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C:WINDOWSResourcesThemes is where they went, with other stuff in there already from the Luna theme from XP. LunaAqua went into LunaAqua under there, with a Luna Aqua.Theme file being in the Themes dir. I cannot get any of these keen looking new themes to work at all.. it looks like that other guy's screenshot. I have switched to the metallic theme first, then tried, still same ugly stuff though. :(

Originally posted by Windowsxp88

There is this nasty white thingys around some text in some windows...there is a screenshot attached...also a suggestion for the aqua theme..the close buttons that u posted on the "Blue Start Bar for XP Download & HowTo" thread i think are a bit better than the ones u have now, just a small suggestion :)

it sometimes does this when you play around with the themes. you can get rid of it by switching to the windows xp (default) theme. maybe then try changing back to your custom theme. if they appear again then the new theme just isnt compatible.

Originally posted by radixvir

it sometimes does this when you play around with the themes. you can get rid of it by switching to the windows xp (default) theme. maybe then try changing back to your custom theme. if they appear again then the new theme just isnt compatible.

Oh cool, theres another way to fix it then :) What i did was i went to the advanced properties in the appearance tab and changed the menu color to white and the selected text to gray..weird combo but it fixed it :)

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