Official WinHEC 2005 Thread

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Doesn't look anything different than Windows XP. It looks ugly...but i guess this is not even close to final version, it's more experimental.

I'm more interesting what's under hood :)

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oops...  looks like it's 17:30 for the keynote guys.  Sorry for the mistake.


I thought Bill was late then :laugh: ,oh well another hour to wait

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oops...  looks like it's 17:30 for the keynote guys.  Sorry for the mistake.


Oh yeah, thanks a lot.


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Aah, Mr. Axel. I can see how you've got your wires crossed there. That summary page is all over the shop. I went to the actual city page for the time. Anyway, no harm done. It's better to be early rather than late for Uncle Bill's speech.

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You don't have to keep it on until it starts you know, you can do something else. Christ, I though I was a geek.


BUt how are you going to know when its on if your not watching? Appart from checking here of course. ;)

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And besides, getting a connection now might be better than waiting until it starts. From past experience, you always get server timeouts and poor speeds when you join at the advertised time. Although saying that my speed has dropped from 300 to 166 now! LOL.

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