New Zelda trailer now available!

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Holy crap!!!

That is going to be for the Game Cube, and not the next system nintendo puts out?

It looks fantastic. Going to have to pick up a GC when this one comes out.

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They're more than likely assuming this new game is a remake of the original Legend of Zelda. I'd been thinking that myself, for a while.

Now, though, I'm pretty sure it's a completely new game.


The trailer has enemies from Wind Waker in it so it can't possibly be the original.
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i didnt see any enemies from wind waker in the trailer

but im sure (or hoping) they will bring some enemies from old zelda games as they alwasy do

wonder how long it would be for a Link to the Past remake if they do it. I read someone demading a Wind Waker remake...spoiled brat. i really cant see Wind waker with realistic graphics, cel shading pull it off perfect with expressions in Link and the others faces

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Holy crap!!!

That is going to be for the Game Cube, and not the next system nintendo puts out?

It looks fantastic.  Going to have to pick up a GC when this one comes out.


Yes, it's for GameCube.

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Moblins and Tektites?  :rofl:


No, bokoblins. I can't find any of the WW ones where they are holding the clubs, the same ones they are beating Link's(if it is Link) boar down with.


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@ragn4rokk 2.0: I finally got off my lazy butt and checked where I read about the Zelda game timelines on the Penny Arcade forums: PA Forums. They do alot better job of explaining the timeline then I could and it starts on that page and goes on for a few more pages. I can't believe the Zelda post there is freaking 85 pages.

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what about the official timeline....from the Zelda creator himself or nintendo? not some off the side site. like i said so many people with there theories and junk arguing. what does the main man of Zelda say?

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what about the official timeline....from the Zelda creator himself or nintendo? not some off the side site. like i said so many people with there theories and junk arguing. what does the main man of Zelda say?


From what I know I don't think he has every officially commented on the timeline, but I could be wrong.

@ragn4rokk 2.0 you read those 85 pages!

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Share on other sites know what this is to me.....a reason for me to finally get a GC  :D


Your comment made me think of a funny scenario. Chances are this new Zelda game could be launched at the same time as the XBox 2 near the end of the year. I think it would be funny scenario if GameCubes outsold the XBox 2 during the holidays. People will probably have two choices:

1. A $100 GameCube bundled with a game + the $50 Zelda game + $20 mem card = $170

2. A $300 (guessing, it might even be higher this year) Xbox 2 without any games + a $50 game + harddrive (optional) = $350+

And if Final Fantasy XII is released for PS2 around that time who knows what could happen. I think there are going to be some very weird sales trends at the end of the year.

Edited by jmole
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I really doubt GameCube sales will beat X Box 2. With the advertisement MS is sure to have, that situation would be a near-impossibility.

That said, I DO think LoZ will be the year's best selling game. I don't know if it'll beat Halo 2's release, but it will most certainly be close.

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link uses a bottle....

"you have put a cat in a bottle" set it "Y" "X" or "Z" and toss it on enemies

when you die a cat....hmmm no ideals someone finish this


when you die a cat gives you one of its nine lives.. lol.. lame! lol

yeah, i loved oot, its my fav game of all time, i still play it now (masters quest!) and its a game i can play an know ill enjoy playing it. Majoras mask was good, wind waker was a disappointment, seems ninty jus jumped on the cell shading band-wagon because everyone was doing it. Link in WW looks like noddy gone wrong! lol

roll on nextgen zelda

can any body remember the zelda trailers for the gamecube when it originally came out, they were amazing too! and that was years ago!


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wind waker was a disappointment, seems ninty jus jumped on the cell shading band-wagon because everyone was doing it. Link in WW looks like noddy gone wrong! lol


Yes, as I recall everyone was doing cell shading at that time in 2001 when it was being developed. I had never seen so many cell shaded games being made and then Nintendo jumped on the bandwagon to be like them....</sarcasm> :no:

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Wind Waker was a disappointment for me, but the cel shading had absolutely nothing to do with it. It was the severe lack of meaty dungeons and the mind-numbingly easy difficulty that really got me. I literally had one heart container more than what I would have had if I only ever took the hearts at the end of dungeons, yet I still beat the game without dying my first time through.

In saying that, Wind Waker was also one of the best action adventure games of this generation. And when a "disappointment" is still the cream of the crop, you know there's something special there.

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the best part of wind waker was that 50 levels area on Outset Island ,30 levels for triforce chart, 20 more for a heart. Now that was some good playing...for a silly heart but the fight to get it brought back memories of the old zelda, hearts low, no life potion, all skills and prayer. Things got eaiser going from 2D to 3D (i havent played ninja gaiden for Xbox), even remakes the original metroid was way harder then metriod zero. now if this new Zelda has gameplay like that level in Wind waker with monsters everywhere.....i want to be to the point where i say "damn too many enemies" and complain on forms like this one about it....(I can never be happy)

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Yes, as I recall everyone was doing cell shading at that time in 2001 when it was being developed.  I had never seen so many cell shaded games being made and then Nintendo jumped on the bandwagon to be like them....</sarcasm> :no:


Didnt think you americans understood sarcasm :rofl: :rofl:

There have been quite alot of cell shading games recent years. XII, Jet Set Radio, (that car one) are three off the top of my head, and there were so many, many more released in Japan at the time.

God, I cant believe how many people jump down your throat for just one comment. (do you even know who Noddy is?)

What I meant is zelda WW was just far to cute and rounded.



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Didnt think you americans understood sarcasm  :rofl:  :rofl:

There have been quite alot of cell shading games recent years. XII, Jet Set Radio, (that car one) are three off the top of my head, and there were so many, many more released in Japan at the time.

God, I cant believe how many people jump down your throat for just one comment. (do you even know who Noddy is?)

What I meant is zelda WW was just far to cute and rounded.




Yes there were many cell-shaded in development at the same time or being released after Wind Waker. Prior to that there were hardly any cell-shaded games. I didn't remember any great demand for cell shaded games at that time that Nintendo had to "jump on the cell-shaded bandwagon" because there was not even a bandwagon to being with.
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i loved OoT, shame i cant play this though, i have an xbox.


Buy a GCN, it's only $100, with a game

looks amazing, the cel style was a nice touch but oging back to realism is just amazing, i will hopefully get as much replay out of this as i did with OOT


As of myself, I prefered the Cel-Shaded. But still, this looks great, can't wait to pre-order this one

I dont know about that :/ I am a huge zelda fan but I felt that in video the animations weren't very fluid and a couple of the rooms were kinda sad (link vs the spider and its back clipping though the ground in a dull room) I just beat ninja gaiden yesterday and have played resident evil 4 and I guess I have been spoiled by the great graphics lately


Yeah, they look great, though not jaw-dropping. Still, I don't want to spoil the mood. The game is and will be great, It must be the game I've been waiting for the most since, like, ever. I really also hope they put some voices in there, and more dungeons than on Wind Waker

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@nav_uno , and a memory ofcourse i bought one for $130 with mariokart double dash , 1 controller and 1 256 blocks memory card.

You can also buy great budget games: Soul Calibur , Zelda: TWW , Metal Gear Solid: TTS etc.

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