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@theblazingangel on W2k, Windows2000-KB931836-x86-ENU.exe i dont see in AP Feb. i only just got this update at the end of march after a clean install.

KB931836 doesn't apply to windows 2000. there is no mention of windows 2000 in the KB article, and a search of the microsoft download center turns up no results for it...

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KB931836 doesn't apply to windows 2000. there is no mention of windows 2000 in the KB article, and a search of the microsoft download center turns up no results for it...

Actually that's not true. There is a KB931836 for Windows 2000. However it isn't a publicly available patch. It is only available through Microsoft's Extended Hotfix Support program, which is a $4000 program I might add.

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Actually that's not true. There is a KB931836 for Windows 2000. However it isn't a publicly available patch. It is only available through Microsoft's Extended Hotfix Support program, which is a $4000 program I might add.

ah well, that would be a good reason why i haven't included it then :laugh:

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About KB932634, KB932635 and KB932636 they are language specific (Swedish, Norwegian and Danish) and each size is 80 Mb. I won't include them in the main file, but i can release 3 Stand-Alone updates, for you guys. What do you think?

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919071 - FIX: Flickering may occur after seeking when you play back interlaced content through the Video Mixer Renderer 9 (VMR9) with DXVA enabled in Windows XP

I noticed this was removed in the January release. Why was it removed? My quartz.dll is still old.

(I'm referring to the XP 32bit release)



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@marrone, KB919071 was replaced by something else, thats why it was removed, my copy is version 6.5.2600.3024. the probable reason why yours is still old is because i removed wmp10 updates from autopatcher several months ago adding wmp11 in instead, so your probably missing the wmp10 updates. i will be creating a wmp10 addon pack this month so you'll be able to add that to the next release i'm creating and update wmp10.

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@marrone, KB919071 was replaced by something else, thats why it was removed, my copy is version 6.5.2600.3024. the probable reason why yours is still old is because i removed wmp10 updates from autopatcher several months ago adding wmp11 in instead, so your probably missing the wmp10 updates. i will be creating a wmp10 addon pack this month so you'll be able to add that to the next release i'm creating and update wmp10.

I might very well be missing those updates. I'll have to check.

Thanks for the reply.


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Adobe flash player IE v9.0.45.0 MSI (install_flash_player_active_x.msi) may have some issue. every single time that i try install it in here it shows an dialog box asking for "install_flash_player_plugin.msi" that i was unable to track at my machine (except by flashplayer not ie, of course. but even this one, if selected, doesn't work also a valid source). so, i've changed the msi version by "install_flash_player_active_x.exe" file. it worked, but install string must change to:

install_flash_player_active_x.exe" /silent

detection should change too:


RegistryPath=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Flash Player ActiveX



and uninstall string:


flash player not ie doesn't have this issue

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installed fine for me, however i didnt download a MSI file, i installed it within IE

the install page i used is here:

i unchecked the option to install google toolbar

also have it installed ok on Firefox and Opera. download page is as above.

file downloaded is install_flash_player.exe

page to verify version installed is here:

i don't know where the MSI based installers are..

i notice that AP uses MSI installers for both IE and nonIE:

install_flash_player_active_x.msi for IE

install_flash_player_plugin.msi for nonIE

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updated flash player. we use the msi installers which you get through the redistribution center. they're easier to use (msi switches for install/uninstall), and they don;t include the google toolbar.

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theblazingangel, i've got that msi file by the redistribution center. 3 times. every single time, it asked for that "install_flash_player_plugin.msi". uninstall previews version wasn't working. maybe that issue happend because of that, i don't know. and, by the way: install_flash_player_active_x.exe doesn't have google toolbar. about exe and msi, seems the same. i see no difference between a /qn and a /silent and booth do the same thing. if something goes wrong (that seems the case), the exe have an uninstall. the msi version ask for one. please, take a look:

and, by the way: this screen was taken a few minutes ago and flash player (booth versions) are already installed. without any, it's the same

edit: i've forgot the last error message that msi installer gives:

i will take a closer look about that 1714 error. if it happends for other machines, i will have no choice. anyway, a version that have an uninstall is better

edit2: solved, with helps of msicuu2.exe (but not tested with other machines that already had flash(. but i still see no point in include a thing that needs a external tool to remove himself

Edited by supermouse
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@supermouse, i can't explain the problems you having. i installed the latest versions (msi's) and had no problem (i did them silently through autopatcher btw), they work fine.

the msi's are capable of uninstalling: go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{8186E1B9-DDC6-45B6-B9EB-C28947CBC4CF} and look in the 'UninstallString' key, you'll find: MsiExec.exe /X{8186E1B9-DDC6-45B6-B9EB-C28947CBC4CF}

if you change that to MsiExec.exe /qn /X{8186E1B9-DDC6-45B6-B9EB-C28947CBC4CF} you've got a silent uninstall instruction that autopatcher can use ;)

of course if you installed it with the .exe rather than the .msi i'm not sure if this data will exist for you...

