The Official Mac OS X "Tiger" Thread

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The currency pane of Unit Converter won't update either on my copy of Tiger and the iTunes widget uses 100% CPU every time I start up dashboard.

Something about Mail. How do you see that something is being send without accessing the Activity Viewer window? Otherwise I don't see anything wich is especially annoying when sending a big attachment.

I do see a loading animation next to Inbox when receiving e-mails.

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My batter just ran out, and when I went to hot-swap another one in there, my computer shut off!  :o

I hope that was just a one time thing.


I just tried it. It fully shut off my PowerBook as well. Looks like that feature of the PowerBooks is broken in Tiger.

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Crap. And another thing I noticed. When typing an email, leave a couple words misspelled. Then go back and right click on one of them to correct the spelling. All of the sudden, all the red underlines disappear, so you have no idea what is misspelled anymore. :angry:

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Sounds as though I may not be installing my copy until I hear about 10.4.1 Off-topic, I see everyone is starting to get Tiger sigs and avatars ;)

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It's not causing many problems for me. I can't hot-swap my battery anyway because I don't have another one to swap with. I actually haven't had one single bad problem with Tiger. It will be nice when 10.4.1 comes out though.

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Seems "Tiger" is creating more trouble for the majority of you.



I am really surprised (but probably shouldn't be) at the amount of bugs still present in the final build. Apple really needs to work on their quality control department, with hardware and software.

These are the types of bugs that can simply be taken care of if there was a larger beta test base. I mean, half the people that have pirated copies are already reporting bugs. If Apple made beta testing more accessible, I would tend to think the quality of their final builds would be a little higher.

How in the world spell checking errorsMail (one of the most used spell checking apps) and problems with hot-swaping batteries (something that is very common) went unfixed is beyond me. I've noticed this with each OS X release though. I would think Apple would begin to re-evaluate their quality control strategies. Anyone remember the problem with erasing external firewire drives with the Panther release?

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Is anyone running it on a Mini? What's the performance like?


I'm running it on an eMac so that's pretty the same. It runs great (except for some bugs) and much much faster than Panther ever did. It handles the new RSS Screen Saver without any problems or slowdowns, but Dashboard does demand the necessarily CPU power when active (between 60-70%).

Conclusion: The overal speed has increased over Panther, but you'll require at least 512 MB Ram especially for Dashboard.

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Also, I can't imagine Apple will wait much more than a week or two before releasing 10.4.1 to address the majority of these small issues. We can also expect patches and updates for all major software apps too. So even if you've got it installed already, it won't be too long until these little things are fixed up.

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Also, I can't imagine Apple will wait much more than a week or two before releasing 10.4.1 to address the majority of these small issues.? We can also expect patches and updates for all major software apps too.? So even if you've got it installed already, it won't be too long until these little things are fixed up.


That kinda speaks for itself don't you think:p:p

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So, support talk about an OS 7 days from release is prohibited, but we have all kinds of threads about installing, running and troubleshooting Longhorn, which isn't even in Beta yet...

next friday i'll be heading right over to the SoHo store and getting in line with everyone else...


Longhorn is/was alpha...Why do you think microsoft didnt care about the leaked alpha builds.

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Crap. And another thing I noticed. When typing an email, leave a couple words misspelled. Then go back and right click on one of them to correct the spelling. All of the sudden, all the red underlines disappear, so you have no idea what is misspelled anymore. :angry:


Tried it and I still get the red underlines??? Also whoever mentioned that they couldn't log onto their MSN Messenger account, tried that and it works fine??

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As many bugs as there seem to be in Tiger, I remember just as many problems, if not more with my release day install of Panther. For a start, FontBook went totally crazy due to my .ttf font collection (still not fully fixed), the CPU usage on my (at the time) top end Powerbook was ridiculous, even just on the desktop, and Expose lagged all the time.

Two updates later and I wouldn't even look back at Jaguar.

Besides, a new OS isn't as fun without the teething problems. Look at how active everyone is in finding them.

Personally, I'm devoid of the Preview bug, I'd never use the official MSN client anyway, and Tomato Torrent is my app of choice for that particular protocol.

The only problems I have with Tiger relate to Shapeshifter not working yet.

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Eh, no not really. Unless you enjoy running a slow system that is.


Panther runs fine right now. I was thinking that if Tiger is much faster I should be ok. Worse comes to worse, I'll buy another 512 stick but I don't think I'm going to need it. Hey Roadwarrior, how does Tiger run on your iBook?

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Panther runs fine right now. I was thinking that if Tiger is much faster I should be ok. Worse comes to worse, I'll buy another 512 stick but I don't think I'm going to need it. Hey Roadwarrior, how does Tiger run on your iBook?


I started off on Panther with 384 MB Ram, upgrading to 512 MB Ram gave my eMac an enormous speed boost. Everything started and worked much faster and more smooth. Tiger demands more Ram especially because of Dashboard.

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Is anyone running it on a Mini? What's the performance like?


I'm running it on my Mac Mini 1.42 GHz, 512 MB RAM and it is running really well. The first time I booted into the system it was fairly slow but after a restart it was all running very smoothly indeed.

To be honest I haven't experienced any bugs at all really although I haven't played around with it that much.

I already love Safari RSS, it is so much faster than any other browser I've used on a Mac. Mail 2.0 is impressive as is Dashboard.

But anyway, yeah, Tiger is running very fast and very smoothly on my Mac Mini and overall I am very happy indeed.

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The first time I booted into the system it was fairly slow but after a restart it was all running very smoothly indeed.


That's because Spotlight was indexing your drive. You really should have let it finish. If you had clicked on the Spotlight icon you would have seen the status.

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Eh, no not really. Unless you enjoy running a slow system that is.


I've only got 384MB in my iBook and it isn't slow at all, much faster than Panther to be sure.

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I've only got 384MB in my iBook and it isn't slow at all, much faster than Panther to be sure.


same 384mb and I have an indicator at the top right that tells me how much ram is free, right now I have 10 applications open of varied spec requirements and I'm only using 269MB - 115MB free. even with Photoshop open it does not go over 290MB.

Some guy on here once said "the more ram the better" then everyone and there mum changed the story to "YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS MUCH RAM!!!" then its "oh if you don't get this much ram don't even buy a mac you will be freezing all the time" Allot of you need to wake up and smell the mocha.

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I started off on Panther with 384 MB Ram, upgrading to 512 MB Ram gave my eMac an enormous speed boost. Everything started and worked much faster and more smooth. Tiger demands more Ram especially because of Dashboard.


Dashboard seems to perform better on my iBook than on my PowerMac (iBook has a Radeon 7500 AGP with 32MB, PowerMac has a Radeon 7000 PCI with 64MB), so I'm not so sure that it's all that dependent on RAM, but maybe on the video card.

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