Advice on building Muscle using supplements

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I workout, Ive tried many different types of proteins... Many different blends of several proteins together.... Creatine.... Glutamine... tried them all together

so neowin, what are your fav products you use to get big? or would advise others to try to increase strength and build muscle......

currently, im testing soy protein, and whey protein, soon hopefully ion exchange type of blend... whats your fav protein shakes to take whether they are already made or scooped out....

this is not limited to protein, comment on anything legal, there will be no illegal advice


Muscle Tech's Cell Tech creatine is by far the best. i get a crazy pump with this stuff and i've put 1 inch on my arms in as little as 1 week when using this stuff properly.

Designer Protien with Glyclean is an excellent protien. when i've made some crazy gains i've stayed that way when using this stuff.

soy is an incomplete protein and doesn't get utilized by the body effieciently. as for meal replacement shakes i use the myoplex shakes but i'm sure there are better.

protein, creatine, proper nutrition, plenty of water and heavy weights is all you really need to put some size on. but give it time, it's not going to happen overnight.

Rember, no matter what the ladies tell you today, carbs ARE your friends just ry to eat the bulk of them prior to lunch, like a big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or mid-morning snack.


there's a wise statement if ever one was said about carbs!

carbs are used for the production of glycogen which is burned during intense workout. if you don't have these you'll get glycemic, tired, irritable, and drained.

he's correct in saying you need slow burning carbs!

well goodmorning, another day, coffee, protein shake, oatmeal haha

some interesting comments made, yes carbs are good and very much needed just make sure u workout hard enuff to feel like u burned them all back off.

i readup on soy protein last night.... seeing how good this stuff is or isnt, it does help with 2 things, burning weight and doing something to your thyroid... that is positive, but in terms of protein it suckes compared to whey, soo people recommend doing 2 servings of whey with each serving of soy that way u get your soy burning effects, thyroid lv check thingy and the benefits of fast digesting whey with a high BV value if im correct above 100

"Soy flour naturally has a lower carbohydrate content than wheat flour. It's also much higher in protein," says Lona Sandon, R.D., a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, and an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern. You'd think this would be a good thing. But this health food can be hell on men.

Blame estrogens. Specifically, phytoestrogens--compounds found in varying levels in all soy foods. "Soy phytoestrogens mimic normal estrogen," says Lon White, M.D., an epidemiologist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. "They are pharmacologically active molecules."

(note: it has similar effect to birth control pills)

"Eating one or two servings of soy per day is not a big deal. But adding soy to everything is," says Linda K. Massey, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of nutrition at Washington State University. That's why we recommend keeping your soy-protein consumption under 25 g per day. Or look for foods made with whey protein instead--it offers similar prostate-protective benefits without any of the side effects.

this is just one of the "soy is bad" articles i have read.

if you are male - stick to whey.

anyhow, from what i read conclusion is: apparently good soy is fermented soy - eg stuff used in japanese kitchen. unfermented soy is horrible for you.

question is: when you buy soy protein - how to find out is it is fermented or not? i think some of them actually say so, and if they do - by all means use them.

otherwise think twice before having soy.

As for supplements i still have no idea which to get :rolleyes:

maybe cell tech or nitrotech. nitrotech will give me all that is needed in afterworkout shake, but its quite costly and i am not sure i really need all that.

N.O i am not sure about too. too much choice.

well thanks for the soy update, from what i read soy is good for u if u get the fancy soy, and have less then 50g a day.... studyies show people taking more then 60g a day isnt the best... i also read that there is fermented soy and non fermented versions there is also other versions that would normally go intoa protein drink...question as u asked urself how to tell which is which in your local gnc or online vendor

panacea. u need protein stop wasting time, for me my local gnc has sales right now on all proteins, 25 percent off u cannot beat that that makes it similiar prices to online vendors and u dont have to deal with shipping.... second, just get urself some cheap protein 100 percent whey types, get glutamine, and if u want just plan o creatine.... mix that up 2-3 times a day and for something that is cheap and yet effective u will be happy

then continue with your valued research into the fancy stuff..... ever since ive started loaded up on protein i know for fact i have become stronger.... bigger idk, maybe lost some fat gained some muscle but without machines or doctors giving me details my weight has stayed the same yet my workouts get better..... i spent 2 hours last night going over all my recorded workout data to give u guys a summary on how ive progressed since i started training again this end of summer......stay tuned might be today or tomm ill post the results...... now those that are saying my gains arent that good keep in mind that i made some crazy gains last year working out to get to the lv i was at beginning of my working out this year......

