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My 1001th post! Yup, I thought all the 1000th posts were too monotonous, you know, spice things up a bit. So this tread is a solute to my 1001th post! :D

A quick look on how I stumbled accross Neowin...

I had just finished my exams that wednesday in end of June, msn-messenger was down, and I was having problems installing ICQ. I was bored so I hit Google for some hotmail I said. I was bored. I like to learn something new when I'm bored.

Anyways, sifting through return results, I find one writen by someone on Neowin. It talked about how people were trying to make Hotmail duplicate pages, so when the n00b put their login and password in the fields, it would record and send off to the webmaster the info. The information was so straight forward and I dont know how else to put it, but easy to read.

I hit next on the news archive..and next..and next..and a day or two I found myself reading article 790 (started at 60;) ). I thought Wow! This place really knows what its doing.

I wanted some way to say Thank You for the plethoral of information I found on Neowin. I didn't want to e-mail Neobond empty handed, like, here I read all your articles, great site..and thats it. I didnt think that was enough. I remembered from a while back when fiddling with the windows registry that msn-messenger stored all the contact e-mails in there, in hexadecimal. So I added that "fix" in the e-mail to to retrieve contact information (because lots of people soon found out their msn-messenger contact list was gone when they logged on:roll: ).

:ditsy: I even got a page in the archive about me. I thought that was pretty cool. I even took a screenshot: HERE

Here I am now, with my 1001th post still giving back to this community anyway I can.

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