[preview] Shine Style

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Or maybe it just sucked alot and no one wanted him to waste his time?


It's not wasting HIS time if he likes it. You ever heard of TACT. Maybe you should look it up.

BTW, Well said, Bant. You are my new hero :D

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I really like those colors you're using....I'd like to see this go the way of a soft, mellow theme...smooth edges etc. Good luck man, Stylebuilder can be a bitch. :p

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this is on par with a bunch of the other stuff that gets posted around here and eaten up by most of you ****tards. try goin easy on the new guy and bein a little harder on the folks you think you are supposed to think make perfect styles.

telling someone their work sucks or is hideous is ****** up and stupid. telling them to get back to work and start over is even worse. if youve got a problem with what he made tell him how he can make it appeal to you, don't expect anything good to come out of anyone if you arent willing to put some effort into them.

now, the real problem is most of you don't even know what sucks and what doesnt. yall fail at having any artistic integrity whatsoever ;0

keep workin on it if thats what you enjoy deathmedic.



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