Sheff Scuffles with Boston Fan

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My last line proves nothing of the sort. My entire point was you guys are making a bigger deal out of something where absolutely nothing happens to a situation where something did happen. You can't even begin to compare the two other than they both involved fans and baseball players. They are two completely different situations. Am I denying that there was a problem? No, I am not, so stop trying to put words in my mouth. I said you guys are turning it into a bigger problem than it actually is. I'm not naive for thinking you guys are making this into something it's not.

Secondly, it is great how you side-stepped the complete argument of me "refusing to admit" that I was "wrong" for thinking it was blown out of proportion and changed your argument completely.


I'm simply not discussing the Sheffield incident cause you obviously don't see what I see. The fan swung at him. He was drunk, probably with his friends, caught up in the moment, and did something that can only be described as assinine. He's lucky, health wise, that Sheffield didn't cough up the million bucks in the eventual lawsuit and just knock him the hell out.

However, beyond that, this situation is important for a much larger reason. You can read my other posts for that.

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I understand that, but I think your mind is creating the situations that you don't know the facts about... no offense, but look at your signature.

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I understand that, but I think your mind is creating the situations that you don't know the facts about... no offense, but look at your signature.


Yes, I like the Yankees. Bigbluepride hates the yanks and he even saw it. Coincidences do happen.

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I think Sheffield needsa few games off. Hopefully the league will help him with that. The fan's 'swipe' doesn't look intentional at him, and if he really wanted to hit him, heck he could have. Sheffield's retaliation is the only intentional hit.

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There's no way that guy was going for the ball. He barely bent over, and took a VERY awkward swing up toward Sheff's head. It's obvious what he was going to do. This from someone who enjoys hating the Yankees.

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There's no way that guy was going for the ball.  He barely bent over, and took a VERY awkward swing up toward Sheff's head.  It's obvious what he was going to do.  This from someone who enjoys hating the Yankees.


exactly what I've been trying to say. Like bigbluepride35 said, if he was going for the ball, he has some terrible hand-eye coordination.

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I maybe a die-hard Red Sox fan, but that doesn't change the fact that Sheff was in the right for his quick reaction and deserves kudos for not overreacting. Those two fans are a disgrace to Red Sox nation and deserve their tickets revoked (on top of just being plain stupid - if they're trying to help the Red Sox win they could have at least snagged the ball).

Also, Boston police is going to press charges against them, so their legal problems are far from over.

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i just watched it again on sportscenter, in HD.  the guy makes a downward swinging motion, more towards the ball/ground, but sheff has his head down, and i think the guys arm grazes across his face.  it didn't actually look like it was directed toward to sheff.


Regardless of whether or not House was aiming for Sheffield, he was still trying to interfere with an in-play ball. I honestly don't see how in the world you can say he was swinging at the ball/ground when he wasn't, in my eyes, even bent at the knees. In any case, any fan that is interfering with the players, the ball, a bat, etc. should be ejected from the stadium and banned completely from any future games. I am happy that Boston punished House, but I don't think it sent a clear-cut message to other fans.

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exactly what I've been trying to say. Like bigbluepride35 said, if he was going for the ball, he has some terrible hand-eye coordination.


If he was trying to hit him, he still has terrible hand eye coordination. From any angle, Sheffield is the only one who initiated contact.

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My last line proves nothing of the sort. My entire point was you guys are making a bigger deal out of something where absolutely nothing happens to a situation where something did happen. You can't even begin to compare the two other than they both involved fans and baseball players. They are two completely different situations. Am I denying that there was a problem? No, I am not, so stop trying to put words in my mouth. I said you guys are turning it into a bigger problem than it actually is. I'm not naive for thinking you guys are making this into something it's not.

Secondly, it is great how you side-stepped the complete argument of me "refusing to admit" that I was "wrong" for thinking it was blown out of proportion and changed your argument completely.


Even if you discount the "reach over", since that is up for debate, the fact that Sheff got a beer thrown at him in the process of fielding a ball is inexcusable.

And I live in Boston.

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If he was trying to hit him, he still has terrible hand eye coordination.  From any angle, Sheffield is the only one who initiated contact.


Sheffield is the only one who initiated contact? What :blink: Why would Sheffield react the way he did if he wasn't touched first? Apparently Boston Officials disagree with you, otherwise they wouldn't have punished House and MLB would have punished Sheff.

