Can't see computer across network!

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ok, first of all, i am ****ed off....

second here is the issue:

my dad is getting a cable connection, and he got the router today (Linkksys BEFSR41) but we dont have a network connection yet for it. so we connect my comp to port 1 and his to port 2 and i install file sharing on my comp and set the workgroup name to Student and I do the same on my dads comp. Now we both can see each others comps and he can get to mine with no probs (playing winamp mp3s from my hdd right now), so I try to go into his account. a password box pops up the this:

househol-######Guest (grayed out) and a password field. NO PASSWORD WILL WORK, we dont know what it is.

How can I get into his computer and the folder that he has shared???????

Help tonight would be GREAT

THANKS:mad: :mad: :mad:

EDIT: BTW, the OS on both comps is XP PRO

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Turn on his Guest account.

It's probably off..

Oh, and I'm about to change the title. Shouting gets you nowhere..

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sorry for the yelling, please change it then

it doesnt make a BIT of difference, we tried that

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sorry...and no i havent, but when i turn the guest account on, it says that i dont have permisson to access it.

Edit: Tried the change password, but cant, there is no option in the XP User accounts for Guest account

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create an account on his machine with the user name and password you use to log into youre machine. that is the only way i can get file sharing to work on my network.

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Deathlace - when i click on hdd and go to sharing and sec i get an error about it only to be set for admin probs

Shadow771 - the only way i can login to the comp is ths stupid guest account.

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Anyone else please?

One thought I had was if I were to change the name of his computer from househol-###### to something like My Computer or to his first name or something if that would fix it.

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That was the first thing i did to enable sharing a folder. thanks tho

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You must create a user account on his machine identical to the one on your machine, there is no more anonymous logging in to XP. Giving permission to the Everyone group no longer works.

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Originally posted by silly_walk

Can you access the administrative shares?

I can right click on his hdd and get to the sharing properties, but for the permmissions, i cant.

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Originally posted by azerchXP

I can right click on his hdd and get to the sharing properties, but for the permmissions, i cant.

Administrative shares are default shares, c$, d$ and so on. There is one per partition. What you need to do to see if they work is be an administrator, go to the computer that cannot connect (yours) and go to Start, Run, type yourdadscomputernamec$ and see if it can connect.

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