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I've been checking out the monthly Desktops for some time now. There's always so much creativity, I'm just amazed... This month is no exception. Great walls from everyone.

My work in progress. I started it last night fooling around in Photoshop. I'll be adding more pictures to it, but I think I'll work on the "scotch" tape first. Maybe a shadow, not sure yet.

Windows XP with the classic theme. Modified Milk Suite v0.3 Lite for the weather and made my calendar with one of the skins from that package. Working on getting the hang of Samurize which is why I have two clients running and not both items existing together in one package...


(Trying this with Neoshooter for the first time.)

First off, great work everyone. The desktops look amazing.

This month I'm keeping it simple.

VS: 'Reluna' Alunamin by Bant

Wall: 'A Fatuous Dream' by Florian Freundt | hermik

Rainlendar: 'Dust for Gant' by isomerboy (Modded by Me)

Samurize: 'MonoChrome' by kerson (Modded and Stripped by Me)

I think thats it. Enjoy !


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