go into the wild. Also, what about those who don't have an Internet connection at all? They aren't entitled to WMP11?

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Hi nw_raptor,

Yes these are issues with need addressing.

IE7 can be installed without an Internet connection active (there is a "no-update" option) and Windows Defender appears to install without an Internet connection being active.

Yes the Windows XP does need to be validated before you can install either of these items. I can't see an obvious way around this other than modifing the installers using ORCA or an MSI Transform for best results.

Updating while offline is a good goal, however this may not be possible in all cases. Certianly if you have IE7 beta or RC installed then the IE7 Release installation may be a two step process.

This happens now on Windows 2000 when installing IE6 so it may just be something we have to live with.

It might help if we were using AP 6.0 for the installer as this may have options to allow work-arounds in some instances. If not then the code may need to be modified to allow for reboots during AP installation.

Kind Regards


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I use Autopacher on both existing XP's and on clean installed Windows XP, before it could get validated/activated, so the install of IE, Defender & WMP wouldn't be ab;e to work then.

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If it is the case the these packages need validation then you will need to validate the PC before you install them.

As per my posting above:

Yes the Windows XP does need to be validated before you can install either of these items. I can't see an obvious way around this other than modifying the installers using ORCA or an MSI Transform for best results.

I don't think APXP will be shipped with patched/modified files. So unless they can install them with a .MSI transform they will either not be included or APXP will have to install them separately once you have validated.

Kind Regards


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Hello , This Is My First Post , I Did Not Find Autopatcher For Windows Xp Media Center Edition 2005 SP2

I Have The Original Xp Mce2005 Cd's So I've Installed It And Make This Updates List

I Hope This Will Help , If You Deiced To Make Autopatcher For MCE 2005

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This Is The Full List Of Patches And Hotfixs Needed For Xp Mce05sp2 Date : 2 Oct 2005

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Hello , This Is My First Post , I Did Not Find Autopatcher For Windows Xp Media Center Edition 2005 SP2

I Have The Original Xp Mce2005 Cd's So I've Installed It And Make This Updates List

I Hope This Will Help , If You Deiced To Make Autopatcher For MCE 2005

Files Attached

This Is The Full List Of Patches And Hotfixs Needed For Xp Mce05sp2 Date : 2 Oct 2005

Use Right Click The Save Target As



if you are unable to view the text correctly then use this alternative zip files

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