Paris Hilton's Phone Hacked: Private Info Released

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Anyways, this just makes me hate Paris even more. She's the true example of a ditz.


How is this Paris' fault? For the first time in a long time she is actually the victim. Some guy hacked T-Mobile and spied on celebs. Is it her fault shes famous?

Nice bush cheney sticker btw :x


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Anyways, this just makes me hate Paris even more. She's the true example of a ditz.


Yeah, stupid T-Mobile got hacked, and now Paris is the b!tch again.

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This is pretty sad. Theres more than just celebrity numbers on that list. Look up the Dr.

Also there was a sound file that was supposed to be that Tennis Player but an India/Mideastern guy picked up. They spend 6 min relaying a URL. lol.

She should probably sue T-mobile. Or at least the people on the list. You know that has to be a pain for them. I think this is the first time something like this has ever happened.

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Well here's a story that you probably haven't herd.

One of my good friends here in Orlando is named Chad. He's an on-air intern for the local WB station that has their own morning show. Paris was in town the night before the leak to celebrate her birthday at her very own club, Club Paris in Orlando, Florida. My buddy Chad was doing a big story on her so she had his contact info in her phone, and sure enough it showed up on the leak. The funny thing is that he shares a name with a band member from N.E.R.D.

He told me that he's been getting new txt msgs/emails about once every 10 secs or so. He's loving it. This is what he told me:

During this chaos, some major celebrities have been e-mailing their fellow mailing list mates. One of them was usher, who sent out a mass e-mail to me, and everyone else that was on Paris's list. He like everyone else is totally angry and confused.

How funny is that?

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I know I really wish you people would not call would just create more of a problem....

and worst you make the internet community look worse off: you making us all look like desprate stalking horny teens...


Its not like there is a love affair between internet people and celebrities anyway.

Celebrities are a bunch of elitists, and deserve this in every way possible.

Lets just say that someone social engineered their way into an account which happened to be some random hot girl who, like Paris, took nude pictures of herself, had revealing messages like Paris, and had a phonebook of a bunch of people. People probably wouldn't bother calling them because they are ordinary people.

If celebrities came off as being a bit more ordinary, I doubt there would be such a mad rush to call these peoples' phone numbers.

And by the way, i guarantee that a good majority of these calls people make arent for pranking or because the caller is a "horny teen". Its probably these bums in podunk, USA calling them because they know the celebrities have tons of money and they have problems that they would hope the celebrities would help them with.

Why do you think the PowerBall winners are kept so secret from the time they win? Because if information got out about them, their whereabouts, their phone numbers, they would be swamped with people looking for money for help.

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Well here's a story that you probably haven't herd.

One of my good friends here in Orlando is named Chad. He's an on-air intern for the local WB station that has their own morning show. Paris was in town the night before the leak to celebrate her birthday at her very own club, Club Paris in Orlando, Florida. My buddy Chad was doing a big story on her so she had his contact info in her phone, and sure enough it showed up on the leak. The funny thing is that he shares a name with a band member from N.E.R.D.

He told me that he's been getting new txt msgs/emails about once every 10 secs or so. He's loving it. This is what he told me:

How funny is that?


thats awesome.

post anymore information or quotes from him as you get them.

I like to hear these stories where people actually ENJOY it. Thats the way it should be.

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If a 'normal' persons phone was 'hacked' would the FBI be involved? ;)


A very good point has just been brought up ;)

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This is Crazy it really is, I cant Belive what has happend. Can't the fbi trace the calls though?

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I'm not that interested in exploiting anyone's privacy, but a friend of mine was...

He used, made the from number Ashlee Simpson's from the phone book listing of Paris's, and made a fake message asking to to call her without any name...

We've yet to hear the outcome of that one... :laugh:

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The Register report on the Tmobile Hacker

heheh cracks me up that the only reason he was rumbled was because hed got hold of Secret Service documents from an Agents Sidekick Account LOL & he got away with it for over a year!

The only reason he got caught was due to an Informant reporting him for circulating Classififed Govt documents, it wasnt even the cybercrime agent! :blink:

:rofl: < how stupid does that Agent feel? Mr "anticyber crime agent being hacked" LMFAO classic. Hes probably been demoted to using a Speak `n Spell ? hahahaha

Quoted from

"Before his arrest last October, Jacobsen used his access to a T-Mobile database to obtain customer passwords and Social Security numbers, and to monitor a US Secret Service cyber crime agent's email, according to government court filings in the case. Sources say the hacker was also able to download candid photos taken by Sidekick users, including Hollywood celebrities, which were shared within the hacking community."

