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I know a lot of people have had problems with miranda and the ieview plugin so just post here and i will try and help and i know karma_police will also be able to help and anyone else who wants to help. I myself had problems with ieview for quite a long time. So here is a quick guide.

<--Useful links-->

Ie view

(check there fequently as it is updated nearly daily)


Miranda 0.4

Miranda zip

Miranda installer

All test builds can be found here. Miranda Blog

I warn you all the above are betas or alphas so use at your own risk.

<--IE ViewGuide-->

1.Install miranda or place miranda folder in C-Program Files.

2. Navigate to the miranda im folder and find the plugins folder. In there goes the tabSRMM.dll (more instructions included with plugin) and ieview.dll.

3. Now open up miranda go to options then Plugins and check ieview and tabsrmm.

4. Restart miranda

5. Go to options and you should see the structure has changed. Open the tree Message sessions - Message window - Message Log - Check "Activate support for external log.

6. If you have simleyadd plugin get rid of it it can cause problems. IE view has it its own smiley engine.

7. Thats it ieview should now work. You can apply css files and templates from Message sessions - IEview plugin.

Edited by -scorpio-
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1. Get Miranda 0.4 RC2, TweakUI and clist_nicer plugins.

2. Install the plugins.

3. Activate clist_nicer and tweakui


4. Go to TweakUI


5. Restart Miranda and finally play with clist_nicer (check the same options as me)


The wallpaper must be the same size of your screen resolution.

I was forgetting uncheck:


And also uncheck (drop shadow too):


Pictures for the first post:

5. Go to options and you should see the structure has changed. Open the tree Message sessions - Message window - Message Log - Check "Activate support for external log.

If you want to use message grouping enable it here too.


Be sure to uncheck the options here:




I have followed the instructions above...and when i restart miranda and start for the second says error: cannot find resource dll

Any suggestions?



i think we need to add how to fix this into the guide...

when you install tabsrmm, a folder is created called ICONSXP and in that folder is tabsrmm_icons.dll. your Icon DLL settings (shown in the screenshot) should point to your tabsrmm_icons.dll file which should have extracted with tabsrmm (probably ICONSXP\ is in the plugins\ folder of the Miranda root folder)


EDIT: woohoo 2000 posts

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