Mx Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 obiewankinobie said: I think I've played a few Razor games before :whistle: .....oh, good luck with the job thing. 585813064[/snapback] lol :p. Yea good luck mate :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Milan - Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 i did not think thta would be prison offence i thought a fine willl do but that dont matter good luck with the interview hope u get it :happy: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neufuse Veteran Posted April 22, 2005 Veteran Share Posted April 22, 2005 what was the good old prision like? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monarch Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 best of luck bro... have been great fan of Razor1911... best of luck for your future.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brucebeh Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 obiewankinobie said: I think I've played a few Razor games before :whistle: .....oh, good luck with the job thing. 585813064[/snapback] yeah.. good luck. i loved quake btw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liquid Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 shanepitman said: I finally have a job interview. Monday morning at 10am I have an interview for a SysAdmin position. Wish me luck! 585812902[/snapback] OMG ITS PITBULL :o Good luck! Hope you get the job :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elmo Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 good luck mate razor1911 was good :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
z1ppeh Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 good luck bud, the future wouldnt be much without a past now would it? :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
former1 Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 Hey shane, I used to be an avid fan of Razor1911 releases - and your sites with the razor blade on the front page aaah the good ol' days. I wish you luck with your future life and job :) you did a good one some time ago, i'm sure you'll do a good one now =). Regards, MI6Labs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
qdave Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 greatest of luck to you mate :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
matt3h Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 Good luck :) Let us know how you get on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shane Pitman Posted April 22, 2005 Author Share Posted April 22, 2005 neufuse said: what was the good old prision like? 585813302[/snapback] Well, in short, it sucked. The federal prison system is probably over 90% drug offenders. Most of them are about as smart as a salt lick, and the staff, from what I've seen, isn't much smarter. Overall, the facility I was initially at, F.P.C. (Federal Prison Camp) Seymour Johnson (which is on the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base) wasn't too horribly bad. Sure, the food sucks (I've seen them use meat that had expired in 1999. It was frozen all that time, sure, but still yet, ewwww) and you're away from your family, but you got to pretty much roam the camp whenever you wanted to. They had a track, which I walked a lot, a weight yard, which I never went to (too many shady characters hung out there and there), a small library (I read over a hundred books while I was there, I lost count) a chapel (which was very questionable as all of the services they held looked more like Showtime at the Apollo rather than Church) and an Education department for the inmates to take GED and some college courses (provided by Wayne Community College). This is where it gets bad. About 3 months shy of going home, I got the opportunity to go to work in the Education department. They ran a Compaq Proliant server with Compaq terminals running Citrix (thin clients) for all of the classrooms. The server bit the big one, the head of the Education dept. knew who I was and what I knew, and "arranged" for me to go to work for her. I reloaded the server, got all the terminals set back up, and showed her how to run things more efficiently. I had been working there for about a month, and she was getting ready to go on vacation for a week. Two days after she left, they rounded up myself and two other guys that worked in education and shipped us off to "the hole" at Butner Low Security Correctional Institution. They wouldn't tell us why, what we were being shipped for, nothing. Come to find out, the Associate Warden and the head of the education department didn't get along, and the AW had arranged to have us shipped while our boss was on vacation because she and one of the instructors that worked under the Education Director thought they had something on the ED to get rid of her. So, from the end of August to the end of October of last year, myself and my cell mate got to sit in a room about 9ft. x 15ft. with a solid metal door that had a little narrow window looking out into the hall and a small slot that they opened to hand you your food tray. The cell had a small window looking out in to a razor wire fenced compound, a solid metal bunk bed with a vinyl covered foam pad for a mattress (solid metal, no springs), a metal toilet with a sink made on to the back of it, and a metal shower stall just barely big enough to turn around in. We got clean clothes once a week (orange jumpers, boxers, socks, and t-shirts, yes everyone swapped clothes, you didn't get your own underwear, they washed them and you got what they gave you). I got to call my family twice for 15 minutes each time while I was in the hole, and I got to see my wife and father (who had to drive for 4 hours