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how or where do i do the following

1a. Empty your DLLCACHE


1c. Disable WINDOWS SYSTEM FILE CHECKER. (This means NO MORE annoying PROTECTION ERROR messages.)

1d. Increase you iconcache size to 8MB, this will help ensure, no messing up of your icons.

Once i have the installer looking the way I want with uninstaller and a few other bits, I would love to make an aqua one and others. It will be as simple for me as to tell the installer to look for the aqua files on my machine, then say BUILD ! easy.

Let me get this one right and we'll work on more...........will take you up on the files offer too when I am ready.

I need suggestions on what people want and don't want in the installer (features) etc. Uninstaller is on its way, being able to choose individually, which files to install is on it's way aswell.

What else do you people want if you could have the "prefect installer" ????

well, as you said, having an uninstaller would be key. i guess more customisation in terms of which files to replace. i dont *think* it would be too hard to make a checklist of each file, or of smaller groups of files, though i could be wrong.

if i were you, id put space for Credits for yourself and the other contributors/creators of themes, on the System screen where it gives mhz, ram etc, where theres a pic beside it

tokrachi thats 1 great thing youve done

:D but i think ive found a slight prob maybe only on my machine i dunno but when u insert a cd and it auto plays the icons ov the things u can choose from are slightly fuzzed n the status bar ov the autoplay reading the disk is a bit choppy but other than that great work dude :D il'l be lookin forward to the updates

thanks for the heads up on the autoplay issue, will look into in (will be just a matter of icon sizing) if i have read your post right.

Updates ???? XP SP1 is coming soon, will probably hold an update until that is released now, unless there is some critical issues that need immediate attention.

Office Icons, I was working on some a short while ago. Will have to drag them out and get around to finishing them.

Outlook & Outlook Express..........big jobs guys and girls. I personally haven't got the time at the moment to do this, BUT if anyone out there has goodies to add to these apps, let me know and we can add to the installer.

Virii/Worms ?

if you download from the link on page 1, I can assure you 100% that there is no nasties. I personally find it insulting that paranoid people would think I would put this much work into this project for the express purpose of hitting you with a virus. People who are that paranoid about it are generally the ones that were stupid enough to download an exe that promised to give you good fortune and a million dollars...............well more fool you !

If you don't want to d/l and install it, DON'T, but please keep you febele minds away from this thred.

[edit] re: uninstalling, there is no uninstaller at the moment, you can simply remane the files with an mmx extension back to their original extention (exe dll cpl) etc.

Thankyou and goodbye.

Originally posted by stuckwithme247

i am bad at making bmps.... can someone plz make an outlook toolbar from these? DOWNLOAD

Those are the only 1s need changed also and these

I only care about the 1s that are visible not the 1s I never see:knocked:

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