The Hotfix Depot

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> Version 2 fixes issues experienced in Vista

according to that article, not only in vista

Yes, but for the majority user, changes will be noticed in Vista. See my previous statement on this regarding WebDAV.

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BITS 2.5:

VSS update for Win 2003: (V2)

Install this update to resolve an issue where the JScript version 5.6 Date object reports time in standard time instead of in daylight saving time.

Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0)

plus a few more for XP & 2003 and a zillion Vista updates

All available from the MS Download Centre today (well, when they are propagated to the mirrors)

Edited by prandal
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Boy, what's up with Microsoft pushing out all of these updates on a non-patch Tuesday? LoL

Update for .NET Framework 3.0: x86 (KB932471)

This update addresses a Rights Management Services issue with the Microsoft XPS Viewer. You can restore full Rights Management functionality by installing this update.

And a new Root Certificates Update

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BITS 2.5:

VSS update for Win 2003: (V2)

Install this update to resolve an issue where the JScript version 5.6 Date object reports time in standard time instead of in daylight saving time.

Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0)

plus a few more for XP & 2003 and a zillion Vista updates

All available from the MS Download Centre today (well, when they are propagated to the mirrors)

I strongly support these being included in June 2007 releases!

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What the heck, I'm going to try to post the rest of the "zillion" of updates that came out today:


Update for Windows Vista (KB932406)

Install this update to resolve an issue where the Windows desktop may not refresh correctly.

Update for Windows Vista (KB931836)

Installing this update enables your computer to automatically adjust the computer clock on the correct date in 2007 due to revised Daylight Saving Time laws in many countries.

Cumulative Update for Windows Media Center for Windows Vista (KB935652)

This update addresses issues with Windows Media Center for Microsoft Windows Vista.

Update for Windows Vista (KB935855)

Install this update to resolve an issue where an error message is displayed when you start Internet Explorer 7.

Update for Windows Vista (KB937123)

Install this update to resolve an issue where after logging on to a computer running Windows Vista, the 802.1X network authentication times out, fails and network connectivity can not be established.

Update for Windows Vista (KB937077)

Install this update to resolve an issue where a high definition audio device (HDA) may no longer work after a system running Windows Vista returns from sleep, or hibernation and then restarts.

Update for Windows Vista (KB938637)

Install this update to resolve an issue where the Input Method Editor 10 (IME10) user dictionary is not usable while Internet Explorer 7 in protected mode.

Update for Windows Vista (KB929824)

Install this update to resolve an issue where a connection cannot be established to any off-link addresses on a system running Windows Vista when the default gateway is configured to be the same as the client IP address.

Update for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems (KB930627)

Install this update to resolve an issue where the private data of the DEVMODE data structure may be corrupted on a 64-bit version of Windows when using a 32-bit application in raw mode to print a document * For Server 2003 x64, XP x64 and Vista 2003 x64

Windows XP

Update for Windows XP (KB933062)

Install this update to improve the reliability of the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) repository.

Server 2003

Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB936594)

Install this update to resolve an issue where network problems occur after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or the Scalable Networking Pack on a computer running Windows Small Business Server 2003.

Okay.. That was way too much from M$ I'm going to bed.... :sleep:

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FYI- Here are a few recent releases to think about (or at least keep an eye on):


Sun Java 1.6.0_02


Windows Live Messenger 8.15 Beta 1

.NET Framework 3.5 Beta 1

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^ Well, we usually include the latest versions. We might create a Stand-Alone for Windows Live Messenger 8.1 (like Blaze created for Windows Media Player 10) and include 8.5 in Core...

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Hey gandolas and blaze, is there any chance of getting this hotfix thread pinned?

It might help stop people from posting about new updates in inappropriate threads.

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it used to be pinned but the powers that be unpinned it and linked it and several other threads to the new pinned 'essential threads' post. i'm soon going to move a load of stuff onto the website and clean things up a little so perhaps i'll be able to get rid of this essential threads thing and put just a couple of things back in place.

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New updates released today.

KB894199 shows all of the new updates.

MS07-040 for .Net 1.1 SP1 replaces MS05-004, and for .Net 2 it replaces both MS06-033 and MS06-056 (incorrectly missing from the bulletin). Also, KB925398 was updated for 2003 and KB923689 was updated for XP.


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according to windows update website, a new rootcert is released was released at 26/6/2007. an update to .NET Framework 3.0: x86 (KB932471) was released at that date too

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hey, I just stumbled across this page:

It seems to have all the hotfixes, regardless of their public availibility or not. Modifying the URL will get you to other OS's. I've found this to be quite useful... maybe it's something that can be of use to the Autopatcher project as well?

Well AutoPatcher only includes public hotfixes, and they're all availible directly from Microsoft...

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seems that a new version of webfolders is arrived. at translation pack of this month, we have:





but finally ms released a translated version of that kb and i have now this detection:




by the way: KB892211 wasn't supposed be removed, if this one was replaced by kb907306?

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