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Sheffield is the only one who initiated contact? What :blink: Why would Sheffield react the way he did if he wasn't touched first? Apparently Boston Officials disagree with you, otherwise they wouldn't have punished House and MLB would have punished Sheff.


I am just saying no video clearly shows there was contact from the fan.

Why would Sheff react? This guy isn't the model of baseball mind you, in my eyes he thought he was being attacked, so his short fuse lit up.

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I am just saying no video clearly shows there was contact from the fan.

Why would Sheff react?  This guy isn't the model of baseball mind you, in my eyes he thought he was being attacked, so his short fuse lit up.


huh? Sheff isn't known as a troublemaker at all dude. Good thing they decided to not suspend him, he shouldn't be suspended...he was actually commended for his restraint.

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I am just saying no video clearly shows there was contact from the fan.

Why would Sheff react?  This guy isn't the model of baseball mind you, in my eyes he thought he was being attacked, so his short fuse lit up.


I have to agree.

Also, if anyone even gets in your way and you're playing a baseball game, aren't you going to react? Sheffield would have reacted if the guy took a swing at him, or if he was going for the ball. You can't argue that Sheffield would have only been mad at the guy and shoved him if he took a swing at him -- because if he went for the ball or impeded him in any way he'd quite obviously be mad, too.

Sheffield was the one that shoved the fan. I never saw the fan intentionally hit Sheffield -- and if he did even hit him (intentionally or not), it was quite possibly the weakest "hit" in the history of mankind.

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I have to agree.

Also, if anyone even gets in your way and you're playing a baseball game, aren't you going to react? Sheffield would have reacted if the guy took a swing at him, or if he was going for the ball. You can't argue that Sheffield would have only been mad at the guy and shoved him if he took a swing at him -- because if he went for the ball or impeded him in any way he'd quite obviously be mad, too.

Sheffield was the one that shoved the fan. I never saw the fan intentionally hit Sheffield -- and if he did even hit him (intentionally or not), it was quite possibly the weakest "hit" in the history of mankind.


Either way the fan only got pushed back a little bit...luckily. Either way he doesn't need to interfere in a professional baseball game. If he wants to field a ball he needs to get off his fat beer drinking ass and go try out. And it doesn't matter if he intentionally hit Sheff or not. If you had your head down grounding a ball and got hit at all you'd assume someone was taking a swing at you (especially nowdays in sports). This dude will be better off watching the games from home since his tickets were taken from him. "Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times"...

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Yeah, actually, he is.  Read up on him a bit.


I was searching for his troubled past but couldn't find anything much at all...can you post a link?

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Either way the fan only got pushed back a little bit...luckily.


As opposed to 'the fan might have interfered with the player? Visible contact vs alleged contact. If i were the fan, I would press battery charges against Sheffield.

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I have done a search for Gary's past and couldn't find anything either. I'm not saying he hasn't had his bad moments, but let's be honest about this: Gary felt something brush up against him or saw something coming towards him and defended himself. I think he did a great job of restraining himself. But no matter how you look at what happened to Gary, no fan should be messing with anything in-play or anyone in-play. Every game I go to or watch on T.V., I always see fans trying to mess with the ball and someone has to be made an example of. Fans have gotten out of control at these sporting events and something needs to wake them up.

Baltimore has a rule that if you mess with anything in-play (including a player), you spend 1 night in jail along with other punishments. I personally think that this is a great and all ball team should start doing this!

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yet another reason for me to hate the :whistle:  yankees  :x


What's another reason to hate the Yankees? Gary didn't start it, the fan did :huh:

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I was searching for his troubled past but couldn't find anything much at all...can you post a link?


He's a well known clubhouse cancer. His attitude stinks. Why would a great ballplayer be tossed around from team to team so much? He had attitude problems in Milwaukee, San Diego, Florida, LA, ATL. ANd now, Steroid problems, to go along with his short fuse...which he's had all his career.

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What's another reason to hate the Yankees? Gary didn't start it, the fan did :huh:


By sweeping for the ball? Like I said before, if the fan wanted to hit Gary, he did just as poor of a job as he did sweeping for the ball. You can't attack one without attacking the other, as both are 'hardly attempts'. Sheffield was the only one that made any visible contact. The fan 'swipe' cannot be confirmed as an attack on the player at all.

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