the only thing i wont post is my last 2 weeks data, thats my new workout routine powerlifting, arnold supersets method that i hope will get me bigger, stronger, and carry over back into my 3x4x5 sets of roughly 8x10x12 reps normal workouts that u all do

this is just one of the "soy is bad" articles i have read.

if you are male - stick to whey. 

anyhow, from what i read conclusion is: apparently good soy is fermented soy - eg stuff used in japanese kitchen. unfermented soy is horrible for you.

question is: when you buy soy protein - how to find out is it is fermented or not? i  think some of them actually say so, and if they do - by all means use them.

otherwise think twice before having soy.

As for supplements i still have no idea which to get  :rolleyes:

maybe cell tech or nitrotech. nitrotech will give me all that is needed in afterworkout shake, but its quite costly and i am not sure i really need all that.

N.O i am not sure about too. too much choice.

585654037[/snapback] what I heard was true. I can just picture all the big bad muscle builders over the years beginning to get emotional easily, secretly desiring each other, and deep down questioning their sexual preferences when they're admiring one another :p

guess u wont give it up leedogg, remember those that always joke about something and always are fixated on something are usually the ones who are controlled by that something, leedogg i feel bad u had so much soy in your diet u have lost your manhood...

second, all those freaks out there who are after all vegi meals and all natural stuff no meat no this no that eat tons of beans, tons of soy stuff, tons of other stuff i dont even know exist... so leedogg if ur theory holds true that means they are all having questionable sexual preferences tooo.... maybe this is the same for women for why there are soo many lezboos hehe

whatever, leedogg try to stay on topic next time, no one bashes anyone here.... this was created to help not to down others thinking about helping themselves.... so keep your constructive critizism to a low if u got nothing smart to say

just to update you guys on yesturdays arm workout consisting of bi and tri only

barbell curl 95x5,5 115x 5,3,2,2

superset with close grip bench (triceps) 135x5,5 185x5,5,5,5, quick bursts fast

ovahead sitdown tricept single arm ext 40x4,4 45x4,3 40x4

superset with bench curl bi 40x4,4 45x4,3,4

hammer curl superset with lying ovahead chest stretch 40x6 45x6 50x6 55x4,5

major supersets didnt count numbers or weights used just went till it burnt too much prop overkill but fun

cablerope away (tri) w cable rope curl (bi) w cable rope down (tri)

then upstairs similiar scheme using a triceps pushdown machine and a crappy bicep curl machine till failure

xxxx not to be done by beginners xxxx goodluck anyone daring to copy talking about 30sec rest max inbtw everything

this is a all go no stopping workout

thanks for the protein article. i think i will do just that. grab a good protein mix. and have that as well as a meal replacement every day.

next month i'll add simple creatine and maybe later i'll consider n.o. mixes

guess u wont give it up leedogg, remember those that always joke about something and always are fixated on something are usually the ones who are controlled by that something, leedogg i feel bad u had so much soy in your diet u have lost your manhood...

second, all those freaks out there who are after all vegi meals and all natural stuff no meat no this no that eat tons of beans, tons of soy stuff, tons of other stuff i dont even know exist... so leedogg if ur theory holds true that means they are all having questionable sexual preferences tooo.... maybe this is the same for women for why there are soo many lezboos hehe

whatever, leedogg try to stay on topic next time, no one bashes anyone here.... this was created to help? not to down others thinking about helping themselves.... so keep your constructive critizism to a low if u got nothing smart to say


lighten up man. Its ok, I dont hate you if you're a gay body builder. I just find it amusing that you can take a substance and become....well gay. HA. I would find it equally amusing if some substance with a high testosterone count turned dainty ballerina's into violent masculine lesbo tomboys...which is the correct version of your analogy, I would say excess testosterone would lead to more lezbos not estrogen..

leedogg i feel bad u had so much soy in your diet u have lost your manhood...
no one bashes anyone here.... this was created to help? not to down others thinking about helping themselves.... so keep your constructive critizism to a low if u got nothing smart to say

I'm getting mixed signals here. In the same post even.:rolleyes:s:

Edited by leedogg
thanks for the protein article. i think i will do just that. grab a good protein mix. and have that as well as a meal replacement every day.

next month i'll add simple creatine and maybe later i'll consider n.o. mixes


Not meal replacements, meal supplements. You will get no where if you substitute real food for artificial. Add the protein drinks as in between chug-a-lugs.

