XPM Classic

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My apologies, life as it is, has been very busy. To top it all off, the copy of StyleBuilder I have (early version) can open and allow me to edit the theme, and even compile it. But! When I try to apply the VS (by double-clicking) the msstyle, it throws an error. I cannot for the life of me find StyleBuilder 2.0 or 2.5.

It's one thing after another!

Plus I've been argueing with Alan Zeino, who has ripped Opus OS for his own 'theme', which kinda put me off skinning also. I might even post the PM's because it has annoyed me that much.

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My apologies, life as it is, has been very busy. To top it all off, the copy of StyleBuilder I have (early version) can open and allow me to edit the theme, and even compile it. But! When I try to apply the VS (by double-clicking) the msstyle, it throws an error. I cannot for the life of me find StyleBuilder 2.0 or 2.5.

It's one thing after another!

Plus I've been argueing with Alan Zeino, who has ripped Opus OS for his own 'theme', which kinda put me off skinning also. I might even post the PM's because it has annoyed me that much.


That sucks b0se. You dont need to apolagise, i'm sure we can wait :).

Feel free to post the pm's. I wouldn't mind knowing what Alan Zeino has to say for that kind of disgusting behaviour :no:. Opus OS was and is one of your best themes, and it's just disgusting that someone will rip it for their own personal gain :angry:

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My apologies, life as it is, has been very busy. To top it all off, the copy of StyleBuilder I have (early version) can open and allow me to edit the theme, and even compile it. But! When I try to apply the VS (by double-clicking) the msstyle, it throws an error. I cannot for the life of me find StyleBuilder 2.0 or 2.5.

It's one thing after another!

Plus I've been argueing with Alan Zeino, who has ripped Opus OS for his own 'theme', which kinda put me off skinning also. I might even post the PM's because it has annoyed me that much.


Nice to hear an update. Hope everything turns out right :D

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Sorry to hear that Ross. As for looking for SB 2.0 or 2.5, isn't the current build 2.0 BETA? That could be why you can't find it. If you mean you want 1.0 let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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I hope you will keep at your wonderful work, ross. From the comments on every one of your themes you can see that many people appriciate you and your work, and i for one do hope you will continue to bring us some of the best visual eyecandy we can find ;)

Have you been able to get a working copy of StyleBuilder ?

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Thanks for the support guys!

Alan, I didn't post anything publically, only my annoyance. You pasted parts of the PM conversation we had. Like AgentSmith says - keep it out of this thread.

The second I get hold of a working StyleBuilder (not version 1), I'll get on with the theme. Until then, my hands are tied. Like I said, I refuse to pay for software that promotes software. It's disgusting on TGTSoft's part. I also had no reply about a licence, even though they did indeed send me one before.

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Hey guys and gals!

I've been stupidly busy as of late, but at night I've been finding myself fiddling in StyleBuilder. I was after a theme that resembled Classic, with with some colour. Not as much as Codename Opus however, this one is really a classic based theme.



I'm extremely happy with it at the moment, I've been using it to develop on for a few weeks and it's still as appealing to me, I hope it's like that for anybody who fancies the look of it. I used bright blues for buttons, scrollbar hovers etc to remind me that summer is on its way!

To do:


Start panel (erk)


I'm using the Codename Opus widgets (tickboxes, sliders) so I do not have to touch them (booyah!).

ETA: 2 weeks...

BTW: Please refrain yourselves from "That looks like XYZ" (not seen anything like it personally!), I've been developing this using only classic with no influences whatsoever. Been away from the scene for months!


looks prettyjust one request can you add some 2 tone dark/black color for people whos there pc mostly at night like myself. Too much bright ness hurts after a long while.

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this looks like a terrificificicific theme, i can't wait.

As for Alan, i have no doubts that you can put together a theme with your own work, and i would use one of your themes (because they so closely resemble b0se and bants work) however i think you need to stop modifying others themes, and try something really creative

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The problem isnt getting him a working version.. The problem is it needs to be kosher ;)


Someone could install the trial, and he could remote access in? ;)

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Must wait for this beautiful theme.... :cry:


yepp we've pretty much established that

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i think 2 weeks are now equal to 2 months


Man, stop going on. The man's trying hard. You try and make something that tops his quality. ;)

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i think 2 weeks are now equal to 2 months


b0se works you know... he gotta survive... what about if you make those 2 weeks, 2 years, that way, if the theme comes before you cna feel good! -.-...

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