super messed up network

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Hmm, I have been trying to fix this damn thing all morning, but no luck.

Last night, I connected my laptop to my ntlb0x (it supplies internet connection via x-over cable). This was working fine and the next day, I decided to connect my laptop back on to the lan to put some files upon it.

This is where the problem came up, I connected laptop up and it seemed to send out data but not receive any, also, no data was being received by my main pc. I wondered wtf could be up and thought it might be a busted cable (I have a peer to peer network as I only had 2 computers until a few days ago) I connected it up to my old c333 that has win2k and everything was working fine. There was no problem with my main pc or the cable, the problem must be with the laptop.

After messing around with settings for ages, trying to repair the connection etc I am totally stuck, I can think of nothing more to do.

I was wondering if anyone knows wtf could be wrong, or more likely, a way to totally reset the networking settings on my laptop so i can start again from scratch.

btw, both laptop and main pc are on winxp

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this kind of situation is difficult to troubleshoot with words. . .

you could remove the adapter and have xp find it again, this will reset the network settings. . .

make sure you have ipx installed..

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hmm, i removed in device manager and reinstalled , but the same problem is still there. i installed ipx, but it did nothing, i dont think that is the problem as it was working before without.

such a strange problem, i have upgraded to latest drivers for network card also, nothing seems to fix :/

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Originally posted by unimatrixzer0

Isn't IPX part of that novell shizzle.. ? ::shudders::

IPX is for novell's not necessary to have it installed on a windows only network.

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First test your basic network connectivity between the two laptops. I am assuming that you have checked the physical connections b/w the machines.

In Windows XP, if you are using your PC to share the Internet connection, as SyS_Reactor says the Networking Wizard should set this up for you. Open My Network Places and run the option (on both machines):

Setup a home or small office network

Once this is complete test that you can PING your PC from the laptop: run a Command Prompt on the laptopn and type

ping x.x.x.x

Where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your PC. If this does not work then you will need to ensure that both machines have TCP/IP configured correctly. TCP/IP should be setup OK on the PC so try setting a static address on the laptop.

Ensure that both machines are running IP addresses in the same range (subnet, and assuming both machines are running TCP/IP). eg

IP Address Subnet Mask / and /

Assuming that the PC is OK and is using the address use the following configuration on the laptop:

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:



Then go back and try the PING test again. If that still doesn't work, then you might be looking at a physical problem.

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