When does unauthorised distribution become a rip for you?


43 members have voted

  1. 1. When does unauthorised distribution become a rip for you?

    • No credit is given to me.
    • No permission is asked for.
    • I really don't care!
    • Other (please specify)

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Chances are, if you've distributed some of your own work on neowin's forums or any other for that matter, where it be winamp skins, icons, msstyles, windowblinds skins, or anything else, you've seen your work redistributed with a tiny change with no mention of the original author. Some authors are pretty laid-back with things like this, others turn into permission nazi's. Where do you stand?

I, personally, have no problem with my work being redistributed WITH credit given to me where due. If no credit is given to me, I get ****ed!

How about you? Post your thoughts!

If a person asks, I will give them permission.

You would be surprised how many people try to play skins off as their own original work, but are too stupid to remove your name from the readme file...this has happened twice to me in 2002 alone!

Originally posted by unsanity

Yea that was funny when someone ripped your dock and had the same read me info. then he did it yet again. wonder if its still up on wincustomize.

No, after like 30 of us busted him he tried to submit it to DeskMod but they were to smart for him...I was already a registered member and they emailed me...

then after I spammed him for those 3 days....

Originally posted by kintamanate

If I have something made, 100% by me, and I decide to distribute it for free. than I want credit for my efforts.


Originally posted by kintamanate

That person have to ask me first before they want to use or make changes

and agree

but I dont care hehe

everybody knows my work

everybody would notice that is a rip of my work, I think hehe :D

There's not even a point in asking this question in this forum. Go over to the Customising XP thread and look at the amount of Sosumi and MMX threads over there that aren't made by the people that originally got permission to port the theme. Half of the people that frequent that area of Neowin are knobbos that don't understand that just because the original author granted a person permission that permission wasn't extended to them.

Personally, considering how many times the issue of copyright has been discussed, debated, and rehashed on this board if a person has blatently shown to have ripped someone elses work without permission I think they should be banned cos quite honestly there is no excuse.

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