how much alcohol does it take to you drunk?

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Nowadays, 8 pints and I'm well out of it.... sign of getting old. :( Recently, it's generally a bottle of wine with the missus instead of a fair few with the lads for me I'm afraid.... cue first year without a lads' holiday :(

My mate can sink about 15.... but then again he is an alcoholic. Excessive consumption of alcohol is neither big nor clever: remember that kids.

Besides, Neobond has banned me from drinking whilst on modding duty lol

Just ask Keldyn ;) lol j/k

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When I was younger and drank all the time? whew...good lord.. alot. I don't even want to guess... TOO much to be healthy.

Now? 3-4 beers roughly and I'm feeling it.

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Beer simply doesn't seem to have that effect on me. It's when you start whipping the nasty spirit concuctions up which does me.

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Well if it is just beer then i can take about 12 before i am 'really happy' ... if i don't want to remeber the night ... then 12 beers and a some shots of anything really ..... i am just getting into my prime drinking years .. i figure that my liver has at least 5 - 7 more years left:)

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Originally posted by Pyro

would help if you knew how to spell it :ermm:

Its spelled wrong but you know what the hell im talking about so leave it at that ok boid.gif

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Back in the day.... geez, a hell of a lot. My liver definitley bears some milage! :D

Now that I'm an old man, probably a sixer! Good ole' Natural Light!!! :p lol

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Originally posted by duntez

Its spelled wrong but you know what the hell im talking about so leave it at that ok

Calm down Duntez.

As for which spirit is the killer? Gotta be the nasty Rum I had when i passed my A-levels. That made me pass out so I was carried home and left on my doorstep :D :D

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i dont drink.. underage.. and i dont plan of ever drinking.. or smoking.. :)

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Originally posted by Space Guy

i dont drink.. underage.. and i dont plan of ever drinking.. or smoking.. :)

right? good for you!

is this a religous belief???

what extrernal envirment forces this level of non drinking

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i have had 2 friends pass away because of some drunk driver... i dont want to be one that does that.. and because i dont need anything like that in me to make me feel good.. i have friends that help me with that :D

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Originally posted by Space Guy

i dont drink.. underage.. and i dont plan of ever drinking.. or smoking.. :)

This is my views on drinking. The countries in Europe that impose a sensible policy on drinking have a sensible youth culture. Yeah, its ok to drink in moderation -its socially acceptable. What people are troubled by is binge drinking- thats whats bad for you - and thats the trend in places like the uk. people go out and get rat arsed once a week, and in doing so, do more damage to themselves than drinking in small quanitites through out the week. The italians, god bless them, drink loads of red wine, and live the longest in the EU -so look at them!

What i have a problem with is specifically US states like texas: its B U L L S H I T to deny the fact that kids just dont go out and illegally get drunk underage! If you ban candy kids go looking for it else where- christ- look at the presidents kids- didnt they indulge in under aged drinking? There is no denying the fact that all around the world people die from drink driving; yeah we should tell kids not to drink; yet fronting the message in such away, by portraying it as the devils drink is just not going to help; your just pushing the problem underground.

Im not saying that underaged drinking is ok - its not. All im saying is that an open minded, less niave view towards alcohol is more realistic, and for parents might help them gain a greater degree of repsect / trush / friendship with their kids.

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Originally posted by Mr magoo

What i have a problem with is specifically US states like texas: its B U L L S H I T to deny the fact that kids just dont go out and illegally get drunk underage! If you ban candy kids go looking for it else where- christ- look at the presidents kids- didnt they indulge in under aged drinking? There is no denying the fact that all around the world people die from drink driving; yeah we should tell kids not to drink; yet fronting the message in such away, by portraying it as the devils drink is just not going to help; your just pushing the problem underground.

agreed 100% i know a few (more then few i guess :p) that drink.. i know one that does crack, pod, etc. IN CLASS?! i mean.. wtf is up with that?! :ermm:

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moved to Real World Issues. voodoo

EDIT: Notice how the mods answered and the admins didn't. Were already in the cooler

:roll: :D :D :D :p :p :p

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