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An older dvd player may not be able to read even semi-scratched/fingerprinted discs as easily as current ones. Is the DVD itself very clean?

As the person above stated^, that's a good possibility too.

I use one of these in my player:

Yeah the discs are clean, I was watching Back to the Future III today and the disc is virtually brand new out of the box, watched maybe once or twice before. It skipped maybe a few times during the movie but alot when I was watching the extras.

Any specific DVD cleaner I should look for?

Some of the reviews Im reading say the cleaners have alot of compatibility issues.

Yeah try a lens cleaner and also check your scart cables as they do degrade over time and particularly if its the one you got with it the cable will be a cheap crappy one, always worth trying a Monster cable (even the MV1 is a huge step up) and even if it doesnt work you'll have a great cable for your replacement dvd player :)

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