each way to come see me) for about an hour 3 or 4 times while I was in the hole. I was locked down for 23 hours a day 5 days a week and 24 hours a day on the weekends. When we were taken outside for an hour through the week, we were put in cages about the size of dog kennels, which were on a concrete pad inside a blocked wall and razor wired compound. All you could see was the sky. I was put with people who had murdered, raped, both on the street and while they had been in prison. This is rambling on and on, and I could go in to a lot more detail, but I doubt anyone here wants to hear it, and it's really emotionally hard for me to talk about, although at some point I probably need to. At any rate, if you see me ranting about the federal government and scolding people for wishing someone would get sent to prison, especially for petty B.S., you know why. I've been there, and I don't think I was treated fairly at all for the crime I committed or for my actions and behavior while I was incarcerated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sin-ergy Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 (edited) wow......that's amazing and quite scary at the same time. it's too bad you had to get mixed up in that ****. i'm sure it was quite the learning experience. edit: I'm curious. Was it difficult getting interviews considering your background? Edited April 22, 2005 by i like chips Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eminem213486 Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 wow, razor, you sure had some great releases, i remember reading about the news that razor got shut down a while ago. im really interested in your story, i usually dont read long stuff like that, but i thought it was really interesting and read it word by word. seems like hell. and makes me think ALOT. good luck with your new job. question, did you pay your fine? how much? did you get a shorter sentence? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leedogg Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 Wow man. That is unreal. Our prison system is horribly innefficient and messed up. If I was in charge, I would run them like a company and have inmates work off their debt to society. This would compensate for their individual crimes, help pay for the prison, and the better they do, the more priveledges they get, etc. They could even earn money for their families while there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zivan56 Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 There you have it, a guy who did'nt kill/sell drugs/rape/whatever put in an institute where those people end up going. Its really a shame, as other countries actually put "economic" criminal types of people in min security prison and give them way lighter sentences. Good luck on your job interview, I believe people like you should be given jobs and given a chance to change before being jailed, which is only fair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy89 Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 good luck, you are obviously skilled as you ran Razor 1911. Sorry to hear about your prison experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gabureiru Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 is an honor to meet you. I've been a big fan of razor. The treatment you had is only a demostration of the *ucke* up world we live in. You won't see the guys from Enron ending up in prision as you did. But have faith, you'll get a great job, some people will realize the talent you have. Best of luck man, and remember to see the silver linning in your experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boffa Jones Veteran Posted April 22, 2005 Veteran Share Posted April 22, 2005 I find it rediculous that people who do weed and pirate software are in prison with rapists and murderers. I mean, fine send people to jail, but dont send some punk 18 year old who had a half O or some guy in the warez scene to a max security prison. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Djmutik1013 Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 Good luck man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kamael Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 Best luck to you...! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panacik Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 Dont know who you are dude, but i will say this: All prisons through the world are full of bad people, including the officers. This kind of thing happens to all sorts, even people that do things as petty as not paying a bill for a car parking offence etc. I have a couple of mates who are in prison. They wont tell me why, but they are treated like crap. One got beat up a couple weeks ago and the officers didnt intervein until he was on the floor unable to move etc. He states he was attacked because someone didnt like his face. They are probably not in jail for the same reason as you as they are not bright people, but i know they dont deserve to be in there as long as they are and to be treated the way they are (at least one of them anyway). All i can say is, you did the crime... did the time, now you HAVE to move on and forget or live with it. At least it is over now and you are not going to have a second offence from the sound of it. At the end of the day if you didnt like being treated that way you shouldnt have got yourself in that kind of situation to start with. It is like some guy who murdered 20 times saying he is being poorly treated in prison. regardless of the crime you are still treated the same as the next guy and there isnt a lot you can do about it. Personally if i was put away for anyhting and it was a long sentence i wouldnt last, so you did well to make the whole sentence IMO. Good luck with the job mate, i am sure you will do great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bakerster Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 wow, as bad as this sounds, am extremely proud of having the ex razor 1911 leader on my regular forum. awesome to meet you dude. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fred Derf Veteran Posted April 22, 2005 Veteran Share Posted April 22, 2005 Rich said: Personally if i was put away for anyhting and it was a long sentence i wouldnt last, so you did well to make the whole sentence IMO. 585813784[/snapback] There is a huge difference between being assigned a sentance less than two years and being assigned a longer sentance. Minimum security prisons are nothing like what you see on Oz. Also guys, let's lay off the discussion of Razor 1911 or any of their related "products"... Community Rule #2 said: No Warez (links) & Cracks: help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting to get it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoodIndigo Posted April 22, 2005 Share Posted April 22, 2005 shanepitman said: Well, in short, it sucked. The federal prison system is probably over 90% drug offenders. Most of them are about as smart as a salt lick, and the staff, from what I've seen, isn't much smarter. Overall, the facility I was initially at, F.P.C. (Federal Prison Camp) Seymour Johnson (which is on the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base) wasn't too horribly bad. Sure, the food sucks (I've seen them use meat that had expired in 1999. It was frozen all that time, sure, but still yet, ewwww) and you're away from your family, but you got to pretty much roam the camp whenever you wanted to. They had a track, which I walked a lot, a weight yard, which I never went to (too many shady characters hung out there and there), a small library (I read over a hundred books while I was there, I lost count) a chapel (which was very questionable as all of the services they held looked more like Showtime at the Apollo rather than Church) and an Education department for the inmates to take GED and some college courses (provided by Wayne Community College).This is where it gets bad. About 3 months shy of going home, I got the opportunity to go to work in the Education department. They ran a Compaq Proliant server with Compaq terminals running Citrix (thin clients) for all of the classrooms. The server bit the big one, the head of the Education dept. knew who I was and what I knew, and "arranged" for me to go to work for her. I reloaded the server, got all the terminals set back up, and showed her how to run things more efficiently. I had been working there for about a month, and she was getting ready to go on vacation for a week. Two days after she left, they rounded up myself and two other guys that worked in education and shipped us off to "the hole" at Butner Low Security Correctional Institution. They wouldn't tell us why, what we were being shipped for, nothing. Come to find out, the Associate Warden and the head of the education department didn't get along, and the AW had arranged to have us shipped while our boss was on vacation because she and one of the instructors that worked under the Education Director thought they had something on the ED to get rid of her. So, from the end of August to the end of October of last year, myself and my cell mate got to sit in a room about 9ft. x 15ft. with a solid metal door that had a little narrow window looking out into the hall and a small slot that they opened to hand you your food tray. The cell had a small window looking out in to a razor wire fenced compound, a solid metal bunk bed with a vinyl covered foam pad for a mattress (solid metal, no springs), a metal toilet with a sink made on to the back of it, and a metal shower stall just barely big enough to turn around in. We got clean clothes once a week (orange jumpers, boxers, socks, and t-shirts, yes everyone swapped clothes, you didn't get your own underwear, they washed them and you got what they gave you). I got to call my family twice for 15 minutes each time while I was in the hole, and I got to see my wife and father (who had to drive for 4 hours each way to come see me) for about an hour 3 or 4 times while I was in the hole. I was locked down for 23 hours a day 5 days a week and 24 hours a day on the weekends. When we were taken outside for an hour through the week, we were put in cages about the size of dog kennels, which were on a concrete pad inside a blocked wall and razor wired compound. All you could see was the sky. I was put with people who had murdered, raped, both on the street and while they had been in prison. This is rambling on and on, and I could go in to a lot more detail, but I doubt anyone here wants to hear it, and it's really emotionally hard for me to talk about, although at some point I probably need to. At any rate, if you see me ranting about the federal government and scolding people for wishing someone would get sent to prison, especially for petty B.S., you know why. I've been there, and I don't think I was treated fairly at all for the crime I committed or for my actions and behavior while I was incarcerated. 585813476[/snapback] We'll I've never hear of Razor 1911 because in the late 1990's I was 0 years of age. :p But personally if I was the boss and you applied at a job I'm definately aquire you, I mean internet crimes its not like you killed someone all your did was code a few cracks, apps and stuff but yeah. Good luck with the job interview. (Y) :D XinanZhang? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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