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My Firefox with my userstyle..

smexy!!!! Love the slick dark look goin on!!! how'd ya do it with stylish? care to share the code?

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Good god, why would anyone want FF to look like IE9? :x

Because they might like how it looks?

That's like asking why anyone would want Firefox to look like Chrome.

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smexy!!!! Love the slick dark look goin on!!! how'd ya do it with stylish? care to share the code?

I put codes & userstyles in "".

All off the styles are called DarkBlue and The look is the same, the "Firefox DarkBlue" changes all:

Toolbars, menues, tabs, windows, options, panorama ...

Hover effects with transitions in menues & buttons.

Blue light in selected tab, yelow light in hovered and red light in loading.


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wow for soem reason that dark theme screwed up bad LOL. I had to open a new FF window to kill the theme..... it did soemthing freaky with my taskbar and then I minimized, restored and all I had left was the tiny titlebar (unthemed in windows classic look) and no controls. luckally I was able to restore the prev. look. woah that was strange and LOL.

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Nice, Darrian! Because you reminded me the "clsSharp" theme! Recently, few months ago, did clean installation of Win 7 and since 2-3 days ago, hadn't decide to patch the dlls to get custom themes! Now I did! Always I was using only "Shine 2.0" ( like now ) and "ClsSharp" ( just installed )!

By the way, if you face any glitch with Fx while using ClsSharp, I suggest to go to "advanced appearance settings" and re-set there all fonts & windows sizes like the default windows theme! I can ensure you'll get better adjustments/margins/padding etc.

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I have tried using the few other Windows 7 themes that actually look good, but I keep going back to clsSharp. It's definitely my fave. The borders on Firefox are so large because I used the chromemargindoohickey extension to change them as recommended by the author of the Firefox theme (Flow 1.1), which I'm using in conjunction with Stratiform. I'm not sure it really does anything but I don't mind the larger border so I haven't bothered to change it back. I also intentionally enlarged the font on the personal toolbar with Stylish so I can read it easier since my monitor is a HDTV and I don't sit so close to it.

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Actually, I didn't notice the "bigger borders" you speak about. I just said because the default fonts & windows sizes of ClsSharp are a bit smaller than the default Win theme.

For example, some fonts are "8px" instead normally "9" if you've noticed that or the size of "Active Title Bar" is 18 & 9 with Segoe UI Semibold ( if my memory serves me correctly ) instead of 21 & 9 with just Segoe UI. All these small changes causing some pading etc problems. For instance, when Fx was in normal window, the Tabs were over the Win Caption buttons...

I tried to re-set all like default Win theme and personally I'm pretty sure it corrected some glitches...

Anyway, while you're O.K. all fine! Just mentioned...

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mine . i used default theme, i am not need used any other themes too, also i am not need used any other bar on my firefox UI , i just only need viewing webpage space. Any the bar on my firefox UI was killed because i make the bar to float and hide automatically . the presskey and the gesture was always used for me, this will be my life style is also future tendency.


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I don't understand at all those strange Chinese things... lol! They are like aliens for me... Their faces, their letters and even their browsers! lol! J/K

Anyway! Personally, at last, I'm done! Gonna stay with this design long time:


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Is it just me or are a lot of people switching back from Chrome to Firefox since version 4.0 of the latter was released?

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Just some minor updates, but I had a lot of fun making these changes so I thought I'd show it off.


What FastDial theme is that?

Here's my current browser window:


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Is it just me or are a lot of people switching back from Chrome to Firefox since version 4.0 of the latter was released?

I certainly have, it feels more polished and less buggy. Plus I get lag more often when switching tabs in chrome, despite having 4GB of RAM.

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What FastDial theme is that?

FastDial doesn't work 100% properly with Fx 4 and I tired of it. That's the default Speed Dial with some adjustments.

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