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Just thought id throw in a hard one ;) and yes its a real word, it means: "opposition to the disestablishment of the Church"

heh heh..Wazat already answered that one 3 times, page 3 of thread. :p

I'm waitin for a fourth version from him. ;)

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Antidisestablishmentarianism - Apparently naked tourists in Dubai insist, some endless stares turn a bit lewd, it's sometimes humiliating. Many experience nasty taunts, and recently it allegedly nearly involves sexual Molestation.

Llama - Little Ladies Against Molestation Association.


There we go answered.... :D

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Egyptian - Erotic girls yell "Please try it anally now!"


Not a problem. Many words come up again somewhere in the thread. Egyptian has been here before too.

oops! my turn to blush

Actually I answered it on page 2 and 3, that's twice but I believe there are a few more in the thread too that I had answered. Think there were some in the other acronym game that is in my sig too.

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Avatar - A ventriloquist always talks, and remotely

Lubricated - Let user bring remotely integrated control and turn everything down.

Bah Deimos now look at that I go and answer yours and you go and edit it after I have finished....

Violence - Very idiotic old ladies enjoy nipple clamps, eeek.


Edited by wazat
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