At my most involved I was eating liek this:

breakfast: double bowel (pun intended) of oatmeal - protein shake

mid morning: piece of fruit & small can of tuna, or maybe a protein bar (detour is the best)

lunch: some kind of pasta, fruit, veggie, and more meat (chick breasts, lean beef)

mid afternoon: simialr to mid morning, plus shake

dinner: like lunch with less dry carbs (bread, noodles, etc)

before bedtime: at least one more protein shake.

As far as type sof proteins, don't think of it as a one or the other deal. Mix it up, your body will respond better to a veariety of proteins from different sources.

I've heard that soy protein increases your estrogen levels...possible side effects: you admire and love your body more, you admire and love other men's bodies even more.


that is a myth.

second, all those freaks out there who are after all vegi meals and all natural stuff no meat no this no that eat tons of beans, tons of soy stuff, tons of other stuff i dont even know exist... so leedogg if ur theory holds true that means they are all having questionable sexual preferences tooo.... maybe this is the same for women for why there are soo many lezboos hehe


veggie freaks?!

Funny. If you do the research (and everyone should) you would see that a properly constructed vegan diet is the best choice for health, and for athletic performance.

well im back from work, and i can see a few new posts, nice

panacea - good idea stick with it, keep us updated

leedogg - no further comment

Armeck - nice meal plan

dreamz - read our thread, get some advice, find some more advice, and act on it

Elite_graphix - just because we wanna eat right, and take in proper ammounts of protein to keep and gain muscle on our bodies does not mean we want to look like huge cutup black guys lol, i get your point and your problem is similiar to most girls theory on lifting weights -- if girls lift weights they will not get buff that takes a lot lot more then just lifting weights.... so back to your pic, u gotta dedicate your life to eating 24-7 and supplementation plus workout hardcore for 5-10 years to come close to looking like that guy, so just to clear this up, just because we are dedicated and into working out and getting stronger doesnt mean we wanna look like dat guy

hyperactive - yes i know some non animal diets could be considered best, but screw dat haha, we are cave men non the least, without animals non of us would survive, what would happen if it got really cold or really hot and all plants died, then what? only animals would be left and we would still survive (do not comment on that just stupid kinda true joke)

and for everyone else reading, thanks for talking in this thread lets keep the comments coming, goodluck im gonna go make me some eats and figure out my night

well, i just down two dinners spreadout over 3 hours, gonna do alittle more reading and hit the bed, big leg workout tomm

ill post some of my results when i can from when i started working out again after taking off this summer, results from end of summer till NOV, then NOV til Jan, then Jan to middle march

all strength training always doing high reps aka 8-15, now after middle march im doing low reps going to shock my system as best i can to get some gain and boost that i need...... hoping for the best

hey all, anyone reading this please help me answer this question

"how much protein can your body absorb or use per hour?"

or something to that degree

i wonder if taking 100g of protein is good, or is 50g at a time better, or is 30 optimal? idk thats why i ask

most meals unless u eat a ton of food u only get max 20-50g of protein i believe

id say try to even out the protein to 6 dosages acroos the whole day - so the total adds up to the amount you want to take. makes sence to me.

btw, i got iso whey (no creatine, no other n.o. bullsh*t for now)

going to take it between meals. see if i get used to consuming so much food.

today was an abs and back day for me - tried excersises for the side muscles (dont know what they are called too)

man my sides ache already, well like any muscle never really used for long long time...

i hear ya, whenever i workout my side abs they hurt next couple days gotta love the body

it lets u know whats not getting worked out often

panacea what kinda protein u get exactly? who makes it, serving size taste? amount of protein?

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