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Looking good :) Will you be releasing with multiple colour options? ^.^


Single colour - RC1. That way I can manage bug fixes and design requests a lot easier. Once they are all ironed out (hopefully none though!) I'll release the final version which will have colour and font choices.

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Single colour - RC1. That way I can manage bug fixes and design requests a lot easier. Once they are all ironed out (hopefully none though!) I'll release the final version which will have colour and font choices.


Mouth Melting... I Want it.. :) :woot:

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I think you should all calm down and remember it is only a vs ! I am in no way putting down xpm (it is one hella of a vs)...


Mmmmm... progress bar.......

I'm at 95%. I'd imagine it will be ready tomorrow night, I've nearly finished but it takes an age to prepare the release etc so I doubt it will all be managed tonight.

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Mmmmm... progress bar.......

I'm at 95%. I'd imagine it will be ready tomorrow night, I've nearly finished but it takes an age to prepare the release etc so I doubt it will all be managed tonight.


I Hope soon.. :)

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Rome was built quicker.. :D

im takin it that all the drooling here is being done from that tiny screenshot of a mockup??

la la la la get a grip people la la la la :laugh:

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