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Looks good bubba. I like the creativity of the start menu.

I agree with L0KI in that I hope that your style will inspire other pay themers to stick to a more minimalistic approach. Simplicity is the key in my opinion to making a good vs.

Keep your head up man and ignore the naysayers. Good luck and I'm looking forward to your next vs.

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It's beautiful and I love it, but unfortunately I'm too cheap. Sorry.

If I could spare the money, you might be able to sway my opinion.

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Wouldn't give 10 cents for this thing... That $10 could go to diaster donations for the other side of the world... It is nice, but not that nice.

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Ouch, it's windows blindsy for my tastes, especially if I were to pay for it, although I'm sure some ppl will like it. $10 is a bit too much to ask, maybe $5 you can't really do a helluva lot with $5 but with $10 ah well. Nice work though :) Looks like you put alot of time into it as you've always done!

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Just an opinion:

STOP using this community forum as a FREE AD from you premium styles.

Until recently all completed VS posted here where available. I would like it to stay that way.

enough with the comments about paying for it.  we have several staff members watching this thread, so keep the comments clean and on-topic.


cannot you see its a very bad trend for the "completed VS" forum to slowly become a paid VS advertisement. just trying to stop it at its root.

and Bubba - cmon man, you posted quality work here on neowin. i was happy to see your new vs. didn't expect you to start advertising here. what a let down.

Edited by panacea
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enough with the comments about paying for it. we have several staff members watching this thread, so keep the comments clean and on-topic. it just me, or did the last three posters not see the above mods post? That aside, I think the theme looks pretty darn good! Keep up the good work, and keep your chin up soldier, there is a safe path to the end of every mine field.


Edited by Darkscreenz
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Share on other sites it just me, or did the last two posters not see the above mods post?


no i saw it.

note to shockz: can you make another room for pay themes...would help end the confusion and allow pay theme makers and there followers a single place to gather...


best suggestion ever ;)

Edited by panacea
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Please read:

just hear me out for 1 sec, i've tried to explain this on every forum i post in..heh

I understand how you may feel that pay themes or suites should not be posted on these forums because of the community, but understand that i'm not posting as advertisement, sure if someone should see it and buy it, that's great, but i post in these communities because i want feedback about what i'm doing right/wrong so i can continue to grow, for the same reason i did when i posted free themes/suites. I understand how it's a new thing for most people to accept but how can you honestly say "i dont think you should post your pay themes here" knowing how much free stuff i have given to the community you claim to love for so long and still continue to. People want to shut me down because i'm trying to make money off of something i believe i'm good at and i enjoy, but have no problem accepting every free thing i've ever given. No disrespect but that makes THOSE people look incredibly more selfish then i could ever be.

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Why is it that all pay-for VSes look like junk?

No offense bubba... but when I have to pay for something like this, I seem to appreciate it much less..

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This may go against what the mod asked of us, but I am not one to hold back when something is just downright wrong. First off, I hope that a mod does lock this thread due to the fact that a flame is, you know what I don't really feel like eating my words by getting banned. I will say this though, the market for graphics is everywhere in every work submitted free or not. To call this forum and this topic starters intentions an advertisement ploy is ridiculous...there are free themes on his site, so if you have a problem with this theme costing ANY amount of money whatsoever, why don?t you take your mooching eyes to another thread with links to free stuff..


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I really love your work man I have for a long time.

I have nothing against you charging for the VS either, this is a great piece of work, I'd really pay for this, just not $9.95

The price just seems a bit steep for any VS no matter how good it is. I'd consider paying up to $5 for a VS anything more just seems a bit overpriced. I don't have a job at the moment so that makes it even worse for me though =P

Anyway, really love the VS. Keep up the good work, might have to dig around my couch for coinage to get this =P

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