how much alcohol does it take to you drunk?

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Originally posted by voodoo

moved to Real World Issues. voodoo

EDIT: Notice how the mods answered and the admins didn't. Were already in the cooler

:roll: :D :D :D :p :p :p

Lol :D :D :D

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Hello My name is Jonathan, I have FAS known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. FAS is caused by Maternal Drinking of Alcohol during pregnancy as a result it leaves the person in this case myself with an permanent disability.

There is No Cure

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of mental and physical defects which develops in unborn babies when the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. A baby born with FAS may be seriously handicapped and require a lifetime of special care. Some babies with alcohol-related birth defects, including smaller body size, lower birth weight, and other impairments.

Since I found out i had FAS I have dedicated my life to the awareness of FAS in communities, prisons, and churches across Canada and via the www site hoping to reach across national borders to those afar so they too can know they don't need to be alone.

This is my experience with alcohol not now not when i was a teen but before i was born. As a result i am on permanent disability.

Jonathan aka: Frodo

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well since i'm only 21 and still enjoy drinking alot and partyin', it takes about 14-16 beers for me to be drunk, but a bit more to be off my rocker...heh...the only problem with a high tolerance is it costs more to get drunk :( :ermm:

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I think it depends on mood and circumstances

like if im all pumped for a big night, I can drink a bottle of scotch and obvioulsy be drunk, but not toooo drunk.

Where as if im not really pumped about going out and im sorta just going out to go with the flow, ill have a quarter bottle of scotch a feel crook.

But then it changes with beer, usually after a few I get to that nice drunk state, that state where everything all good, and everyone seems to be looking good :p

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Originally posted by Nestea_M@n

If i was to drink, I would drink till a drop dead, then wake up and puke all over the place :evil:

but the questions is.. how many will that be? and would u do it? :p

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2 1/5ths of Captain Morgan will make me feel nice. 11 shots of Jose Quervo Gold in 20 minutes messes me up...I'll never do that again. I've recently discovered Jagermeister...never got drunk off of it (yet), but it's damn good. Highly recommended for those of you that drink the hard stuff.

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At the moment I'm getting through 10 pints on a Friday - usually followed by a few shots down my local club - and that always seems to do the job (well I certainly feel like death warmed up on Saturdays !!)

Don't drink during the week tho, I think my liver will just about recover in time for the next Friday then ;)

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Originally posted by Deckhand

a gallon of everclear... then i start to feel it.

lmao that should be over in the joke forum

For me all it takes is about 3 glasses of wine before I start feeling tipsy due to the fact that I do not know how to just sip liquids. Last fall my bf had a dinner for his company and I ended up getting completely blotto off 2 glasses of wine, a glass of grappa + baileys, a glass of baileys, and then another glass of grappa + baileys and ended up spending the next hour in the loo throwing up.

I was ok til I had the grappa + baileys cos I drank it so fast I didn't actually get a whiff of the smell of it until afterwards and thats what did it. Grappa is some evil smelling **** I'll tell you.

Year before last when I was in the process of moving back to Scotland after being away for almost 4 years my mates took me out for a goodbye type of thing and I ended up drinking half a bottle of bacardi before they had even picked me up and by the time we got to the steakhouse I was silly but 3 hours later I was already sober which is frightening.

At school though I spent most of my time with a bottle of voddy or cognac, didn't get drunk though as it would take more than a bottle before I even started feeling the effects and even then I would get rather quiet but the idea of being a complete alco at the age of 16 didn't really appeal so I dropped the booze until I turned 22 and now if we go out I'll stick to alcopops or singles of vodka. I have a long history of alcoholics on my mum's side of the family so I try to drink in moderation nowadays.

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Originally posted by Mr magoo

The Italians, god bless them, drink loads of red wine, and live the longest in the EU -so look at them!

Yup yup!! :D

Anyway, a couple bottles of tequila and I'm knocked out for three days... :p

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Originally posted by spinks

well since i'm only 21 and still enjoy drinking alot and partyin', it takes about 14-16 beers for me to be drunk, but a bit more to be off my rocker...heh...the only problem with a high tolerance is it costs more to get drunk :( :ermm:

I know the feeling .... the more often i drink .. the more i have to spend to get drunk!!!!!! Got to love canadian beer, it is just brilliant, that and no one cares about under age drinking!

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i used to be able to drink 3/4 of a 26 of absolut mixed with any fruit juce/punch... but i noticed i kept getting drunker and drunker on the less i drank... once i was taking some energy boosting pills, and it only took me the neck of the vodka bottle to get drunk, thats like 1 shot!! and i was completely out of it, i couldnt even walk

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Originally posted by bayrider

i used to be able to drink 3/4 of a 26 of absolut mixed with any fruit juce/punch... but i noticed i kept getting drunker and drunker on the less i drank... once i was taking some energy boosting pills, and it only took me the neck of the vodka bottle to get drunk, thats like 1 shot!! and i was completely out of it, i couldnt even walk

Yea but it probably wore off faster than if you hadn't taken those, its like a double edged sword. As for me, it usually takes me about 5 beers to get a good buzz, and to actually get drunk, it could take anywhere from 15-24, all depends on the duration and how full my stomache was, also hydration beforehand is a factor.

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When we are talking beers here are we talking pints ??? cos after 15 pints i would be unable to walk. Just how big is a beer compared to a pint ?

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