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If this article is true from the Mac Observer then soon you will be able to buy a 2Ghz Pentium 4 and run Mac OS X for x86.

Check out this article at

If this is true I would be one of this first out to buy this new computer.

edited...Do a search on google for "mac os x for x86" and it has all kinds of articles from April 2002 which means it's recent and it says that ATI and nVidia are getting involved.

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I was referring to this and other articles as being recent wheras there are other articles talking about the possibilities of Mac OS X being ported to the x86 platform from 2001 which as you already know it not recent.

You take this forum and probably life to seriously so my advice to you is this...just relax, go do it...And I'm saying this as a friend just lighten up a little.

I can go and read every post and find something funny or odd in every post that I read but I don't for two reasons.

1. I have better things to do with my time.

2. I don't for the respect of other members which I expect as well.

Why should anyone respect me if I don't respect them.

Make this what you will. I don't want this to get into a flaming thread so if you do flame at me I will refuse to reply to this thread because as you know I have better things to do like helping someone elso or giveing more helpful information to other member on

Just relax and don't take life so seriously and you'll find out that your life will become much less stressfull. I know this for a fact because I've been suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder since I was a child.

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OSX is based on Darwin. Darwin is a BSD, so a Unix. Free/Open/NetBSD runs on x86. So does Darwin.

It's still in heavy developpement and not really usable I think (never tested it), but if Apple ran onto the Open Source thing and support development for a x86 port of Darwin, it may involve that someday, maybe, there's gonna be a x86 version of Mac OS.

And that would be great.

Some links if you're interested :

Darwin Devel Page

Darwin Main Page @apple


The GNU-Darwin Distribution (@sourceforge)



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That first article was verified fake by the editor of the webs ite.

As for OS X appearing on intel. Don't expect it within the next year or two, and even if it does. It wont be like you can buy it off the shelf and install it on a home built PC.

Apple are investigating the possibility of using AMD as their processor manufacturer after motorola so that's where the majority of the rumours stem from.

If you want to use OS X any time soon, the only way is to buy a macintosh.

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Originally posted by MLapointe

where have you seen Mac OS X for x86. List webiste address please. Just curious tho.

When did I say that? It's nothing like OS X, you can't run software, it doesn't look anything like it, there isn't aqua, there isn't a dock. It's useless.

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Do a search for Rhapsody and you will find some interesting facts!I wish they did port OS X for Pentiums!

I also read that AMD is testing a AMD machine with OS X and,that there was something about drivers for pc graphics cards to?

MS would weep LOL!

We need better alternatives now!

Windows is just not good enough!

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you know why I think Mac does not go the way of x86.. because they dont want to have to support all the hardware that people want to use like MS does. Mac has its small set standards and you either use this hardware or get out. Microsoft opens itself up, sure this hurts in that there are some bad drivers that cause problems, but there are benefits too.

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The problem isnt the development, they have the kernel ported to x86, the largest development would be drivers. Believe me it works, as I have Darwin on an x86. Apple wouldn't do that becaues there business is in hardware/os/software, and this would break that tie, and thus there market. Doing this would force them to recreate their company and until there is need that wouldn't happen.

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Apple will not do this... Though they did think about it when they took over NEXT added a GUI and named it OSX, but then they came to their senses and realized that it is very difficult to develop an os that would be widely compatible enough to encompass the extensive x86 platform while still being user friendly, reliable and good on perfomance.

Better to stick with what you know.

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Originally posted by unsanity

apple will only do this for their osx server even if it was ported it WOULD NOT! have hte aqua ui so there is no need to get all hyped up about it

lol, Tim, i know Grammar and all is something of annoyance, once pointed out, but man! ... that small Paragraph is like, WoaH! .. Enter Suggestions [HeRE]



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