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theblazingangel, in order to uninstall that msi from flash, that damm file is required, even if you run "windows:\system32\MsiExec.exe" /quiet /X{8186E1B9-DDC6-45B6-B9EB-C28947CBC4CF}

(that works anyway, without reboot. at least, i've already tried uninstall everything at once and i haven't got any reboot so far)

if that file is corrupted/missing, you can't uninstall. with the exe version, that is not required. that was my first attempt to solve that problem. even manual install of the preview version was giving me the same error. by the way: i've just tried .exe after my 3rd frustrated attempt to install/uninstall msi version. i was almost forgotting... adobe doesn't have just issues with flash in msi version. from times to times, adobe have problems with acrobat too. every single time, it asks for an missing file. every single time, you can solve it with msicuu2.exe too.

by the way: i'm missing/needing more checks just this uninstallations:



fonts UE

kb931125 - impossible

kb905474 - impossible



kb922770 - i'm not sure. need check it yet

windows script

windows installer

profile hive cleanup


windows update v6



html slide show

disable messenger

open in a new windows

command lie for folder/drivers

allow boot optimization

lower scandisk time

lower menu delay

of course, i even tried do an uninstall for wallpapers, etc

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@supermouse, wait for the new translation packs and you can get uninstall instructions for the above from that. i haven't added uninstall instructions to absolutely everything but most have them i'd say 90 - 95 %

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Microsoft Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin

You must close all other browser windows before installing.

File size:



Windows XP SP2 (x86)

Windows XP SP2 (x64)

Windows Vista (x86)

Windows Vista (x64)



Date Posted:


Installation Instructions

1. Installation of the Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin may require administrative access to your PC. It is recommended that you close all other open browser windows before continuing with the installation.

2. Click the Install button to automatically download and install the Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin.

3. Depending on your security settings, you may see a Security Warning dialog box. Click Install to install the plugin.

There is a known issue if you are using Firefox version on Windows Vista with the installer failing with error code -203. To work around this simply restart Firefox (you will get a notification that Windows Vista will be changing the Firefox compatibility settings) and then install again - the second time should succeed.

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Microsoft Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin

This plugin only works with WMP 11, WMP 10 and earlier have problems!

Edited by theblazingangel
shortened quote
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KB934238 - On non-English versions of Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, some text in the print dialog box unexpectedly appears in English after you install the .NET Framework 3.0

although it looks like a non-english, non-public hotfix, auto-update just downloaded and installed it on my system...

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an optional update, according to windows update website, for windows xp sp2:

update for Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 Service Pack 1 (KB934268)

i think that this one replaces msxml 6, that is already present on AP, because it says that can also be installed without any preview version of msxml6

also already reported, KB934238 also an critical update:

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just also a tip: downloaded version of KB934268 seems hang in here. then, i've got that one from WU and extracted msi. then, it worked fine. even installing the downloaded version manually, WU shows that update also needed (and even version was fine). difference: WU have a english version, downloaded version seems translated

for KB934238, don't be fulled by size. it says that have only 4mb, but it's a lie. it have 2 parts, one with 13,1 MB and the other one with 1,35 MB. the biggest one is "XML paper specification shared components pack 1.0" and the other one is "XML paper specification shared components language pack 1.0". booth are extracted in here, because i've just found that at WU.

i was forgetting... shockwave seems that isn't opening a web browser at his instalation anymore :D

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@supermouse WU found KB934268 for W2K too. i downloaded and installed msxml6_x86.msi

does appear a replacement for MSXML6 in AP (msxml6.msi)

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Windows Server Update Services 3.0

WSUS 3.0 delivers new features that enable administrators to more easily manage and deploy updates across the organization. This package installs both the WSUS 3.0 Server and WSUS 3.0 Administration Console components. You must install the server components on a computer running Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later. You may install the Administration Console on a remote computer running Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1, or Windows Vista.;displaylang=en

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wow, wsus 3.0 is definitely way to big to be included in ap, if people want though i could mke n addon pack but i'm not sure theres much point, i'll make a poll...

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