Free Geographical traceroute

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I know this has been posted before but there aren't really any satisfactory answers. I know about neotrace and visual trace but they aren't free. I've also tried tridcomm but it doesn't come with the required tridcloc.txt file. I've found some online ones and some for *nix but I need a free one for windows.

Anyone know of one?

...did i mention free?

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:( ...the search continues.  I'll get back to you if I find one  :whistle:


Well I believe pingplotter does have a global map. Also it really doesn't matter. I mean just tracert the IP/hostmask and then do a WHOIS query on who you want to see the location of. That's how those "visual traceroute apps" find the location anyway. And that is free.

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yeah thanks.  I found that one but I want one with neotrace but free.




The informative posting continues :rolleyes:

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