After a year of unemployment and a year of prison

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  Rich said:
Dont know who you are dude, but i will say this:

All prisons through the world are full of bad people, including the officers. This kind of thing happens to all sorts, even people that do things as petty as not paying a bill for a car parking offence etc.

I have a couple of mates who are in prison. They wont tell me why, but they are treated like crap. One got beat up a couple weeks ago and the officers didnt intervein until he was on the floor unable to move etc.

He states he was attacked because someone didnt like his face.

They are probably not in jail for the same reason as you as they are not bright people, but i know they dont deserve to be in there as long as they are and to be treated the way they are (at least one of them anyway).

All i can say is, you did the crime... did the time, now you HAVE to move on and forget or live with it. At least it is over now and you are not going to have a second offence from the sound of it. At the end of the day if you didnt like being treated that way you shouldnt have got yourself in that kind of situation to start with. It is like some guy who murdered 20 times saying he is being poorly treated in prison. regardless of the crime you are still treated the same as the next guy and there isnt a lot you can do about it.

Personally if i was put away for anyhting and it was a long sentence i wouldnt last, so you did well to make the whole sentence IMO.

Good luck with the job mate, i am sure you will do great.


You say you have mates that are in prison, but you don't know why. Not much of a mate are you. If you are a mate you should know what is happening. Then you say they don't deserve to be there. How do you know if they don't tell you what they are in for? And after telling us you have mates that are in jail for something you dont know, but they don't deserve it, you say that he should serve his time because he did the crime. Are you fukcin nuts. How can you say that one person deserves it and the others (that you know) don't

Amazing. You hear of these "ring leaders" and most of us know of the "usual places", but in the grand scheme of it all, i never question the releases, i mearly download them.

So, i apologize to Shane for my downloading and distrobution of Razor 1911 releases (p2p is both ways). Without people like me who participate in the scene; people like Shane would never be arrested as im sure their are better crimes to investigate (or perhaps not, thats debatable at another time and place).

Congratz on the upcoming job interview and i hope it goes well.

Hey good luck mate. I'm sure you will do fine. Despite your previous history, the company you are going to work for has obviously seen something in you they like, they beleive you are the man for the job and they beleive in you. Keep your head up and do well. All the best. :)

So did you get out early? I can't help but notice that the difference between the date of the document and the date of your enrollment here doesn't equal 18 months.

and this..

could scrounge up or that friends would throw at me since November of 2002. In short, no, I didn't have any fines or

Just like to say that you are obviously a pretty strong person, athough i have not heard of your exploits from what it sounds you have been through a hell of a lot and you seem to have resurfaced still intact. You also seem to have been treated pretty harshly and wrongly from what i have heard, and i do also believe that you could make quite an interesting bio on your time in prison and the ways you were treated.

Just wondering - any writers on neowin be interested in doing this? Obviously only if you didn't want to do it yourself as bios can be quite complex, and also writing is boring. lol.

PS: Wish you the best of luck with the interview :) !

  amERICa said:
So did you get out early? I can't help but notice that the difference between the date of the document and the date of your enrollment here doesn't equal 18 months.

and this..


No, I spent the rest of my time on house arrest, like Martha Stewart is doing or did. Is she off house arrest yet?

Good luck on the job interview. I hope you get the job.

Did you get raped in jail? The reason I'm asking that is because I've seen police videos of cops catching guards raping inmates. And sometimes putting their head in the inmate's toilet, forcing them to make bubbles in their own feces/water mixture. I apologize if this sounds nasty but I am really curious. I don't know anyone that has been to jail before except for a friend stabbing someone that was bullying him, after months and months of getting bullied. He stayed in jail for one day.

  shanepitman said:
Oh believe me, they did take equipment. They took every computer I had (about 10 or so at the time), whether it had anything illegal on it or not. They said "anything that doesn't have illegal material on it will be returned to you" which was a total lie. I had a G4 server that I had just loaded OS X on (legally), nothing else, just the OS. I have the box and the CD's here, but they never returned it, and they never will.


It might take a bit longer. I got my computer stuff back (including all the illegal stuff, except for burned CDs) back about a year after I did my CS (no prison though)/2 years after they took it. Of course that wasn't in the US though.

  warning1 said:
Just like to say that you are obviously a pretty strong person, athough i have not heard of your exploits from what it sounds you have been through a hell of a lot and you seem to have resurfaced still intact. You also seem to have been treated pretty harshly and wrongly from what i have heard, and i do also believe that you could make quite an interesting bio on your time in prison and the ways you were treated.

Just wondering - any writers on neowin be interested in doing this? Obviously only if you didn't want to do it yourself as bios can be quite complex, and also writing is boring. lol.

PS: Wish you the best of luck with the interview  :) !


I wouldn't be opposed to writing a book with someone who had more writing experience than I, especially someone who had biographical experience.

  Section 31 said:
Good luck on the job interview. I hope you get the job.

Did you get raped in jail? The reason I'm asking that is because I've seen police videos of cops catching guards raping inmates. And sometimes putting their head in the inmate's toilet, forcing them to make bubbles in their own feces/water mixture. I apologize if this sounds nasty but I am really curious. I don't know anyone that has been to jail before except for a friend stabbing someone that was bullying him, after months and months of getting bullied. He stayed in jail for one day.


