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^ Simple, yet nice. I like it. :) BTW, thanks for the glassed add-on bar style.

Here's what I'm using right now:


I'm thinking of getting rid of the Firefox logo in the App button, though...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last two posts, both with "Windows 7 Style"

I got the same with very few personal modifications about add-on bar, tabs background to fit on dark windows backgrounds and a bit smaller tabs url-bar changes.


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What's funny is this thread was listed in my little recent topics thing on the front page of neowin, I've never posted in it so I started checking it out. I didn't pay attention to the dates and was reading page 1 and thought, "There's a lot of people still using XP..." then I saw one guy running 2000 and was just like, "WAIT A MINUTE..." and noticed the thread was started in like 2005, :p. Anyway, here's mine.

Google Chrome 8.0.552.237

Ubuntu Linux 10.10 64bit


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I wish people would start posting what they have used to create the browser look in their posts instead of people constantly asking how theyve done it.

What browser theme is that?

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I wish people would start posting what they have used to create the browser look in their posts instead of people constantly asking how theyve done it.

What browser theme is that?


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