"Jacobsen was arrested after a Secret Service informant helped investigators link him to sensitive agency documents that were circulating in underground IRC chat rooms. The files were traced to Peter Cavicchia, a Secret Service cyber crime agent in New York who received documents and logged in to a Secret Service computer over his T-Mobile Sidekick - an all-in-one cellphone, camera, digital organizer and email terminal. The Sidekick uses T-Mobile servers for email and file storage."

^ is it me or is this "so-called" anticyber crime Agent a bit retarded for using a public system to log into a GOVT portal?

"T-Mobile, which apparently knew of the intrusions by July of last year, has not issued any public warning. Under California's anti-identity theft law "SB1386," the company is obliged to notify any California customers of a security breach in which their personally identifiable information is "reasonably believed to have been" compromised. That notification must be made in "the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay," but may be postponed if a law enforcement agency determines that the disclosure would compromise an investigation.

Company spokesman Peter Dobrow said Tuesday that nobody at T-Mobile was available to comment on the matter"

Give it 6 months and he will be working for the "Secret Service" lol either that or Vodaphone LMFAO

Edited by Mando
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In no way shape or form is the incident Paris's fault or the people who have her number. I believe the root of the issue comes down to an individual with an insider... Maybe it was Social Engineering...who cares but if it was,

I can say having worked in the same company that it's EASY to get the said information. It's sad, but the integrity of the folks I worked with would not bat an eye to giving out this information. Sadly, most of who I worked with didn't pay attention to training, and were more into their "employee discounted" phones than anything else. That was the reason they worked there.

I say if T-Mobile is going to have access to high end people, and not just stars, but they also have Blackberry stuff for the Government, have a special database/support staff for that stuff. Entry-Level people with the right know how can simply type in a LAST NAME and pull account information WORLDWIDE on that stuff. It's not hard to reprogram a button to dial another to get ahold of the support folks.

It angers me to see a company being LOOSE with information like this. Thing is, how many OTHER people did he/she do this with? This is the whole reason I got into Security. I want to make the one shirt I have false...

My shirt says "Social Engineering Expert - Because there's no patch for human stupidity" I have a patch it's called EDUCATION....

IF only companies would learn damnit....

EDIT: Is it just me or does my avatar of me look whack? seems i'm a bit stretched...

Edited by Vaichilds
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In no way shape or form is the incident Paris's fault or the people who have her number.  I believe the root of the issue comes down to an individual with an insider... Maybe it was Social Engineering...who cares but if it was,

I can say having worked in the same company that it's EASY to get the said information.  It's sad, but the integrity of the folks I worked with would not bat an eye to giving out this information.  Sadly, most of who I worked with didn't pay attention to training, and were more into their "employee discounted" phones than anything else.  That was the reason they worked there.

I say if T-Mobile is going to have access to high end people, and not just stars, but they also have Blackberry stuff for the Government, have a special database/support staff for that stuff.  Entry-Level people with the right know how can simply type in a LAST NAME and pull account information WORLDWIDE on that stuff.  It's not hard to reprogram a button to dial another to get ahold of the support folks.

It angers me to see a company being LOOSE with information like this.  Thing is, how many OTHER people did he/she do this with?  This is the whole reason I got into Security.  I want to make the one shirt I have false... 

My shirt says "Social Engineering Expert - Because there's no patch for human stupidity"  I have a patch  it's called EDUCATION....

IF only companies would learn damnit....


I agree.

I know for a fact, having done a stint of work for Verizon, that the process is different there.

A last name won't get you anywhere. If you have the cell phone number, then yes, you can pull up the account holder's name and address, but no social security number, and you can't edit the account without the social security number.

Also, government & most company accounts cannot be handled by indirect agents (which I was)... All of which had to be sent to a direct store, and authorized and walked through over the phone.

For press to talk, the same applies...

T-Mobile needs to take a page from Verizon's book for a change.

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Is it illegal to actually look at this information if we happened to find links to it :whistle:


Awright just for your sake i wont look at the info & i wont call up anna :whistle:

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