No, I didn't get raped or anything like that. The homosexuals pretty much keep to themselves from what I've seen, at least at the minimum and low security levels. At those low levels everyone has at the most 10 years to go, and nobody wants to get a time increase for doing something stupid, so everyone pretty much leaves everyone else alone. As for the guards, for the most part they are only there for the paycheck and the retirement. As long as you don't cause excessive work for them, they don't bother you. There are some hard nosed ones, but they're usually new and inexperienced and trying to prove themselves. Now in the hole, I saw inmates who would hold crap in their hand and when the guards would open the slot in the door to hand them their food tray or clothing or whatever, the inmates would throw the crap on the guards. They spit on them, stuffed things in their toilets to flood the cell block if they weren't happy with the food or for whatever, sometimes just out of boredom. They'd bang on the doors, the metal shower stalls, anything to make noise, and this went on 24/7 day and night.

  Cephas said:
It might take a bit longer. I got my computer stuff back (including all the illegal stuff, except for burned CDs) back about a year after I did my CS (no prison though)/2 years after they took it. Of course that wasn't in the US though.


Nah, they sent me some forms in the mail that pretty much said my stuff was gone. They were going to auction it or sell it off or something.

SO lets see Shane Pitman...

they confiscated your stuff, all the legal stuff to.....told you that you would get it back, but then pretty much lied....i that legal?...I ask this because this has been something that has been talked about...

also.....the Warden/whatnot thingy that took place.....what happened with that situation?...

Let alone transfered just because of the above incident because the guy wanted to get back at the person...I would say make a formal complaint to the Governer asking for an apollogy, let alone returning or even paying back what possesions they removed from you, if not, complain to your state senator/congressmen...maybe even finding out if there is a class action Lawsuit against the state or prison for such things...not that you want to get legally involved....

And yes we want to hear your story....maybe throw it in members metropolis, or achievements....we are curious...

  kennyout said:
SO lets see Shane Pitman...

they confiscated your stuff, all the legal stuff to.....told you that you would get it back, but then pretty much lied....i that legal?...I ask this because this has been something that has been talked about...

also.....the Warden/whatnot thingy that took place.....what happened with that situation?...

Let alone transfered just because of the above incident because the guy wanted to get back at the person...I would say make a formal complaint to the Governer asking for an apollogy, let alone returning or even paying back what possesions they removed from you, if not, complain to your state senator/congressmen...maybe even finding out if there is a class action Lawsuit against the state or prison for such things...not that you want to get legally involved....

And yes we want to hear your story....maybe throw it in members metropolis, or achievements....we are curious...



that's definitely a COME BACK!!!!!

watch the officials get ****ed off for that loop hole if he really files charges or complains. but would those corrupted punks ignore him or pay attention to him?

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

  Section 31 said:
Good luck on the job interview. I hope you get the job.

Did you get raped in jail? The reason I'm asking that is because I've seen police videos of cops catching guards raping inmates. And sometimes putting their head in the inmate's toilet, forcing them to make bubbles in their own feces/water mixture. I apologize if this sounds nasty but I am really curious. I don't know anyone that has been to jail before except for a friend stabbing someone that was bullying him, after months and months of getting bullied. He stayed in jail for one day.


You know what... you should be banned for being an idiot... do you think it is very respectable to ask someone if they have been raped in jail? I guess your parents didn't teach you very much...

This has sickened me terribly to think that someone has no cooth and can ask questions as this...

Good luck with the interview Shane.

Is totally unjust the legal system that is designed to protect us all and be fair to those in guilt or innocence isn't as transparent as it should be.

Is there no sort of system where you can report your prison experience? Even if there was, I doubt anyone would really pay attention.

They totally took the hard line on you for committing what at the end of the day was a 'white collar' offence. I hope that life treats you better from now on, I certainly think you deserve it!


  kennyout said:
SO lets see Shane Pitman...

they confiscated your stuff, all the legal stuff to.....told you that you would get it back, but then pretty much lied....i that legal?...I ask this because this has been something that has been talked about...

also.....the Warden/whatnot thingy that took place.....what happened with that situation?...

Let alone transfered just because of the above incident because the guy wanted to get back at the person...I would say make a formal complaint to the Governer asking for an apollogy, let alone returning or even paying back what possesions they removed from you, if not, complain to your state senator/congressmen...maybe even finding out if there is a class action Lawsuit against the state or prison for such things...not that you want to get legally involved....

And yes we want to hear your story....maybe throw it in members metropolis, or achievements....we are curious...


I'd be glad to go in to more detail if enough people were indeed interested. I have to admit that it's a little intimidating. There's so much that I could tell that would probably surprise a lot of people.

  cashbo said:
You know what... you should be banned for being an idiot... do you think it is very respectable to ask someone if they have been raped in jail?  I guess your parents didn't teach you very much...

This has sickened me terribly to think that someone has no cooth and can ask questions as this...


It's ok. I've heard all the "don't drop the soap" jokes and questions like this before. thanks to movies and TV everyone wants to know what it's like and what really happens.

  dougal.s said:
Good luck with the interview Shane.

Is totally unjust the legal system that is designed to protect us all and be fair to those in guilt or innocence isn't as transparent as it should be.

Is there no sort of system where you can report your prison experience? Even if there was, I doubt anyone would really pay attention.

They totally took the hard line on you for committing what at the end of the day was a 'white collar' offence. I hope that life treats you better from now on, I certainly think you deserve it!



Honestly, at this point, I'm just trying to get back to living my life without being afraid to live. I don't know if I have any recourse or if I did if I would pursue it. I still peek out the window blinds when a car pulls in the driveway out of paranoia. I've heard so many stories of probation officers violating people on probation (which I am for the next three years) and sending them back to prison. I'm scared to fart in public for fear they'll accuse me of something and send me back.

You said you were in the cell with another guy in the last part? What was it like to be stuck like that for so long? You could get some pretty intense conversations like that. What was that part like? I honestly would probably go insane if i was trapped alone, but I would probably still get really messed with someone there, no personal space.

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