After a year of unemployment and a year of prison

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  roul1980 said:

sure, some trader became a leader by knowing the right people, that sure takes 3l334 skillz.

By your logic, George Bush must be the most brilliant person in US since he is like the leader of US.

What an arrogrant fool you are my boy.

So shane - nearly 1 year on - how goes the job hunt?

btw - wheres my reply to PM!

  Yvo said:


How has the job hunt been?

  Sn00pY said:

What an arrogrant fool you are my boy.

So shane - nearly 1 year on - how goes the job hunt?

btw - wheres my reply to PM!

The job hunt never panned out. Back in June or July of 2005 I was given the opportunity to do a little contract IT work which led to more contract work. Since I wasn't getting any bites from prospective employers, I formed my own company, incorporated as an LLC, and began pursuing clients. Business is good, it could be better but I'm thankful for what I have. In the end I think I'm better off working for myself. I enjoy my work and I enjoy my clients and it gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to seem them happy with my work. Hopefully things will continue to grow. I have a very close friend that I've known and worked with off and on since high school (heffe2001 on here) and I'd love to be able to have enough business to keep the two of us working full time.

Huh, just discovered this thread for the first time, read almost the entire thing. I have to say, it's a story all right. Congratulations on everything, and now I look back on the quote someone else posted in here about If you fail, try and try again. Hope everything goes well.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  kitchenutensils said:

wow, thats a unusually touch story for a neowin member! which state were you imprisoned in?

Sorry for the delayed response. I haven't looked at this thread in a while and followed a link from another thread back to here. At any rate, I did the majority of my time at FPC (Federal Prison Camp) Seymour Johnson which is located on the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base near Goldsboro, NC. The last 2 months I spent in "tho hole" at FCI (Federal Correctional Institution) Butner in Butner, NC.

wow. i ran a ftp for your releases for almost a year... 18gigs transfer every night.. back in 98-99.. i've done time for Disruption of a corporate network.. if you've ever heard of such a thing... basically spoofed an ip for a telex terminal while someone robbed a computer for a ski resort.. they stuck me with 28k in fines.. but i only served a month in jail (long enough) and 6 years on probation.. it ruined my life. i learned my lesson. i'm all about the open source as well...

one quick question...

did razor 1911 profit from the group did?

i never saw this thread before.... probably the most interesting one i've read in a while. if you don't get the job.. i'm pretty sure you'll get one.. i know i sure would hire you.

good luck with the rest of your life... it takes a while to pick up and move on after something like that has happened to you.


  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

congrats on getting the probabtion dropped dood

mine finishes may 5th

good to hear the arms on the mend at least you can scratch it now :)

just hope bandido doesnt come away from his case too badly as im sure theyre gonna make an example of him

take care and the best of luck for the future

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